Scariest Ride @ CP

Monster and 1bad...

Isn't it fun watching the first-timers on the Witches' Wheel (or any Enterprise)? You can tell who they are 'cause they sit down, pull the gate back, then they start looking for something they don't expect not to find... 8-)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I'm tied up between Demon Drop and Power Tower's turbo drop side. I guess I can say that any freefall ride scares the crap out of me! It's not really the ride itself that scares me, it's the anticipation of the drop while you're sitiing at the top of the tower, especially with Power Tower because the amount of time you wait always changes.
Speaking of Ripcord, while at Cedar Point two years ago, a friend and I were going to ride Ripcord but my uncle wouldn't let us do it until my friend wrote and signed a contract releasing my uncle from being liable if we were to die. My friend wrote up a contract on the back of a napkin from the Boathouse, signed it, and gave it to my uncle. When we got in line, a storm passed over us and we didn't get to ride (and I was going to pull the cord too!). I'm pretty sure if we rode, that would be number one on my list of scary rides!
Mine is defientely the turbo drop on POWER TOWER. It's the only ride that comes close to scaring the crap out of me!

Millennium+Force=Sweetest Roller Coaster on the Planet
LOL @ RideMan! I've never really paid attention before, but I'll have to now. I can just imagine their expressions when they can't find anything at all except the side rails to hold on to! haha :)
Mantis, it is so unnerving standing up and going through all those tiny twists and curves at the end, it is very disorienting.
power tower drop side at night is the scariest for me...heights and disorientation due to darkness....ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!

please send money
Well my first time riding PT, Mantis, Raptor, and Magnum I was scared. I am not anymore when I ride them. I would have to say MF will be scary but Probably not after you ride it a couple of times. The rides were only scary for me because I had never rode coaster before and had no idea what the effect was like. But after the first hill on all the rides (except PT) I loved it and my fear was gone.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!

Power Tower: Turbo Drop has scared me everytime I have riden it. I was nervous on the way up Mantis and magnum's lift hills but that is it. MF is going to scare me to death. I have no doubt in my mind.
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
I would have to say Power Tower Turbo drop side. When i went last yea we went on it like 5 times realy early in the morning. And it scared me everytime. When i wait in line looking up at all the people being droped just scares the heck out of me! But i do love that ride its the best!
Welcome back Raptor Riders how was your Flight? I hope you enjoyed your ride on Raptor! *** This post was edited by MFBoy on 3/29/2000. ***
Wow, I'm suprised I haven't seen this yet, for me, the scariest ride at CP is the Giant Wheel. I have no problems with any other ride anywhere except for ferris wheels(and of course the infamous CP waterspouts, but I only got to ride those once :)) I don't know why Ferris Wheels scare me so much. Just do.

If I am not mistaken I believe you hear a click right before you drop on the PT. That is how I know when I will fall. Last year about a half second after that click down went the car. So I just wait for that click and then scream. I may be wrong but I am pretty sure I remember a click on the drop side then we always fell

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
Jeff's avatar
There is a sound of the holding brakes releasing, but I'm not sure how much time you have after that!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
LuvRaptor's avatar
Ok-let's talk PRE-MF days because I dont know about any of yous but this thing terrifies me!
I will ride it sure but dont think my heart wont be thumping in my neck on the way up-
The most terrifying ride to me is Power Tower-
(I ADORE Mantis-it is awesome!!) Going down on PT is terrifing-going up not quite as scary.....
but I do "weasel" my way out of riding PT every chance I get!!!
Wonder if I will beable to weasel out of riding it this year too!!!
Ride Mantis!! It is AWESOME!!!
Also you will see 1st hand what stacking is all about!!!

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
I woul have to say power Tower to.You never know when you going to drop!
I weaseled my way out of PT too till near the end of last year LuvRaptor. My friend took me on it and I loved it (down and up) Maybe I will be able to get you on it with me after we fly Raptor this year. :)

And yeah MF scares me alot. Have no fear I will bring extra drawers for MF my first time, I got a feeling I will need to use the restroom facilities after that ride. ;)

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
I would have to agree with Bill Bradley on this one the first time I visited Mantis I thought about pulling some crap about getting sick. Mainly because I had never done a stand-up but it was a very pleasant experiance.

Certain rides may NOT be for you...
The scariest ride is: Matterhorn :)
hmmm... my original answer was drop side of Power Tower but the scariest thing will probably be being on Millennium Force the first time it stops 275+ feet up the lift hill with a strong breeze coming off the lake... even if it's just for 10 or 15 seconds :)
I would have to say Power Tower Downward drop as well
The Giant Wheel!!! I hate ferris wheels I always think I'm going to fall!


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