Smoking Policy

Not having been to the park for almost ten years, my family was looking forward all summer to our trip earlier this week. Our son loves carnival rides, so he was through the roof excited about finally getting on some bigger ones. I was also happy to read on the CP website that smoking is now permitted only in designated areas. Wow, that's awesome! Not only can we check our all the new rides, we can do so without being surrounded by smoke.

And that is where the fantasy of a website ends, and the reality of the same old same old hits you in the face repeatedly. Over and over. While in line. For KIDS rides, no less. After asking people numerous times to stop, and having to hear incredibly vulgar language - FROM OTHER PARENTS - enough was enough. When did this turn into such a white trash jamboree? I don't remember it being this bad.

I'm sorry Cedar Point, but you cannot have it both ways. Advertising a smoke free experience, when you have absolutely zero intention of enforcing that, is flat out false advertising. So much so I'm meeting with a lawyer next week to see if it can actually be considered fraud. Putting this flaccid little paragraph at the end of the Good To Know Info on your brochures and leaving patrons up to the honor system to not smoke is absurd. In fact, more so than not having it to begin with.

Cedar Point is capable of making anything they want happen. Look at those amazing feats of engineering. They wanted it, and they made it happen. Clearly, if they wanted this policy actually enforced, they could make it happen. Seemingly overnight. How hard is it to hire 20 extra plain-clothes security guards to simply ride the lines all day, ejecting smokers? Pretty darn simple. Thus, I can only conclude they don't really want this to happen. I'm sure they're worried even a slight dip in attendance from smokers isn't worth the risk, and that non-smokers will just keep putting up with it. And if that's the case, fine. I get it. Business is business. At least everybody is on the same page and knows what to expect. But don't insult us by advertising a smoke free experience, when nonesuch exists.

Did you ask a CP employee to request the smoker stop? I, my kids and grandkids are season ticket holders and never had a problem. I have serious lung issues and would notice a problem immediately. I am sorry you had a problem.
CP has a strong security system in the park. Their office is easily located as is guest services.

What employee are we going to contact while in line for a ride? There's an employee at the gate (to measure kids' heights), and those at the actual ride itself. Yes, I suppose we could leave our place in line, go back to ask the employee at the gate to help us out, but he/she likely can't actually leave his/her post, would have to call security, and by the time they arrive what are the odds that person is still smoking? Even if they were, all security is going to do is tell them to put it out. And do you think they're going to let us back into our original place in line? Of course not.

This could be so easily handled with two things:

1) Plain-clothed security officers who simply wait in the lines all day, ejecting offenders

2) Video surveillance system along the routes of the entire lines for the major rides and a number that anyone can text to CP Security alerting them to smoking or line jumping. Admittedly, I have no idea how much a video system would cost.... not cheap, but good lord, this place takes in the gross national product of a small country each day. They can afford it. The presence of surveillance along the lines would eliminate 99.99% of the problem right there. In fact, with the very real threat of terrorism, it boggles my mind such a system isn't in place already.

3snoH un=l's avatar

On the contrary, I hadn't seen anyone smoke in line all summer though I'm not discrediting your experience.

But while you're at it, please tell them line jumping is not a sporting event at Cedar Point. (except fast lane)

Upside-down Fun House

coolkid's avatar

I have had similar experiences with the lack of enforcement of the smoking policy. The worst experience I have had was in May of 2012 when a kid (maybe 16) was lighting up inside the entry way of Disaster Transport. I don't understand why there is a group of trashy, impolite people who think it is okay to smoke in a family atmosphere. Cedar Point has rocking chairs and umbrellas in their smoking areas, what else do smokers want?

Six Flags Great America had big signs that told patrons they would be kicked out of the park if caught smoking outside a designated areas. For a while they had a painted square that the smokers had to stay in. Busch Gardens also doesn't put up with the smoking BS. I actually saw them kick someone out who was smoking one of those electronic cigarettes in the Sesame Street area.

For the most part though, I have seen smokers use the designated areas or the parking lot.

This isn't an isolated issue at CP. last time we were in the park in June there were several occurrences of people not following the designated smoking area requirements. Now keep in mind, in the designated areas there are many people using it for what it is for, but there are enough not that it makes it a problem, especially for those with breathing problems or small children.

