Scariest Ride @ CP

I agree with the Giant Wheel, although I know for a fact that the old double ferris would have freaked me.

2) Turbo Drop [never been on, but I imagine it's slightly worse than the Intamin roto-drops, and those always bother me a bit]
3) Magnum's left side
4) SRFalls
5) every now and then, DT.
I would have to say Power Tower Turbo shot up because you never know when youll be shot up.
I think the Turbo shot has to be the scariest for me too. I love that feeling of the car going up a little, then down, then u wait...and wait...and then when u least expect it...WOOSH! up you go.

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
Just to clarify, the shot side towers are known as Space Shots, not Turbo Shots. However, the drop side towers are referred to as Turbo Drops, as noted earlier in this thread. Take it from someone who knows (or, at least, should by now) . . .

Rich Genthner / PTC99
For me it has got to be MEAN STREAK! I'm sure that I'm not the only one with a bad back, (probably the only 18 year old with one!) but I am always afraid that I will throw my back out worse than the last time!
Man, I didn't expect to hear so many Power Tower responses. The Turbo Drop is just like Demon Drop to me but higher and faster. IMO, almost no freefall (with the exception of Ripcord) can be scarier than a good coaster.
Yeah the space shot is great. What is really fun is when you are talking to the ride operator on the up side and next thing you know your still talking to him but your now 240 feet high and not a few feet high.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!! *** This post was edited by Hooper on 4/4/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
I have always been a bigger fan of the space shots than the turbo drops. That spontaneity of launching does more for me than the drops.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
The drop side of Power Tower is the scariest thing i've ever experienced. I think its a combination of just how visible the ride is as you stand in line, the extreme height, the flimsy look and the awful ominous sounds that it makes. Do you REALLY think the sound of all that air being released seconds before the drop was accidental??? I'm sure it is at least SOMEWHAT amplified. I'm obsessed with coasters, rides and Cedar Point in general. But i think I will never ride the drop side of power tower again. And to be quite honest. I'm not so sure about MF. I had the bar open on me on mean streak once before we reached the top of the hill. It re-locked, but if that happened on MF or Power Tower??? Well..... But I'm sure I'll eventually ride it at least once. And i LOVE the upside of PT. It's hilarious the way youre suddenly up in the air with no warning. WOW

Riding Magnum back in 1989 when they had all the funky strobe affects and dry ice. Good times
The night time is the right time...
Defiantly the FerrisWheel. Any time I get a look at any Ferris Wheel I get chills down my spine. I am scared to death of them...

"Its 242.9 miles to CedarPoint. We've got a full
tank of gas, half-pack of cigarettes, its night,
and we're wearing sunglassess!!"
Actually CPAnimal, the air tubes on all four towers have mufflers to reduce the sound of escaping air. You would not believe how loud an S&S Tower is when you lose a muffler! We lost two or so last summer and it blew! No pun intended, of course.

Rich Genthner / PTC99
I think for me it's power tower and disaster transport. I hate sitting on the track waiting to exit.
wow, TCKR, I learn something new every day! Thanks for setting me straight on that. At any rate I find that sound quite un-nerving. But at the same time, sure adds to the thrill. You keep hearing that sound while youre in line. Then when youre at the top, it sure sounds like it's a heck of a lot MORE than 240 ft. away!

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