The Boardwalk - New for 2023

At first glance I really thought I was looking at a postcard… can’t wait for the end result!

jimmyburke's avatar

Bird on the bottom-right photo-bombing.

Dvo's avatar

Love the look of that building with Giant Wheel in the background. Can't wait to see it in person and hopefully enjoy a cocktail on one of those patios.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

I did not realize how close it was to the waters edge. I am a bit worried about what a couple of rogue waves will do.

Skyhawk06's avatar

Wouldn't they take stray waves into account when designing the thing?

Steel Vengeance rides: 224

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

djDaemon's avatar

Someone should tell them before it's too late.


I agree that it was accounted for, but seeing the water line on the beach being just a few feet away seems awful tight. We’ve all seen what the waves have done to Cedar Point Road and they have a pretty decent break wall there.

jimmyburke's avatar

Just wondering whether the drone operating photographer was on a Saturday or Sunday overtime situation and thus paid time & a half or double time, or was on a regularly scheduled work-day thus receiving prevailing wages. Or is it a rogue operator and a member in good standing of the smoking area drone pilot association union.

djDaemon's avatar

All kidding aside, I think the picture is deceiving.

The sand comes nearly up to the Boardwalk's concrete foundation, on top of which the Boardwalk pad will be poured. So add 4" or 6" to that elevation. Beyond that there's an orange and white telescopic boom lift with its platform resting on, or slightly above, ground level there. And that boom platform's railing looks to be noticeably lower than Grand Pavilion's floor, by maybe a foot. Assuming the platform railing is 36", Grand Pavilion's floor is at least 4' higher than the beach.


I wonder if there will still be a sidewalk from the parking lot to the resort area.

jimmyburke's avatar

SRE123, that is a good question. I can't discern from the picture whether the Boardwalk sidewalk will be there in it's entirety as it was previously. There doesn't appear to be a whole lot of room for it on that side of the building to allow a free path towards Windseeker. The path behind Windseeker was elevated a few feet above sand level, perhaps that is the plan here as well.

Has anyone been in the parking lot and taken notice of the Boardwak entrance signage that was to the right of Gatekeeper? Or, did anyone inquire at WCO? Or, can the Top Thrill construction guy say something when he starts demolition on Monday past?

djDaemon's avatar

As far as I'm aware nothing is changing regarding access to the Boardwalk from the parking lot. The Boardwalk will pass alongside Grand Pavilion and on down to the resort.


I broke my ankle running for the comments and it seems the redditors are concerned with access to the beach from the pavilion. And whether there will be unobstructed views of the lake from the bar or the dining tables. You know, things we covered and sleuthed out long ago.

GL2CP's avatar

The fact the pavilion and giant wheel aren’t perfectly lined up in the photo makes my ocd boil over

First ride; Magnum 1994

Might today be the day they bring the cars in for Wild Mouse? A crane with some sort of rack with straps is in place and lots of folks in the area of the transfer track. Edit: We have our first car!

Last edited by jo linn,

Looks like the blue mouse and the purple mouse are now sitting there waiting.

Dvo's avatar

(in my nerdiest voice) I assume you meant to say Larry and Zaggy.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

djDaemon's avatar

And I assume he meant they're sitting tight.


Plague on Wheels's avatar

Aren't we all ;)

Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.

7 weeks til opening day and still no love for Calypso. I'm amazed that old Tiki Twirl signage is still there. Wonder what kind of flash, updated LED lighting package, etc we are going to see for the reincarnation? I wish it would go back to it's 70s look (hearts backdrop, middle lighting fountain, canopies and all).

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