STR webcam gone?

TTD 120mph's avatar


-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I thought the webcam was going to be in a new location?

I would rather have this view from SRF to stay throughout the year. I think putting the camera on the photo building would restrict the view to a smaller area. Right now there is a boat sitting on the island side of the last hill and things like that would not be visible with the camera closer to the ground.

1)Magnum 2) Blue streak 3) Millennium 4)Diamondback 5) Maverick 6)Dragster (Point lover since 66 age 8)

It is a nice view, but Tony promised that when they move it to the new location we'll be able to see the boats splash. I'm cool with that as long as the camera doesn't get wet. :)

TTD 120mph's avatar

I'm sure they're still getting things finished with the photo booth and are waiting to get everything hooked up before moving it. Patience is a virtue my friends......patience.......:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar


Let's Get Weird.

^^^Yes but with the view we have now we can see the splash down as well as the entrance and exit lines. We can see PWE, Millennium, TTD, the Island Pond, Mantis as well as both hills. On the small one floor photo building all we will probably see is one splash down and maybe the large lift hill. I personally would like to see this webcam stay where it is.

Last edited by AIRTIMELUVR,

1)Magnum 2) Blue streak 3) Millennium 4)Diamondback 5) Maverick 6)Dragster (Point lover since 66 age 8)

Why does the blurry view in the middle remind me of the maXair construction camera when it had that huge bubble on it that got smaller during the day but never fully went away?

Last edited by EvilChameleon09,
djDaemon's avatar

While the wide angle is nice to get an overview of the construction process, I'd prefer to have the closer, clearer view we'd likely get from the photo building. What we can now see of the island isn't very exciting at all - lift hills #1 and #2 and half of the second splashdown. With the change in location, we'd be able to see most of the mainland portion of the ride - the second drop, the entire second splashdown, most or all of the mainland flume, inside the station, the railroad tracks, inside the tunnel, and we might even be able to see some of the island flume from that angle.


OnPointTony's avatar

EvilChameleon09 said:
Why does the blurry view in the middle remind me of the maXair construction camera when it had that huge bubble on it that got smaller during the day but never fully went away?

It's a spiderweb. Unfortunately, I can't get up there to clean it while they're painting.

Director of Communications at Cedar Point

See? Even the little critters want a peek at the new ride. :)

It's gone again.:(

mrdeedsatl23's avatar

Spiderweb? lol. Maybe they are moving it now?

First time to Cedar Point was opening day 2009, 7 hours in line for TTD, 2 rollbacks =)

crazy horse's avatar

I still got it.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

airee85's avatar

Oh no. The cam is down again. Commence chaos ;-)


Eh, I don't think you can see Chaos from that cam. ;)

My author website:

The Pagoda Web Cam Has Been Down Since 2:30 Yesterday Afternoon.

crazy horse's avatar

They must be testing again.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Maybe they didn't like the new color of Snake River Falls so they are trying again. ;)

Let's Get Weird.

Lol, I have a picture on my iPod Touch from last year's season - it's of a huge spider on the Pagoda Cam. I was in our hotel the first night and seen it.

I'll show you guys asap, but first I have to find my iPod, and upload it to tinypic.


Last edited by JRConn,

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