Rude worker

Loopy's avatar


Until you get it through your thick skull that you're an idiot for doing it?

Might be a while, huh?

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Factory, your argument may have carried some weight around here if you hadn't basically made it obvious that you don't care the least bit about breaking that rule. You think 12 more people in line trying to ride after close doesn't make a difference to us? I may not have worked Maverick, but I lived with the third in charge there for 2 months. I don't know how he did it, waking up at 5 or 6 to be in to transfer trains after not getting out until after midnight day in and day out. I'd like to see you take the same stance if you had been anywhere in Rides, let alone on the crew of whose ride you broke a rule. I held off for as long as I could with this rant, but after reading your last few posts, you are just the same to me as the enthusi-ass that we had on the Blue Streak platform telling me that my TL, myself, and our maintenance crew didn't know how to do our jobs because we were down for weather, when according to him, it would be better for the ride to run in the rain than in sunny weather. Complete and utter bull. You and your argument carry no validity in my eyes, and for the record, the CPPD do what they can to enforce the rules. They have 365 acres to patrol, and a limited staff to do it. Do us all a favor and stay away from the park if you intend on breaking any more rules and not caring about the employees at all.

**End rant**

For the few enthusi-asses that may reside on this board, think twice before trying to insult a ride op, supervision, or management. We may not always like our management, but if you try to insult the intelligence of any worker at the park because you think you know how to run a park, if you are saying this to me, it will be met with a stone cold stare and a trip to the closest phone so that you can tell our managers face to face that they don't know anything about running a park.

**end second rant** *** Edited 10/10/2007 5:36:30 PM UTC by BlueStreak64***

Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.

factory81 said:

after it had closed following another group in. There were more then a dozen people who decided to enter the queue and when CP police showed up they singled out two other groups, and girlfriend / myself. For the whole 9 security number, we need to see your I.D.'s (thank god we had them on us and not in a locker), etc etc.

That is some BS right there... I'm trying to figure out why he wanted your Social. If a cop asks me for mine, he is going to have a hard time getting it and I have a lot of respect for the police, but it works both ways.

factory81 said:
No warnings. Almost up to the stairs and we turn around and there they are. There was such a large group of people though all in all it was more then a ride operator could handle I would think. 2 police showed up...we must of been the big fish to fry.

So if a kid cuts in line they are not punished because they are a minor?

Or if a kid stabs someone at CP it is less of an offense because its a kid?

Yeah right...if your asking everyone who looks like they are a teenager or above your excluding certain people. If you bust a large group of people, and single out a select few it is unfair. We didn't do anything to highlight ourselves. I wouldn't of been mad if I had seen the cops also I.D. and write a report out for every person including the children in line.

It would be as if they exclude everyone and check only the people wearing burkas out in my opinion.

Still my point is they excluded us unfairly. You know the cops were like we'll were not going to find the parents to get their social security numbers, full information, where you were staying, and the whole run down.

Whats the difference between 17312 vs 17330 people? 2 trains a night of people who push the rules. We don't hurt anyyyyyyone or cause cancer like cigs.

Meanwhile I can find cigs in every line but the frog hopper (well maybe not).... *** Edited 10/10/2007 3:52:31 AM UTC by factory81***

By your own admission you broke the rules. You were lucky the CPD let you go.

Going into a ride that is closed is extremely dangerous. Only an idiot would play in an area of heavy machinery...

factory81 said:
No warnings. Almost up to the stairs and we turn around and there they are. There was such a large group of people though all in all it was more then a ride operator could handle I would think. 2 police showed up...we must of been the big fish to fry.

So if a kid cuts in line they are not punished because they are a minor?

Or if a kid stabs someone at CP it is less of an offense because its a kid?

Yeah right...if your asking everyone who looks like they are a teenager or above your excluding certain people. If you bust a large group of people, and single out a select few it is unfair. We didn't do anything to highlight ourselves. I wouldn't of been mad if I had seen the cops also I.D. and write a report out for every person including the children in line.

It would be as if they exclude everyone and check only the people wearing burkas out in my opinion.

Still my point is they excluded us unfairly. You know the cops were like we'll were not going to find the parents to get their social security numbers, full information, where you were staying, and the whole run down.

