Scariest Ride @ CP

What ride is your most frightning to get on? What one scares you everytime?

Mine is the Mantis. I just think its plain scary!
right now it's Magnum, but i imagine that MF will surely replace it soon...

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
Nothing. Seriously, roller coasters just don't intimidate me anymore. However, I'd say the "scariest" ones to me are(keeping in mind that different people find different types of elements "scary"):
1. Millenium Force (I'm gonna go ahead and call this one even though it's not open yet)
2. Raptor (Very disorienting and the high speed view from the front car can be frightening)
3. Magnum (In case you're the type of person whose afraid of heights, tunnels, and hills)
I never did understand why hills are such a scary thing for so many people.... *** This post was edited by RockDown2G on 3/29/2000. ***
I will agree with you there...I'll have to go with Mantis for it's extreme intensity and g-forces. Everytime I ride it I feel like I have to fight to keep the blood flowing!

Millennium Force, hands down. Its the most intimidating coaster I have ever seen.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Pete's avatar
The Turbo Drop side of Power Tower is the scariest ride in the park for me. It'll hold that title even after MF opens. The scariest ride on the penninsula would have to be Ripcord.
I will agree with Ripcord. I mean if you have to sign a release...

"Magnum is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest on Magnum
I'm gonna have to vote for the drop side of Power Tower also... sitting up that high with that much time to look all around is enough to freak out most people.
The Troika.

"Carnies built this country, the carnival part of it, anyway." - Homer
For me it's got to be the drop side of power tower. After all, I don't like high places and the waiting to drop makes the ride intense for me.
MF all the way! Bring it on!
For me, it's the front car on Mantis after you reach the top of the lift hill and are going around the bend at the top. The same thing is always going through my mind "Accidents Happen".
The one that scares me the most at the moment is the Snoopy Bounce...though admittedly it doesn't scare me as much as every other Bounce or inflatable slide I have ever seen.......

--Dave Althoff, Jr
Thinking like a ride inspector again...
Vince - it's not a release form. We just have to keep track of who rode when and what time (if it was a release, you would have gotten some legal mumbo jumbo before signing). I mean, if you signed "Bill Clinton" it probably wouldn't matter (someone did that before)- it's merely for our records. I'm sure Cedar Point would never operate anything that had a high enough risk that you'd "sign your life away" (as people who are signing in at Ripcord usually say) Scariest ride is Power Tower, hands down. I don't like the feeling of not knowing when I'm going to be shot up or down!

By popular vote, the official start of the
millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000

Scariest ride? Easy. Any water slide or rapids ride (I have slight hydrophobia)
The scariest ride has to be the midway buckets. You are up in the air in little buckets attached to a long chain. The worst part is when you reach one of the towers and the buckets starts to rattle. I would hate to get stuck on that ride and have to be rescued by a fire-truck.
FOr me it is the Witches wheel. I just can't do a ride that goes upside down without any type of seatbelt or lapbar.

Monster Ride Host
2nd Year
Monster, my girlfriend says the same thing. I keep trying to convince her to ride it with me when I visit this summer, but she said she won't since I told her that there are no real restraints. I should have kept my mouth shut.
Hands down the Turbo drop...I'll never forget driving down to CP and when we hit the parking lot we saw Power Tower for the first time in 98 saying "What the....?" Never heard of a Turbo Drop/ Space Shot didn't even know CP got a new ride. So we decided to get on the Turbo Drop...and I remember slowly going up and my friend Eric yells to me "Oh my god look how high we are" Then I turned my head up and said "Where not even half way up yet!!!" Oh what a rush that ride is.

"And now for something completely different" MPFC
I don't understand why more people have not mentioned the Force? Granted we haven't ridden it yet, buts one scrary MFer. :) Pardon the pun.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801 *** This post was edited by Dan on 3/29/2000. ***

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