Shoot the Rapids?

I wasn't sure they could open STR without Shawn being present.


Thabto's avatar

Oh Shawn, I see them testing or running STR on the webcam today!

Even better, they zoomed in even closer on STR!

Last edited by Thabto,

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Yes, indeed it is running on the webcam. Not sure if it has riders tho?

Gatekeeper2013's avatar

I was at the park yesterday and everything was full and turned on and they were testing it on and off throughout the day however they never opened it up. Thunder Canyon was also never even filled yesterday which was interesting because at points throughout the day it became very hot and both rides would definitely have had descent sized lines. I wonder if neither of them have been passed state inspection yet.

Was Snake River running?

Gatekeeper2013's avatar


Today Thunder Canyon was not running and Shoot the Rapids was cycling empty boats every time we walked by.

Thabto's avatar

I didn't see it running on the webcam today. Hope it's running for you at the Campout, Shawn. Maybe that's they are waiting for.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Crazy they couldn't even get the ride running by Memorial Day.

Surprised TC hasn't opened yet either. That ride can't be too hard to operate.

Last edited by CPboy77,
Thabto's avatar

The weather has been fairly warm the last couple days. I think they should've been opened. However, it appears that it may be technical problems as to why they're not open.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

djDaemon's avatar

That seems to be a recurring theme this year.


As most of you know, I have to be careful what I say on here, so all I'm gonna say is patience is key

Aw, c'mon. You're amongst friends here...

Where have they had you working so far, samosuband?

Yeah, come on Sam, spill it! Don't make us hold your head under the rapids until you talk.

I was at Ripcord for about a week, then I've been at STR for about a week and a half

I have never ridden STR. It has always been a "MEH" looking ride to me and people come off drenched. Just not my cup of tea having squishy soaked sneakers and boxers all day. I actually refuse to ride it now because of the horrible design of boats with seat belts and the flipping accident. Its a fun ride to watch but I don't think I will ever actually go on it.

There are no seat belts on STR.

It's going to run today. Why? Because I'll be there today! ;)

In the modern history of Cedar Point there has been only two major rides I've never taken. One was the Swan Boats (oh well... I skipped them at Michigan's Adventure too) and the other is Shoot the Rapids II.

I suppose one day I'll do it. Maybe if I'm staying at the hotel and can go leave all my stuff in the room and put on boardies and flip flops for a minute, I'll make an afternoon of riding all three water rides. Then back for a shower, clean clothes, and dry fun.

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