I am all for individual rights, but sometimes it is really hard to champion this cause for those that smoke (i don't) when there is disregard for park policies / others right not to smell like smoke.

Currently at x0, y0, z0

I am a smoker and I do respect the policy. I am one of the people that would either ask the person to put out the cig or I will find a employee.

I do think there is enough smoking areas the only problem I have is when I go to have smoke and get rude looks and comments while I at a smoking area and sit down to a non-smoker using up a chair.

Been lurking for a while and this is my first post...

I had an experience in the Raptor line where someone was smoking; a much bigger and more imposing (which isn't hard to do) figure than me asked the person to stop. The person stopped smoking only to have one of their friends immediately light up as soon as the guy (who told them to stop) turned away.

Is there a number we can text to enforce this policy? Because A) I rather not start a confrontation, I am here to have fun not start something. B) I rather get the people kicked out than have them put their cigarette butts on the ground.

Last edited by NiMon,
Ralph Wiggum's avatar

They did introduce the signs with "text us if this bathroom needs attention" this year. Perhaps a similar system can be set up and advertised for alerting park security of unruly guests. I know many arenas and sporting venues have similar systems in place and advertised on signage.

Last edited by Ralph Wiggum,

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

Rotor said:
When did this turn into such a white trash jamboree?

I really had to laugh out loud when I read this sentence. CP has been exactly that for a great many years now. You learn to deal with it, because it's better than not going.

Rotor said:
I'm meeting with a lawyer next week to see if it can actually be considered fraud

Wow, that's taking it a little far. Maybe you should have just asked for a refund. Or, get together with PointGuru and share in the cost of an attorney. Win-win!

Really though, I feel your pain and agree the rule should be enforced. Six Flags has figured out how to do it. Disney also must have found a way. Cause only at CP and KI (the CF parks I frequent) do I notice such a blatant disregard for the rules. Kind of like the "no running in the park" which is enforced at KI but almost never at CP.

Last edited by MaverickLaunch,

All I really care about is enforcing the policy in the lines. Yes, it would be great if the entire park were smoke free but, but you can always just walk away from it every place else. In line, you're stuck. And if you're in line for a major ride, you're trapped with it for the next hour. No one's going to take the risk of losing their place in line, you can't really call 911 as it's not a true emergency, and even if you do get ahold of security, all they're going to do is tell the smoker to stop, and even then, IF they're nice enough to let you have your place back in line, you've now got some nicotine-fueled meathead pissed at you for the next hour, who is just going to smoke even more.

Like MaverickLaunch said, other parks have found it easy to enforce their policy. Cedar Point clearly has no desire to enforce theirs, so yes, I believe this to be outright fraud. You'd be amazed what a slow news day and a frivolous lawsuit can do...

Only smokers I've seen in line all year were using E-Cigs which I have absolutely no problem with since they don't affect anyone else. I see people outside the smoking area by Panda Express, but I just say "close enough"

djDaemon's avatar

Rotor said:
So much so I'm meeting with a lawyer next week to see if it can actually be considered fraud.

...I believe this to be outright fraud. You'd be amazed what a slow news day and a frivolous lawsuit can do...

Oh for crying out loud. I hate being around smokers, but you know what's more annoying than being around smokers? People who think they're entitled to sue everyone in sight when things don't go their way.

Rotor said: can't really call 911 as it's not a true emergency...

But you could have called information, acquired the park's phone number, subsequently gotten in touch with security and then informed them of the issue.

...even if you do get ahold of security, all they're going to do is tell the smoker to stop, and even then, IF they're nice enough to let you have your place back in line, you've now got some nicotine-fueled meathead pissed at you for the next hour, who is just going to smoke even more.

How do you know this chain of events to be accurate? Did you contact security?


