Terror Island

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

However, his signature is more than three lines!

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

Chuck Wagon's avatar

I say kudos to CP for making use of an area which wasn't previously being used for attraction purposes. I think it really helps the island to be seclusive, even if MF is overhead.

Overall, I've thought the park has done better this year at distributing the attractions. Although the Wicked Twister midway doesn't have much going on anymore.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

ok guys. we did a great job this weekend. so keep up the good work. everyone has been developing better scares. a few ppl are still bein a lil too lazy.

so what's with all this complaining about employees posting. it's a PUBLIC FORUM. just cuz we work there doesn't mean we aren't part of the public as well.

and to all other zones... whatch out for mutiny within your own ranks. we have spies among you always. we will be stealin yer loot, flags, and yer booty

JuggaLotus's avatar

^ - Yarbles, generally, employees are not allowed to post while still employed. This isn't a Pointbuzz rule, its a Cedar Point rule. If you don't like it, you do have a choice.

Goodbye MrScott


JuggaLotus said:
^ - Yarbles, generally, employees are not allowed to post while still employed. This isn't a Pointbuzz rule, its a Cedar Point rule. If you don't like it, you do have a choice.

But yet there is an Employee Lounge where employees can post and answer questions....no one has let out any information about the park that shouldn't be. We're talking about the zone and how we've done that week. Asking to stand to the side if you're taking pictures isn't bad. Yeah the fog gets bad in all the zones, but that's expected. From what I've read I haven't seen any emloyee give out information that shouldn't have been. We've answered questions people have had and have given compliments to other areas in the park and have given insight on to what you(the public) should check out when in the park So if employees shouldn't be posting, Then why have an Employee Lounge? Yes, I know I didn't post this in there, but this thread seems to of had the most problem, even though nothing bad has been said.

Jesz's avatar

Any job I have ever had, I had to sign an agreement not to blog about the job while I am still working there. If something was found, you could have been fired on the spot.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

Interesting discussion. So Jeff, does this mean the Employee Lounge goes away? Does it stay even though the park frowns upon it? Or does it become the Ex-Employee Lounge?

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Well, I believe Monsieur Clark advised that employees were Discouraged from posting. That doesn't mean banned. And, Tony, since your people monitor all posts here: "Your park is declining by the season." Invest in some non-halloweekend theming already rather than another freaking roller coaster. A log ride wouldn't hurt either. Not all cedar point fans are ritalin deprived teenagers!

There, got it off my chest. Now, who wants a map of all the break areas?

Last edited by cptedsdisciple2,

"Forgiveness is almost always easier to obtain than permission."

I think employees have been posting here for years, the fact that someone from the park decided to post about it was because some people make it blatantly obvious who they are, what department they are in..etc.

The park technically can't stop any employee from posting here, unless the information is company specific, or endangers operations, I think casual talk is fine. (i.e., general discussions)

The employee lounge is the perfect example. If it really was that big of a deal, the employee lounge forum would have dissappeared ages ago.

Owner, Gould Photography.

Actually Im pretty sure the park can fire you for any cause, so long as it is not race, sex, handicap or creed.

I would be pretty careful if I were you, I had a similar situation when I worked for a football team, my solution was to not talk about it on the internet.

Actually I'm pretty sure what I said was: "the park can't stop you from posting" not, "the park can't fire you for posting here"

But thanks for being a diligent reader.

Owner, Gould Photography.

JuggaLotus's avatar

I think part of the problem was that at least one employee made an "official" sounding post. i.e. DO NOT stop in the middle of Terror Island to take pictures.

They are not authorized to make such decisions.

Goodbye MrScott


Hopefully Tony doesn't get thrown overboard by a slew of PO'ed pirates the next time he goes on the island.:)

Last edited by Ricko77,

Those would be the pirates who don't (not) do anything!

(With regrets to Veggietales.)

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Terror Island was the best zone and Club Blood was the best house from my group's experience this past weekend. Cornstalkers and Carnevil were noticeably improved from their previous selves too. Fear Faire seemed fairly similar to last year's performance and remained a good a zone. On the other side of things Fright Zone and Pharoh's Secret appeared to have taken a step back.

Last edited by Ricko77,
Kevinj's avatar

I was unaware Pharoh's Secret could go back any further. Looking forward to seeing TI for the first time in a couple weeks...

Promoter of fog.

Jesz's avatar

Aw Veggietales. :)

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

Josh M.'s avatar

Broccoli...Celery...gotta be.... Veggietales!

::lowers head and walks away::

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

i don't remember signing any agreement about not posting blogs. i do, however, remember very clearly that we were not allowed to release park information to the public. i, nor any other current employee, has done any of this. at most they could use the fact that i was giving constructive criticism, but that was a day i went through as a customer, not as an employee. i judged the zone based on the consumer's experience. i don't think that this releases any more information than any other person can just come to the park and see for themselves. we'll see how things turn out tho.

Josh M.'s avatar

Sounds like some of you haven't been employed by very many companies....

It doesn't matter if it's your day off, and you go to your place of employment as a "guest"... the fact remains that you are an employee, and you have to watch what you say. Working or not, as long as you are an employee, you are a representative of that company. This is basic HR stuff.

Let me make this a bit more clear. Do you think upper management would be OK if Tony came on here after being in the park on his day off, and criticized things about the park? I doubt it. So why is it any different for you?

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

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