TLC or RIP??

The only thing that really gets me about this coaster is the drop...IT'S TERRIBLE!!!! The Blue Streak feels taller going down that drop. 165 ft that feels like 60.

MS was poorly designed from the start. It was basically a taller, yet watered down version of the Texas Giant (those are the actual designer's comments, not mine). Since its construction, it has been watered down even more, (thank the Puddin' Pies for that). I admit the MS is a beautiful showpiece (visually) but that can only keep me interested for about 5 minutes. Plenty of people really have high hopes for this giant, but give up, it was flawed from the word go. Now it's time to let it go.

I realize that mine is not the popular opinion here. I also realize that MS will be going nowehere for at least 10 years, maybe longer.

What really stinks is that ANY woodie that goes into CP will most likely get the puddin' pie treatment. I hope the rumored CCI will deliver the goods, I am afraid it too will be "toned down" to the GP's tastes.

Only 2290½ miles from Cedar Po!nt
The 1st coaster that i ever rode at cedar point was the mean streak. It is STILL one of the best woodies around evan though cedar point has tryed to soften it up some. This is a spectacular ride and a little tlc will make it the best all over again. We just need to get rid of those trim brakes and let the sucker fly, and maybe some new trains. Woodies were ment to be rough and fast please dont get rid of the mean streak.
All of the Summers/Dinn mega woodies (Hercules, Mean Streak, and Texas Giant), the SOB, and the original Fiesta Texas Rattler all have 2 things in common, Drop size in excess of 135 feet, and horrendous roughness. Now look at the American Eagle at SFGAmerica and PKI's Beast, they also have drops in excess of 135 feet, but are rideable, and not at all terribly rough. What is the difference?? Is it the trains??? Beast and American Eagle use PTC three bench while all of the Summers/Dinn and Rattler use PTC 2 bench, and SOB uses Premier trains that are supposed to give a smooth ride (they don't). Could it be the track layering?? It seems that the Beast and AMerican Eagle use 9 layers of wood as opposed to the other coasters 7 layers?? In any event, the track MUST be smoother before they turn off the trims. As for the overall design, I have always felt, even the first year, that it was poor. Take the first drop. The radius at the top of the hill is way way way too huge. I have never felt air coming over that hill. They should drastically shorten the radius. Originally, after the first drop to the block brake was pretty fun prior to the trims and severe roughness. Then, they tweaked the 3rd drop to remove air time. After the block, the ride is basically rough and boring, very wide, unexciting curves, and hills designed to limit air time. I say fix the track, reprofile the first drop, return the 3rd hill back to it's original glory, and redesign the bottom layer (and maybe add a layer-there is plenty of speed) so that it has air and better, more interesting curves.

Idora Wildcat
Just in case everyone doesn't know this...

The guy who did most of (or all?) the designing of MS died exactly one year to the day after MS opened...


-The Pants Has Spoken
"Yellow line? What Yellow Line..."
Keep MS, but make some major overhauls to the ride and the area it sits in. To start, MS is a major "Capital Hog" for CP; they spend more money maintaining it then they should considering how low of ridership it has. Look at it's queue line, there's hardly ever a line that is more than 20 minutes long. It attracts very few riders, and for one main problem: it's too secluded. There is too many trees, buildings, and junk in front of it, thus making it hard to find and hard to get to. CP needs to clear a few trees, and raze a few buildings. When the buildings were built that stand in front of MS, they were laid out to block from view what was then nothing but trees, the bone yard, and an area that was not yet, at that time, part of the park. Today, however, the layout of the buildings no longer serves their purpose for blocking out trees and the bone yard. The buildings now obstruct MS from direct view and are just unnecessary overkill. SHOW ME SOME WOOD! They need to cut some trees and raze some of the buildings so MS and all of it's beautiful wood can be seen in all it's glory from Frontier Town. It would make this area of the park look so much better, plus MS would be able to attract more guests to ride it.

As far as roughness... Two things can happen, they should contract CCI to retract it, or have the track redone in steel tube to give it a Gemini like ride. If they were to steel tube it, they should have a new woodie already build and open for business before they make that type of a change. *** This post was edited by Vince on 2/5/2001. ***
One other thing about the buildings issue... I've been going to CP my whole life and now know the park layout like the back of my hand. But, when ever I go to ride MS, I still sometimes make a wrong turn, dead ending into the train station, and having to go back around the portrait shop in order to cross the tracks to MS's enterence. Now if I still make this error every so often, just amagine someone who is new to CP or doesn't go to the park very often. For a guest new to CP, this must be extreamly confussing.
Vince said "It attracts very few's too secluded...thus making it hard to find and hard to get to"

I agree. When I went on MS for the first time this summer, I couldn't find the queue line. It wasn't until I realized it was across the CP&LE tracks that I found it. But that's the thing, its across the tracks, and I think its the ONLY thing that is across the tracks. If the line was more out on the midway a bit, it maybe easier for riders to get on the ride.

Mike McCormack
Millennium Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum XL-200: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 36
With all due respect guys, that's a bunch of bull.

Mean Streak is the 3rd tallest coaster in the place, 6th tallest overall and has probably the biggest super-sctructure out of everything in the park. People that can't find the MS probably also get lost in their back yard. Good heavens... Talk about no sense of direction. Sounds likes it's time for a little refresher class in Geography 101.