TrinDawg41's avatar

I'll chime in my 2 cents here: I'm and ex-smoker for 4.5 years now, and I can say that my experiences at CP with the smoking thing have been pretty good. I have not experienced anyone smoking in line. Which is pretty good. And I'm also a season pass holder, so I go there a LOT. But what I DO see quite often, is line jumping. Which I thought I wouldn't see more than the smoking, but there it is. A young teenie bopper even tried cutting in front of me, I gave her the look of death, and she squeamishly got back in line where she was supposed to be, even asking me if she had cut in front of me! LOL...I would say to Rotor, you should have called the park and filed a complaint while standing in line if it bothered you THAT MUCH. That's what I would have done.

Rotor said:
You'd be amazed what a slow news day and a frivolous lawsuit can do...

Well at least you are aware that it would in deed be frivolous!

Rotor said:
Thus, I can only conclude they don't really want this to happen.

I've seen staff ask people to stop multiple times. Have heard announcements for people in line to not smoke. The park does what it can, they can't be everywhere. Even if they added 20 plain clothes to their force some would still slip through the cracks.

I agree with Maverick, team up with PointGuru, maybe you can win your law suit AND get rainchecks and refunds!Seeing how you did nothing to contact the park with your complaint, I don't see how you will get anywhere with suing them. Best of luck!

As a company I don't think Cedar Fair wants upset any of their customers. Smokers and non smokers are always going to be bickering at each other. But kicking someone out of the park after they paid $55 admition is pretty steep. It would be different if inside a building. Their policy is an extention of the federal law banning smoking in public buildings. It is to protect employees from 2nd hand smoke. It is ignorant to think that your affected by 2nd hand smoke when standing outside. That is unless the person smoking is right beside you. I usually smoke in the designated areas. If I smoke outside of the areas it is in a non crowded corner of the park and I sit somewhere instead of walking around. As long people refrain from walking the midways with a smoke or smoking in a line there should really be no problem. It is unfortunate that some people aren't considerate of others. But until it becomes illegal to smoke outside I can't see anyone getting booted from the park.

djDaemon's avatar

redsfan said:
But kicking someone out of the park after they paid $55 admition is pretty steep.

No it's not. I don't care how much someone pays to get into the park (or movie theater, or restaurant, or whatever). If they break the smoking rule, line jumping rule (or any other rule that impacts others) more than once, they should be booted without refund, no exceptions.

It is ignorant to think that your affected by 2nd hand smoke when standing outside.

Why is that the metric? Why must something do measurable bodily harm before it's considered appropriate justification for punishment? Texting during a movie doesn't physically harm anyone, but it does completely change the value for the non-offending guest(s).


My point is, right now it is common knowledge that you can smoke in line with no consequence. Sure, somebody might ask you to put it out, but they have no authority. You apparently have every legal right to blow smoke in their face and tell them to f*ck off.

Yes, I did speak to security. They said they need to witness someone smoking (or line cutting) in order to eject them from line. Which makes sense, otherwise anyone could just accuse anyone of anything, but what are the odds someone is still going to be smoking after you play phone tag in order to get security's phone number and have an officer in uniform track you down in line? Nil. Thus, why have the policy at all? It's more insulting to non-smokers than not having it in the first place.

Cedar Point advertises that smoking is permitted only in designated areas, however provides not a scintilla of good faith toward enforcing that. You can put up as many signs as you want. If you're not going to enforce it, it's meaningless. And that, is false advertising.

djDaemon's avatar

Rotor said: is common knowledge that you can smoke in line with no consequence.

Because you experienced a few occasions of someone smoking in line during the busiest part of the season? That seems like an incredibly illogical conclusion to reach based on your experience.

You apparently have every legal right to blow smoke in their face and tell them to f*ck off.

It's more insulting to non-smokers than not having it in the first place.

...provides not a scintilla of good faith toward enforcing that.

I'm on your side in terms of being annoyed by these sorts of situations, but it's very difficult to sympathize with you when you make these sorts of dramatic exaggerations.

And that, is false advertising.

No it's not. And good luck with your lawsuit.


I'm not sure the dramatic exaggerations you're referring to. Have you ever had smoke blown directly in your face and told to **** off in line before? Explain to me the steps Cedar Point has taken to enforce their policy. What enrages me isn't the fact that occasional incidents happen, it's that nothing is done from the preventative side other than hanging up some signs. Just putting up video cameras alone would eliminate so much of this, especially the line cutting.

Last edited by Walt,

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