Whats the difference between 17312 vs 17330 people? 2 trains a night of people who push the rules. We don't hurt anyyyyyyone or cause cancer like cigs.

Meanwhile I can find cigs in every line but the frog hopper (well maybe not).... *** Edited 10/10/2007 3:52:31 AM UTC by factory81***

DJTheC's avatar

I like how this goes from Ride Pride to CP Police...

and getting cancer from cigs. (Spell it out, please.) To me, cigs seems like a derrogartory remark towards someone. That or a modified Cog.

All I know is, don't break the rules and you will be just fine and have a good time!

00-03 - KP
04-Life - Just giving advice

Indy's back and just in time.

He no joke wrote both our socials down.

I think they made the ordeal look bigger then it was and hurt it hurt the image of the park for those who witnessed it.

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

And people like you give the park a bad image if the park is not enforcing any of the rules.

The park also looks bad if they allow people like you on their property, actually.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

djDaemon's avatar

No doubt CPPD's reaction had nothing to do with what I'm sure was your completely mature and rational behavior.


Just wondering if anyone here has met Factory81... Regardless of what he had done, some of the responses are not making anyone look any better than they pretend to be.

EDIT: Remember that kid that kicked off of here for making ridiculous assumptions about people that drink alcohol? yeah... same thing.
*** Edited 10/10/2007 9:00:55 PM UTC by Coastern3rd***

JuggaLotus's avatar

Oh, she didn't just make ridiculous assumptions about people who drink alcohol. She also hated hot lesbians and puppies.

Goodbye MrScott


^^ HEH.

I remember her. Ridiculous Conservative. Obviously Lived a very sheltered life.

*** Edited 10/11/2007 7:25:46 AM UTC by James K.***

LuvRaptor's avatar

A typical Halloweekends Saturday the hours are O-C. On Raptor (which is always Joe Cool) it meant you had to be on the platform at 9am-ish. We had to have the trains cleaned and transferred by 9:30ish.
Lunches and breaks were usually done by 8pm (sometimes even sooner)

Despite a FULL queue, entrance would close at 12:04. Whomever is on entrance would call controls and tell them what the last person on line was wearing. This way the ops could begin their queue cleaning (which btw, on a crowded Saturday night could be awful. A trashcan every 20" apparently isnt close enough for some of those people)

When the last person in line finally hits the platfom (remember that could be 2 hours later) then they can know exactly how many more trains would be going and tell the people who have been waiting for the front that they would have to pick another row since only 1 or 2 more trains would go.

Without going into specific boring details on why the amount of people matter when it comes to transferring trains, a few extra people who sneak on line after entrance is closed it could easily make the difference on being forced to send out 2 or more trains.
Once all guests are done, the trains are tranferred, the queue is inspected, there is a track walk to pick up all those loose articles people are told not to take with them. The ops can not leave until they are given the ok to do so by their blue tag.

So after getting up at 7 or so, arriving at the park at 8 or so, pretty much being on your feet all day. You get to sit on your breaks and when you're on controls for 30 minutes. Thanks to the ride prides, the other 2 sitting positions, entrance and crowd control are covered most of the day.
(And I beg to differ, I think crowd control is the position from Hell, at least on Raptor. I'd rather take entrance ANY day over crowd)
If you're lucky you will be back in your dorm room by 2am.

To the normal guest that all sounds like "so what?" but that is a 17 hour day, (with NO overtime remember) a few extra guests sneaking back on line after entrance has been closed would matter and does matter. Especially on rides that have to transfer trains off. The ops are tired, they have been working their butts off all day and rightfully they want to call it a night.

While most of the guests are on the road or even home talking about their fun day at CP, most of the ride ops are still there cleaning up and finishing up after your fun day.

I say let the people who rant and rave here about the rules and cops being a-holes work at CP for ONE day so they wiill have a whole new respect for the rules and why they are in place.

What is the difference between going on a closed ride line and walking into a restaurant after it's closed and expecting them to serve you?

Sorry for the venting!

Lifetime Raptor flights: 1225 :)

It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that?

well said LuvRaptor.

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