TLC or RIP??

I'm not sure how good re-tracking it as a standard wood coaster would do. It's already been retracked, and it's done so eventually piece by piece every morning by a team of six carpenters (I hope they are referring to actual carpenters, not the 60's music group or there's the problem right there ;) ). CCI hasn't touched anything over about 130 feet, so I'm not sure they'd want to put there reputation on the line, that's even if they re-track coasters. What puzzles me is If the track is receiving a good job from the carpenters, why has the ride decayed since the beginning? The answer has to be

A. The carpenters are actually the music group and do not do a good job.
B. CP hasn't cared to maintain the trains
C. Something to do with the structure
D. None of the Above.

My answer is B.
New track, same trains, but a different ride.


All I have to say is if it's too rough, don't ride. If a coaster can rough me up like Mean Streak or Outer Limits: Flight of Fear, then it's an awesome ride.
So why are the trims still on the first drop of this ride? Somebody PLEASE! give some kind of half-assed explanation. *** This post was edited by Superstew on 2/9/2001. ***
From what my understanding of it all is it's because the coaster was going too fast around the first turn and shaking itself to death. If this isn't what the reason really is, someone please explain to us the reason.
Cedar Point '00
Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 35
Maybe if they have CCI do some work on it, like add some steel suports to the ride in spots where it needs it. CCI is already very good at steel suports, wood tracks, why not let them work their magic.

We bought a lifetime supply of pudding? How wasted were we last night?!
*Dude, Where's my car?*
Jeff's avatar
There already are steel supports in places. What is CCI going to do with a flawed design?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
Can a wooden tracked coaster BE re-tracked with steel? Or can't it because it was originally engineered for a wooden track? I was just curious because the notion was brought up before, and I liked the idea. Just wanted to know if it was possible.

Mike McCormack
Millennium Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum XL-200: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 36
I don't see why not, it just would not work the other way around I think. Example- Gemini's supports are quite spread out.

As for the notion, I think it would cost more than it would to return it to it's former glory. New Train's and Custom desgined tubular steel track are not cheep I imagine. My bet is the odds of that happening are right up there with tearing it down.

It would be fun to have a 4th Mine Train!
Mine Trains Rule!!!

Pete's avatar
"The ga zillion trim brakes all over this coaster is the saddest thing I have ever seen"

Mean Streak's trim brakes are on the first drop and the mid-course block brakes are used as trims. That's it, but those first drop brakes certainly change the entire ride. Mean Streak needs four things to make it a great ride. First, lubricate the track! I don't care if the train is articulated, it still needs lubrication so that the road steel doesn't get torn up with groves. Second, put some nice soft padding on the trains. That is the primary problem with the trains. The track is not really very rough at all. It's just that every little bump is transferred to your body because of the hard foam seatbacks. Make it soft and CP will not hear any more roughness complaints. Third, reprofile the second half of the ride to provide airtime. Create some nice bunny hops out of the boring ramps that are on the second half of this ride. Fourth, remove the first drop trims and let the ride run at top speed. The first two modifications make the trims unnecessary. That's it, if CP does those four things, Mean Streak could be a top 10 ride.
I personally enjoy Meanstreak because I am of the belief that a bad woodie is better then a good steelie. Yes, I am crazy, case closed.

The problem I see is that Cedar Point's enormous popularity coupled with it's relative lack of really outstanding woodies might turn some people off to woodies entirely. Not everybody visits a thousand parks in a season or has such an intense interest in coasters as we may. Joe Blow will only visit CP, ride Mean Streak, hurt his back, and get off concluding that all woodies are rough, violent, and not worth riding (or building?). Wouldn't that be a tragedy?

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