You have every right to your opinions, but why do we have to read through that diatrab of stupidity. First, since you are a coaster buff, you should have known better than to plan a vacation so early in the season. Second, why does CP have to announce to you where their workers are - I do believe there is a secure building where the motors for TTD are located (maybe, just maybe, the problem was there). Third, the line was opened because CP had every intent and hope of opening the ride, unfortunatly during those 90 minutes it must have been determined the goal could not be achieved. Forth, a roller coaster is a piece of heavy machinery and machines break - especially new record breaking ones. Fifth and finally, it is implied that all rides will be operating just like it is implied they MAY break during the event - get over it and stop whining - you rode TTD twice during your two days (and for that you should be grateful).
The best thing about Six Flags "Worlds of Adventure" is that Cedar Point is nearby!
"Diatrib [sic] of stupidity."
"Stay home."
Why does speaking one's opinion when it goes against CP and/or the companies that build the rides cause the clique's neck hairs to stand on end?
I had planned to share a full TR, but no longer feel comfortable in giving my opinions about the other coasters. MStreak's roughness is probably just my imagination and I must have slept through Magnum's special effects tunnels (another case of CP theming gone awry).
I'll close by saying that more people than you know come here for information. They are entitled to read the real deal... good, bad, indifferent. This board should not be the online version of Pravda.
Yes you are correct, this board WILL NOT be an on line version of PRAVDA. Your inital post is a nice addition to the site and I hope you re-consider posting your trip report.
With that said;), I won't flame you but I will agree to disagree (this is the way the forums SHOULD WORK), CP did not "bait and switch". True TTD did not run due to mechcanical problems but CP subsituted MF ERT in the AM, plus Front of the line passes (true these won't help the ONE TIME visitor but I do know for a fact the VAST majority of the Coastermania attendees are REPEAT visitors to the park.)
I am not sure what CP did last night as we left right before 10P.M.
Also, we were NOT part of Coastermania but heard and saw what was happening. Additionally, $32 for a Day at CP with about 5 hours of ERT, plus a FREE meal makes for a "pretty good day"
True, some of the attendees came this year specifically for TTD and they were disappointed but I am willing to bet the house if you polled the attendees the satisfaction rating for Coastermania would be quite high.
There is/are problem(s) with TTD, and CP HAS to get it fixed fast.I also know CP is working on the problem(s) to have the ride running ASAP.
I can't nor will you except me to apologize for the "idiots" on this board who hid behind the internet and FLAME. We try to "eliminate the noise" as best we can. Please fell free to point out CP's flaws as I know "peolpe at the park" do visit this site frequently.
Again, I hope you reconsider your postion on your trip report.
Don't let a few ruin your "opinion". We want and encourage differing view points!
Also, I would be peeved also if I had stood in the TTD line and NOT been told it wasn't going to open for awhile. No excuse for that. If peolpe want to wait let em, but please let peolpe know the ride is down for some period of time.
*** This post was edited by Old Timer Tim 6/7/2003 9:00:41 AM ***
DaveDzRochNY said:
Thank you all for verifying the reputation of this particular board."Diatrib [sic] of stupidity."
"Stay home."
Why does speaking one's opinion when it goes against CP and/or the companies that build the rides cause the clique's neck hairs to stand on end?
You wonder why you get "flamed"? You throw gasoline on the fire with the useless, Chirp...chirp...chirp. Now was that necessary? If you are actually going to quote crickets, ya, stay home. Or next time just let us know that you were waiting in line like everyone else and felt like that was unaccecptable.
The best thing about Six Flags "Worlds of Adventure" is that Cedar Point is nearby!
Ed Markey is my anti-drug.
Rollercoasters have proven to cause brain damage in stupid politicians. DAR-HOOT
trips to CP:6 Dragster:2 MFer:6 Magnum: 13 Running with the bulls for a 15 minutes dragster wait, Must be June!
What some of the people on this board don't understand is that without these discussions, there wouldn't be a whole lot to read about. True, I get tired of hearing about the same disapointments over and over from one new poster to the next.
Now, as far as not letting you know that the ride will be down for 2 hours but still letting you in the queue? I guess the ride ops must have dropped their magic 8 ball. The initial intent is to have the ride running, they were hoping to accomplish that. It didn't happen. Then they told you. Yes they said "technical difficulties" was the reason. If they said "sensor 286 is reading a negative" nobody would have understood anyway. Yes, the ride was testing just before that, but there is no rule that it can only break down when someone is on it.
