Subway at CP

I have heard there is a Subway sandwich shop at CP? Is it cheap? Like $5 footlongs?

Nope. Not even close. I almost ate there last year until I saw the prices, though, I do not recall what they were exactly. Not cheap.

Really?,it's like $6 for a footlong? Unbelievable.

I don't remember the actual prices but we were going to get a footlong and a coke at it seems like the price was $15.00. No Sale!

Also, there wasn't a full menu. I always have their tuna and it wasn't available at that locations. It was very, very expensive.

I believe it will be replaced with a Cinnabon this year.

Cedar Point guest since 1974

I would love it if it was replaced by a Cinnabon. Those places smell awesome!

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Yes Cinnabon's smell awesome. You can be sure Cedar Point will charge for the aroma.

I think it is like $12.00 just for a foot long. Line is usually pretty long though.

It is an express location so there are only like two types of bread and a limited assortment of sandwiches and toppings available.

darkrider68's avatar

Subway at CP? You will pay my friend, you will pay.

Cinnabon is going where the Subway in Soak City is though. You can enjoy the aroma over there if you want. I personally love the smell of Subway's baked bread when walking by, but the prices really are unbelievable.

good morning. ok if my memory is ok today I want to say a foot long was around 7.00 they have a stand near burger patio and a full service in/near soak city hope that helps you some

Macaronis 93-94

JW Addington's avatar

^ Thats for a 6 inch

When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835

$12 for a Subway footlong at CP? Unbelievable. I guess the $5 footlong Subway advertises does not apply? I am surprised Subway even lets CP have a store there if they make up their prices. They probably skimp on the meat too......

Last edited by CactusSpade,

this is no different than a subway restaurant at the airport , sports venue, or such. Don't expect bargain prices - and the advertised specials are usually covered by a boilerplate statement of "not available at all locations" or some statement that allows flexibility in pricing at these locations. They still have to meet corporate guidelines in terms of ingredients and quality standards though.

This is not abnormal in theme parks, etc.

Last edited by Wayne B,

Currently at x0, y0, z0

Right, same with Panda. Limited choices, higher prices, blah blah blah. But that's what to expect if you want mall food at the park. Oh, and at Panda it's bring your own chopsticks. They don't even have those at the park locations.

Btw, IMO Cinnabon and Auntie Anne's are perfect choices for the Challenge Park location. That area is busiest in the morning when folks are lined up at the gate. They'll clean up there at breakfast time- if it was me I'd set up big fans to blow those great smells right over the line outside.

JW Addington's avatar

I think the footlongs are at least $15

When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835

darkrider68's avatar

Best to stop at an offsite Subway and keep the sub in a cooler in the car. Won't be the freshest, but hey. My buddy and I do that with Jimmy Johns. Still good after building up an appetite in the park.

I think the Chick Fil A is the only place in CP that gives you a lot of food for a reasonable price. I think it's around $6.50 for a meal at Chick Fil A there, but that includes a Sandwich, Fries, and Drink. Correct me if I am wrong though.

But then you'd be eating at Chick fil A which I won't say is wrong, but maybe more like incorrect.

$15 for a footlong? Lol..why not $20?

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