STR webcam gone?

Now the Dragster has 3 trains on it...

It pry does have all 6 on the track, maybe 5 but some are in the station then... or they took it off already..

Kyle2154's avatar

I don't know if my monitor is a POS or what, but I can't make out any trains, I couldn't tell you if there is 1 or 6 trains on the track.

djDaemon's avatar

There are definitely 3 on the transfer track - you can really only make out the white noses of the trains.

And there could certainly be 2 or more in the unload section.


Kyle2154's avatar

Ah yes, I see them, I was looking on the actual track. I know it pisses everyone off, but damn, I would love to see them start testing this thing.

Last edited by Kyle2154,
djDaemon's avatar

How do you know they haven't been?


RideWarrior18's avatar

Kyle, If you wait 3 days, you might be able to ride it! We are less than 72 hours away!

Brandon, I could tell you that they've been testing, but no one really knows for sure because its kinda hard to see movement at 30-second intervals. ;)

Last edited by RideWarrior18,
Kyle2154's avatar

djDaemon said:
How do you know they haven't been?

I guess because I haven't seen anyone go "OMG! Dragster is testing!" Along with the fact only three trains are confirmed to be on the ride.

I dunno, maybe they finished up testing, moved three trains into the station and parked three trains on the holding track, who knows.

JuggaLotus's avatar

I did see 4 on the storage track yesterday just after the cam came back up, so they are moving trains around.

Goodbye MrScott


Of course the Pagoda Cam is back up now. No more flooding.

crazy horse's avatar

Nope....But the trash cans are back:).

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Cedar Pointer's avatar


The Crystal Method is the only way to find The Winner!

RideWarrior18's avatar

^Yep! We've just seen pictures of a rollback folks! 3:57 EST on 5/12/2010! :)

Cedar Pointer's avatar

Rollbacks?! Come now. Lets get serious! 120m/h!

Last edited by Cedar Pointer,

The Crystal Method is the only way to find The Winner!

Mantis is up now.

RideWarrior18's avatar

^^Well, it was moving backwards. That train still hasn't launched. I can't wait to ride it though!

^Darn, you beat me to it!

maXair is testing too!

Last edited by RideWarrior18,
Cedar Pointer's avatar

OH OH LOOK! the lemon chill stands are testing! ; )

The Crystal Method is the only way to find The Winner!

OMG rides are testing 3 days prior to opening ... who woulda thought.

It's fun to see no matter what. Giant Wheel, Paddlewheel Excursions, and Iron Dragon, too (:

TTD 120mph's avatar

Come on, you can do it Dragster?!! :) If there is a god, he'll perform a miracle and have Dragster open by saturday. ;)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

I wonder if the 4X4's are testing yet. That's my favorite.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

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