Top Thrill Dragster 2022 Status

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jimmyburke's avatar

RCMAC, perhaps they could fly that drone a tad further to the old Matterhorn/Scrambler area. I like your Food Truck idea. A couple years ago I think they had a dedicated area in that spot across from the stage/Iron Dragon entrance which was the access to the Monster Truck site. I recall quite a few food trucks there at the time.


I just can't wait for the next update with crappy guitar music and computer generated voice-over!

Come to think of it, that music reminds of the original TTD announcement video from CP.

Yes and they always seemed a little in the way or something. I seem to remember they also positioned some along the center islands. And one of my Top Five Rules of Life is “Never Stop to do Anything Under a Skyride.”

Plague on Wheels's avatar

"The triangular shape is a very odd shape for a Queue Line, therefore I'm like 99.999% that its not for a Queue Line"

You heard it there first fellas. Think again, it ain't a Queue Line. Well, I guess there is a 1 in 100000 chance its a queue line. So you're tellin' me there's a chance!

Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.

CoasterLine's avatar

Seeing the new land movement behind Coasters, I would imagine it's going to be used as an access way to whatever "might be a spike" construction they are doing, as you can see gravel fill completing the access way on the lagoon side of the fence along the midway as well.

In my ideal end scenario, I would love to see this area accessible permanently to avoid the long goose-neck you have to take now to get around the lagoon.

Yeah I’d like to see them pave the entire park so you can just walk in a straight line to wherever you want to go.

TTD 120mph's avatar

The triangular platform, given the presence of pilings and what appear to be large wooden planks to distribute weight, appear to be temporary, but much more stable access points for very heavy equipment. Whatever equipment is going to be used there, they are ensuring it does not shift during use. So I'd guess a large crane will be situated on the platform. And given they went to the considerable expense of creating this off the midway, when presumably they could have used the midway itself at less expense and trouble, I'd further guess they intend on employing the use of this platform during the operating season.

I definitely agree with this. With all this activity going on in the lagoon, it must be extensive enough to warrant a platform such as this to be built. It also makes me wonder what these items are for.

Looks to be rebar in the bottom circle? And what looks to be large metal pipes of some kind. Perhaps for drainage?

It'll be interesting to see how this all progresses over the coming weeks/months. At least for the time being, the triangle is no more than a secure level platform for heavy equipment.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I am guessing that is caisson sleeve for holes that will be drilled in each of the three corners. https://www.pittsburghpipe....they-work/

Last edited by jo linn,

Casing sleeves was my initial reaction but it seems odd that they would be that short. It does not make sense to field weld them into longer sections as it is always easier to do shop welding rather than field welding.

The bottom left items look too big of a diameter to be rebar to me. I would guess small bore pipe.

It seems to me like they’re building a land bridge to get machinery and supply in when the season gears up. And they’ll probably use the Cedars plot as staging ground.

After seeing the above Google Map pic, I was curious about some things so I went to Street View and ended up having a good laugh. Might be time for an update.

Kevinj's avatar

A land bridge, you say?

Promoter of fog.

Check out this pic from a different angle (similar to the one 3 posts above) taken from a park map:

I firmly believe ( in my unpopular opinion) , that the above water area , to the RIGHT and UNDER the words "Iron Dragon" will be mostly, if not TOTALLY filled in with cement in the next year to allow for further construction in this area and for the expansion of TTD 2.0. *** If this DOES in fact happen, this will be the last year for ID at the end of the 23' season unless is it drastically re-rerouted further to the right, parallel to the current midway by Power Tower. Just my 2c.

PS.... I can see a new permanent cofferdam being installed (left to right ) behind the current ID station to cut off the lagoon in that area.

Last edited by CPfan1976,

If indeed this construction is for some sort of swing launch spike it would seem to require some sort of re-profiling of that section of ID track at the very least.

Came up with another potential queue idea.

Kevinj's avatar

Allow me to take us onto an exit ramp for a moment.

Am I the only one who would love to see a documentary done about what is currently happening? I'm sort of a documentary nerd. I always tell my students that if it was made well enough, I could fall in love with a documentary on how carpet is made.

But what about how a roller coaster is made?

Point being...I have long felt that parks like Cedar Point are sitting on a (albeit fan-specific) goldmine of having the ability to show, step-by-step, what happens behind the scenes around the construction of a new coaster from start to finish. Considering the drama behind TTD's past, present, and future, how great would it be to see a documentary about the story of what is unfolding?

That's all. Go back to whatever you were talking about. Triangles, land bridges, the end of Iron Dragon, Spikes....

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

^^yeah I agree 100%. Remember that documentary for Gatekeeper? I'd love to see a documentary similar to that with this!

Kevinj's avatar

Yes. I would argue that Jeff's "Where the Roller Coasters Come From" is the closest thing we have to this.

Last edited by Jeff,

Promoter of fog.

CoasterLine's avatar

Discovery Channel did a special covering the entire construction of both Lightning Racer and Steel Dragon 2000.

Used to love the spring "amusement park week" Discovery used to do every year. Ah, nostalgia.

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