I don't mind reading about the problems this thing is having. It helps me know what I'm in for when I make the 10 hour drive. I appreciate all the info I get from this board. But for people like DaveDzRochNY to come on here and flame us for flaming and tell us we are all idiots or say we all rely on our "mommies and daddies" to get us to the park, is just plain asinine. Remarks like that are completely uncalled for, even from regular posters.
edit: typos
The Fast and the Fearless
*** This post was edited by IntegraGSR 6/7/2003 2:14:16 PM ***
Each person got a non-dragster front of the line pass (for any day this year) and one freeway pass for Dragster.
And even the people who were not going to be back were happy about it. I saw a lot of trading of passes. People gave their Dragster passes to others for more front of the line passes they could use that day.
"I can't make a movie or write a song either, but that doesn't mean I'm not entitled to think they suck."
Dragster: 1 Force: 2 Twister: 3 Raptor: 3 Magnum: 4
Thank you, Dave, for posting your feelings. The Blade reports that your opinion is shared by many coaster enthusiasts.
That's Ridiculous™
i was sadly disappointed Thursday when i couldn't get my rides in on TTD, but I'd rather see a ride temporarily closed, rather then something possibly tragic happen and the ride being closed for a MUCH longer time frame.
i arrived at the park 'round 9:45a.m. ...saw 2 launches. red train. ..roll back! .. and maybe the green train ... an 'announcer' repeatedly announced the ride is NOT open and doesn't know if the ride will open. I herd this with my own ears. ...and the kicker to this is... i saw more than enough people remaining in line! ...All day! ...Diehards!
The B E S T SEVENTEEN s-e-c-o-n-d-s of SHEER >>InSaNitY<< I've E V E R experienced!
Browntggrr said:You wonder why you get "flamed"? You throw gasoline on the fire with the useless, Chirp...chirp...chirp. Now was that necessary? If you are actually going to quote crickets, ya, stay home. Or next time just let us know that you were waiting in line like everyone else and felt like that was unaccecptable.
I would never have thought that "quoting crickets" would send anybody into such a fit! My god! Your pediatrician needs to increase the Ritalin, "ya".
The Dragster crickets are going "Chirp Chirp Chirp".
The Dragster peepers are going "Croak Croak Croak".
I'm hearing this web board going "Clique Clique Clique".
:Top Thrills: *2003*
"Yellow,Yellow,Yellow,Green" AHHH
DaveDzRochNY said:I would never have thought that "quoting crickets" would send anybody into such a fit! My god! Your pediatrician needs to increase the Ritalin, "ya".
The Dragster crickets are going "Chirp Chirp Chirp".
The Dragster peepers are going "Croak Croak Croak".
I'm hearing this web board going "Clique Clique Clique".Increase Ritalin? Pediatrician? Ouch you got me there! Yet before you make a comment on such things, you should check members' profiles.
And Dave, my ride on TTD was great!
The best thing about Six Flags "Worlds of Adventure" is that Cedar Point is nearby!
Browntggrr said:And Dave, my ride on TTD was great!
My two rides were a lot of fun, too! May be going back later this year for a weekend in October, but will most likely be next year, "Ya"!
The Dragster crickets continue to "Chirp Chirp Chirp".
The Dragster peepers keep going "Croak Croak Croak".
I still think I hear a web board going "Clique Clique Clique".
This year I went to Valleyfair! on opening day and Steel Venom was down. It was easy to get over that because I can go anytime. If you live close enough to make a day trip to CP and can go whenever you want, you really don't know what it is like to have the ride you want most closed down when you travel for it.
There is no right or wrong reason to go to CP. TTD is just as good a reason as any. In fact, that is what CP intended. If they did not want to attract guests for just the new attraction, they could have built something a little smaller and saved a few dollars. It is perfectly normal and human to be disappointed when you look forward to something and are let down. And looking forward to TTD is something we all did all winter.
I do think CP is doing all they can to get the ride going and I think the bait and switch comments go too far; however, you should be able to understand why someone is disappointed about missing TTD on a CP trip this year.
By the way, I have been on TTD 8 times and I am so glad I went when I did. It gets better everytime you ride it. If you can get on, do wait for the front since it is by far the best and it may be down the next time. Also, the left is better than the right on that twist.
*** This post was edited by Front Seat Rider 6/12/2003 10:06:23 PM ***
*** This post was edited by PLayerPunk89 6/12/2003 11:03:21 PM ***
My point was that TTD was designed specifically to draw guests by itself and we should not be surprised if people go for it, and are dissappointed when it is down. It was built for a record, but a record is a means not an end. A record advertises itself and draws more people that would otherwise not come.
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