And hey! you can always bring a compass with you ;)

I agree about making the wrong turn back by MS. I always think that I should have turned some place when I'm just fine. I've had some people actually asked me before how to get back there.
Now the first time it will be hard to find, but I think people would eventually find it. Also there are maps, CP_Bounds, and park employees to help people. Now if you can't see the thing, certainly you can hear it.

Yes, The entrance is a bit secluded, but there is only one path that leads back there (not counting service roads). To head west to Mean Streak, the only other place you can even go is in the train station, except now maybes with lighthouse point. I have a feeling most peopled will do what Vince did, or ask. There not going to give up riding and say (RCT quote)"I can't find Mean Streak".

Still it's location isn't exactly prime real estate. Most CP patrons bounce around the park and eventually make their way back there. And after 8 or 9 that area is dead so for a portion of the day, MS is not getting any attention, especially now that Raptor, MF, Power Tower, and Mantis have opened in front of it. People had No trouble finding it in 1991. *** 2 1/2 Hour wait***.

Joe E

LuvRaptor's avatar
I have ridden "The Beast" over 300x....I would never even think of the word rough (except for going thru the helix in the end-that is kind of rough) when I think of that ride,long boring train ride actually-but never rough
MS on the other hand KILLS your kidneys/liver and any other internal organs that may become prey to the seat. The ga zillion trim brakes all over this coaster is the saddest thing I have ever seen-how it manages to make it up the 1st hill amazes me. (The secret to MS-ride the front car and lean out-then its a breeze!)Also note here that MS was one the PM ERT coasters for '99 Coastermania-wasnt in '00 and BS going to be one of the AM ERT coasters for '01...go figure! CP says that MS has its "following" - I can happily skip this coaster and do if the wait is longer than 15 minutes-Id rather ride Gemini!!
Some gasoline and a nicely placed match
I figure all that wood-should go up in a nice fireball. We call this ride "Mean Squeak"
rather fitting wouldnt you say?

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
Superstew: About the secluded MS enterance, while the coaster itself is easy to spot,(due to its height) the enterance to the queue was not. I was a first timer at CP this past summer, and while looking at the map, I honestly could not locate the correct path to MS's queue. The railroad crossed me up a bit.

I TOTALLY disagree with ANYONE who says that MS is, or ever was "One of the best woodies around." Get on a CCI and you will see what a REAL wood coaster is all about. I almost guarantee you will want to strike the match and give the MS a proper cremation once you have experienced a ride as good as Shivering Timbers, Ghostrider or Raven.
Note, I am not trying to start any flame wars, just stating my opinion.
Only 2290½ miles from Cedar Po!nt
"It is STILL one of the best woodies around"

This was said earlier in a post...yeah still one of the best...wrong! It rated 153rd out of 163 in the last wooden coaster poll!!!!Thats saying something when the wolverine wildcat and zach's zoomer (a kiddie type coaster) both at michigans adventure beat it out! I like mean streak but mostly because im partial to CP. They really have to do something about there woodie rep.
Personally, I think that TLC is the route to go. Here is why:
I think that from a historical standpoint, we have a fairly rare coaster with Mean Streak being a Summers and Dinn wooden juggernaut. I think that something is to be said for the fast, rough ride that the coaster gives as it is unique not only to woodies, but to all coasters. That said, I think a few changes need to be made.
1. I think that new trains could make a world of difference.
2. I also think, after working at the park and driving behind the Mean Streak everyday, that the biggest problem appears to be the first turn. I would reprofile (reconstruct even?) the first high turn, remove the trim brakes on the first drop, and go from there. I would hate to see the ride torn down because it has a lot of potential. Unfortunately, Cedar Point doesn't seem to put enough energy into upkeep--not only on the Mean Streak, but on the park as a whole. I think that rectifying the Mean Streak would give the park some really good press in the eyes of enthusiasts everywhere, particularly with the stigma attached to Cedar Point's wooden roller coasters.
hey cedarpoint chic where can i find this almighty poll where it has the mean streak rated 153 out of 163? Because if i remember corectly there was a poll by amusement today that came out at the end of this summer and it had the ms in the top 25. now i could be wrong but i do belive i am right.

Thats the poll, and here's a thread with a nice debate about it

The main theme of that though was the validity of the poll. I for one had a tough time accepting that coaster that are only half standing that have not been ridden in years (Idora Wildcat) are accepted in the poll. Also a coaster was included that has been SNBO for quite some time and made about a 40 point jump up in the ranks from one year. Sentimental vote or not, the poll is saying that it got better just by sitting there. A nice looking poll, but with more people and getting rid of those minor flaws it could be better.

My opinion is that Mean Steak is probably not a top 25 coaster anymore, but definitely can't be so bad to be one of the worst 10.

Mean Streak scores so low because people expect it not to suck, and find that it does. It suffers in the scores for what it could have been. Look at how SoB did.
Man.. that's cold. . . Sucks...If it does "suck", it's surely not through any fault of its own.
After considering more and more options that could occur with the Mean Streak, I guess my top two choices for what should be done with the ride are these. 1.) Have CP let CCI re-track, bring in new trains, or both. OR 2.) Contract somebody to re-track the entire course with steel tubing, like Gemini, and new trains would then naturally follow suit. I think by doing this, you would have a win-win situation. Cedar Point would then either have a good (maybe even great) woodie, or even maybe a good (maybe even great) steel coaster. Cedar Point has always had success with steel coasters, and maybe it wasn't meant to be steel, but this coaster may just thrive because of a new steel track installed onto it.

Mike McCormack
Millennium Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum XL-200: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 36

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