This clip answears A LOT of questions!

An answer to Ensign Smith from an actual mechanical engineer... Thge vertical lift is completely possible yet very improbable. For 1 the evacuation thing that was brought up would be next to impossible, as it is already very difficult on millenium force which has a 45* angle of ascent. Another thing you have to realize is that when a coaster is going up a hill at a 45* angle, you have 1/2 of the weight of the train pushing down on the track and subsequently its supports, and the other half of the weight of the train being suspended by the actual lift cable itself. If you increase the lift hill angle to 60* it becomes 2/3 of the trains weight on the cable, and at 90* it is 100% of the trains weight (and the passengers weight) being dangled on the cable. This would make the lift motor have to be absolutely massive, at least twice the size and cost of Millenium's lift system, and also will need cable that is twice as strong. Also all of the other lift components will have to be twice as strong, such as the catchcar, the catchdog on the bottom of the trains, and even the linkages between the train cars since the car with the catchdog on it will be supporting the rest of the train's weight. This all adds up to a ton of extra costs and increases the maintenece needed on a coaster by at least 200% because of the extreme wear on these parts from the forces needed to get it up the lift. But this all translates into more money, more maintenence, and increased chances for downtime. All which are things that any engineer would try to minimize on a project like this. Plus youd still have to invent that new way to get people out of the trains if the cable should snap (hopefully not damaging the structure in the process due to all the extreme force, heavier gauge of cable, and momentum of the cable which is breaking) and return them safely to the station without having to sit in the hot sun on top of a hill for hours on end. Great idea tho, just needs a few more years of inventive ideas to become a reality.

Mechanical Engineer: Dont mess with us, we design your coasters.

I dont see actual loops,but i do see inversions sort of like raptor,the barrel roll type things.

Pete's avatar

One thing that says to me that it will not be a Wingwalker are the tight transitions that is apparent in some of the pictures of track pieces.

With riders sitting next to the track, the transitions would be amplified the further away from the track you get. Some of the transitions seem way to extreme to me for an outside seat of a Wingwalker train.

I'm still going with AquaTrax.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

I was thinking roughly the same thing, but I was looking at how close these supports are and not so much the transitions of the track.

Steve4Hockey said:
An answer to Ensign Smith from an actual mechanical engineer... Thge vertical lift is completely possible yet very improbable. For 1 the evacuation thing that was brought up would be next to impossible, as it is already very difficult on millenium force which has a 45* angle of ascent. Another thing you have to realize is that when a coaster is going up a hill at a 45* angle, you have 1/2 of the weight of the train pushing down on the track and subsequently its supports, and the other half of the weight of the train being suspended by the actual lift cable itself. If you increase the lift hill angle to 60* it becomes 2/3 of the trains weight on the cable, and at 90* it is 100% of the trains weight (and the passengers weight) being dangled on the cable. This would make the lift motor have to be absolutely massive, at least twice the size and cost of Millenium's lift system, and also will need cable that is twice as strong. Also all of the other lift components will have to be twice as strong, such as the catchcar, the catchdog on the bottom of the trains, and even the linkages between the train cars since the car with the catchdog on it will be supporting the rest of the train's weight. This all adds up to a ton of extra costs and increases the maintenece needed on a coaster by at least 200% because of the extreme wear on these parts from the forces needed to get it up the lift. But this all translates into more money, more maintenence, and increased chances for downtime. All which are things that any engineer would try to minimize on a project like this. Plus youd still have to invent that new way to get people out of the trains if the cable should snap (hopefully not damaging the structure in the process due to all the extreme force, heavier gauge of cable, and momentum of the cable which is breaking) and return them safely to the station without having to sit in the hot sun on top of a hill for hours on end. Great idea tho, just needs a few more years of inventive ideas to become a reality.

Steve: thanks for the very thorough answer. Sounds like it won't be built any time soon. Man, it would be a hoot, though, wouldn't it?

As for the video's one here has pointed out the fact that The official marketing video for The Voyage at Holiday World was produced by the NoLimits program. Granted it was a special version of the program, but it used the same rendering engine.

Why would a park want to use NoLimits insteadt of contracting Keith McVeen to do the animation? Well maybe some smaller parks would rather use that $30k-$40k+ they would spend on the animation on something else. I bet it was much cheaper to get a special train type for NoLimits than it would be to get Keith to do it. Granted, this was just giving you a sneak peak at what the ride looks like. I suspect their official marketing material will be much more refined.

*** Edited 6/16/2006 5:11:44 PM UTC by CP_bound***

-B.S. Civil Engineering, Purdue University

Just pointing out something, if you look the footer placement in the overbanked turn in the clip, the footers are the exact same in the swan lake.

Just saying.

R.I.P. Mr. Scott

Actually, I don't think they're the same.

The ones in the water go from (outside to in) doubles, single, doubles. In the video it goes single, double, (single?)

djDaemon's avatar

Well, I guess that settles it.


Loopy's avatar

djDaemon said:
Well, I guess that settles it.

I agree.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Me too...

Now, please close this thread. I was so happy it died down on the 16th but why bring it back. Now we are going to have all kinds of theories to why this is for Cedar Point and not Port Aventura.

liebevision's avatar

I still say the peep fight clip answers as many questions. (take a joke people) But really, I hope the OP is right and we do ge that train type. Oh and jeff will agree with me on the you tube thing... remember he showed a random video to the same effect. (or is it affect.... damn you english language... damn you)

Demon Drop 2004
Castaway Bay Lifeguard 04-05

It's effect. Affect: Something is affected.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

djDaemon's avatar

From the Wiktionary:

Do not confuse affect with effect. The former is used to convey the influence over existing entities, while the latter indicates the manifestation of new or original ideas. For example:

  • " governing coalitions during these realigning periods have EFFECTED major changes in governmental institutions" indicates that major changes were made as a result of new governing coalitions, while
  • " governing coalitions during these realigning periods have AFFECTED major changes in governmental institutions" indicates that before new governing coalitions, major changes were in place, and that the new governing coalitions had some influence over these existing changes.

(bullet points added)
*** Edited 6/23/2006 12:42:52 PM UTC by djDaemon***


Loopy's avatar

Die thread....DIE!

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

I thought this thread was to be closed!!!!!!!!! Cause this thread is not about Project 2007 at Cedar Point.

Zweitausend und sieben Zeder-Messe-Jahreszeit Passiert Halter

2007: Cedar Fair Season Pass Holder?

Wenn Sie ich Ihr ein Dummkopf leuchten, der gemerkt geschlossen wird und Zunftsprache die Freiheit anderer Leute von speach ertragen!

Walt's avatar

Maybe it should be. But what would Smokey the Bear say?

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

Why should they close it, when maybe the video is close to what CP could be getting?


Smokey the Bear would say "Only YOU can prevent forest fires!"

Plus "only you can prevent wildfires"
*** Edited 6/23/2006 7:38:37 PM UTC by Coasterfan82***

Zweitausend und sieben Zeder-Messe-Jahreszeit Passiert Halter

2007: Cedar Fair Season Pass Holder?

Wenn Sie ich Ihr ein Dummkopf leuchten, der gemerkt geschlossen wird und Zunftsprache die Freiheit anderer Leute von speach ertragen!

Walt's avatar

Making a post that says this thread is worthless is adding to a thread that you think is worthless. :)

Sometimes threads need to be closed. Sometimes we can let them die on their own. Please help that cause. :)

*** Edited 6/23/2006 7:40:57 PM UTC by Walt***

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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