TLC or RIP??

Since the "Woodie Record-Breaker" thread was sort of getting off track with the discussion about Mean Streak (mostly caused by myself), I pose this question. Many of you out there either have one of two opinions on one of my favorite coasters, Mean Streak. Either A.) You love it; or B.) You hate it. But given your own opinion of the ride, what would you rather seen done with the Mean Streak, or the land that it is on in the future? Do you A.) want Cedar Point to finally really give it some TLC and make it the great ride that it should be and what they expected it to be? or would you rather B.) see them rip it down and build anew on the site? A CCI or GCI twiser? Or even a Mean Streak recreation (without all the problems)? Personally, I would love to see them give it some old fashioned TLC and fix what needs to be fixed. A Raptor (or any other) paint job can wait...use the apx $14M income from the season and do what it takes to make an ex-great woodie (still great in my mind)come back to life.
Mike McCormack
Millennium Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum XL-200: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 36
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Good thread topic!! Personally I like Mean Streak overall and would like to see more of a complete over haul done to it but this could prove very costly and expensive. Common sense may prevail and it may make more sense for CP to either leave it the way it is (which would not bother me - I Like the roughness of a woodie like MS) or "fix whats only neccessary to make it less violent." CP has proven to be very reluctant and will not as history shows for the most part tear down any coasters. However as i see it a "fix whats only neccessary" scenario may just mean a "complete overhaul!!" Just my $.02

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!! *** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 2/1/2001. ***
Get rid of the trims on the 1st hill and put some grease on the track. Besides that its a good coaster. I never want to see any of CP's coasters get torn down. Maybe leave mean streak as is and just build a new woodie and let the people who like MS still be able to enjoy it.
Completely remove the track (all of it) and have CCI or GCI replace the track and cars. Get rid of the trim bracks. Lastly, redesign the end of the ride bu putting in a helix or some bunny-hops with more airtime.

It's too beautiful of a ride to tear down and I am convinced they can fix the problems. I just don't understand why they haven't yet?

Hey, if Kennywood can overhaul and redesign Steel Phantom, why can't CP do the same with MS.

*** This post was edited by net on 2/1/2001. ***
Why spend millions fixing what's not broken? The Gang of Four, my coasting companions, always enjoy our rides on Mean Streak. Not our favorite, to be sure, but a ride we always enjoy.
I say get some new trains and make sure that the track stays greased. That should solve about half of the problems right there.

Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP
A little TLC and remove the trims and you've got a great ride. I personally like Mean Streak and would hate to see it torn down.
Everyone is saying take off the trims, but if you do that the ride will be more rough, I like it the way it is.

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
I say if you have to do anything at all, get better articulative trains, and if that's not enough, re-track some of the turns. And most of all, GET RID OF THOSE TRIMS!!!
TLC baby! Tearing the MS down is not even an option. In fact, it's out right ridiculous.

First and foremost, Cedar Point has to undo the most heinous and hideous crime an amusement park can commit. Putting trim brakes on the first drop of a rollercoaster. A wooden one at that, which makes it even worse. After they correct this bone -headed mistake, then they can concentrate on the other issues.
I'm actually surprised at how many so far have responded with positive thoughts of the ride as is. That's the way I feel about it. I love it as it is. A woodie is supposed to be rough...and Mean Streak lives up to its name...being meanly rough. But if they can do something with it to make it better, and so it doesn't shake itself to splinters, I would hope CP sees this thread and considers it. Sure we are all a small portion of all that go to Cedar Point...but to have this many in one place...on a web-site...that has to open eyes somewhere!

Mike McCormack
Millennium Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum XL-200: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 36
Mean Streak, not bad, but not good. I used to think it was the best ride in the park. It has always been a bit rough, but now it's very rough and very slow. I'd rather see it very very rough and very fast, like the name Implies "Mean Streak" Right now it's just Mean and Slow. They need to something to make it great again, and looking at it isn't cutting it.

Joe *** This post was edited by Joe E. on 2/1/2001. ***
Actually, a woodie isn't supposed to be rough. It's supposed to be violent.

Summers&Dinn never seemed to understand that.

I'm disappointed in MS. It used to be pretty good, now it's good and pretty. =)
I have been on plenty of coasters (wooden) that are very comfortable, just slightly rough. Mean Streak is very rough. You either like it or you don't. CP did not name it Mean Streak because they thought it was going to be too rough. It just turned out that way.

I'm not sure what PKI did with the Beast last year, but that is the smoothest that coaster has ran in years. Hopefully the same can happen to MS. It is without a doubt the most beautiful coaster I have seen.
I sat RIP! You must admit, MS is the biggest "black eye" on the peninsula. I say yank the MS and build a duling GCI woodie. You would get 2 good coasters to replace the one, upping the precious coaster count in the process. Believe me, few MS diehards would be holding a candle for this, after riding a real woodie.

Only 2290½ miles from Cedar Po!nt *** This post was edited by Soggy on 2/2/2001. ***

Here's a lovely idea. Let's cut our nose off to spite our face. Tearing MS down would make about as much sense as using screen doors in a submarine. Forget it. You can have your GCI dueling woodie but damn it anyhow, we're keeping Mean Streak. This ride was awesome once. The only reason it's not still, is because a bunch of puddin' pies were crying, it's to rough, OHH! it's just to rough. I think I bruised my little pinky. Then of course, CP had to step in and screw everything up, by committing the cardinal sin, fixing what was never broken in the first place.

Good going guys. May be if we whine and belly-ache a little more, we can get Millennium Force chopped down to 150 ft. and 50 m.p.h.

*** This post was edited by Superstew on 2/2/2001. *** *** This post was edited by Superstew on 2/2/2001. ***
Here's an idea. A serious one. Replace the trains, but be innovative and create new ones. Include on the trains some sort of suspension system, like shocks. I don't know if the current woodie trains in existance have a suspension, if they do, overhaul the ideas used and make it better. That would cut down greatly on the roughness of the ride.

I personally love MS, especially the sort of screaming noise it makes toward evenings on humid days when a storm is coming in (you all know the sound and love it too).

-The Pants Has Spoken
"Yellow line? What Yellow Line..."
like music to my ears
I say TLC totaly! MS is a fun coaster, it just needs a little work. Maybe just some new trains, and some re-tracking, re-designing, and un-braking would bring this ride back to the full glory of it's opening year.

We bought a lifetime supply of pudding? How wasted were we last night?!
*Dude, Where's my car?*
Rideman has been throwing the "more articulative train" idea around for a while.

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