RMC Streak Photo Update - May 7, 2017

Kevinj's avatar

Raptor trains make you so happy!


Promoter of fog.

XS NightClub said:
If RMC is redoing the B&S trains in the park that would be the absolute best news in the world.

Not sure if this is sarcasm or not, but... RMC has a single rail prototype they are calling "Raptor" track.


XS NightClub's avatar

Bring on the raptor track and trains then...
As long as there's no ratcheting rubber airtime killing vests or over the shoulder sight limiting head bangarou, I'm excited to try it

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

Just found this brand new HD drone video of RMC Mean Streak, absolutely amazing footage! Definitely can see how the third lap is going to loop back around and then back to the station. NEW Aerial RMC Mean Streak footage!

CoasterCam's avatar

Someone has balls...

2018- Raptor

CP Top 5- 1)MF 2) Maverick 3) Gatekeeper 4) Top Thrill Dragster 5) Raptor

Nice video though. How long until Tony puts in a laser drone defense system? :-)

Lash's avatar

Tony already has Sharks with Lasers!

What's the over/under on that being legal. I'm suprised the video is still up.

Cedar Point has a restricted airspace to at least 500ft above the park. There's no doubt they are going to contact the FAA and law enforcement about this.

The footage was neat, though.

thedevariouseffect's avatar

Cool footage, douche move.

I miss when drones were an expensive tool to only people who shot cinematic style movies/videos. Now any kid can get a drone that can pull stuff off like this, which is why things like this are happening more and more.

Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011

CP does NOT have "restricted airspace" above the park.

A quick look at an Aeronautical Sectional Chart confirms this.

A quick check of NOTAMS (Notices to Airmen) confirms that there are no TFRs (temporary flight restrictions) above Cedar Point (as is the case with Walt Disney World).

Furthermore, drones are required by Federal Aviation Regulations Part 107 to fly UNDER 400 feet in most circumstances.

MANNED AIRCRAFT must generally remain 1000 feet above the surface in congested areas unless necessary for takeoff and landing, and 500 feet from any person, vessel, vehicle or structure in sparsely populated areas. BUT, these regulations DO NOT apply to UNMANNED aircraft, aka DRONES.

As I detailed thoroughly several months ago in the prior RMC MS thread, drone flight over CP may be done without violating FAR Part 107 (Drone flight regulations) regardless of whether CP likes it or not, AS LONG AS there are no LOCAL LAWS that would otherwise prohibit it.

Don't put stock in anyone's uneducated summarization of the regulations. You can read the entire text of Part 107 (and the applicable sections of Part 91 as referenced in Part 107) and see for yourself.

If anyone can cite a specific clause within Part 107 that would effectively prohibit drone flight over Cedar Point, I challenge you to quote that section here verbatim and explain how flight over CP would violate that clause.

Barring a local ordinance that prohibits it and assuming he didn't fly directly above an uncovered human, there was no apparent illegal activity in that drone flight.

thedevariouseffect's avatar

^As I stated before too, you may not be breaking an actual law, other than potentially being charged with trespassing or some small deal like that as the park has clearly stated drone flight on the peninsula is not authorized.

Regardless of any legal outcome that I don't care about (I'm not the police nor do I want to pretend to be CP police in this situation...

However it isn't necessarily illegal, it is extremely douchey.

Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011

The drone pilot cannot be charged for trespassing because Cedar Point does not own the airspace above the park. The airspace is public.

There is zero relevance as to whether CP "authorizes" it or not, because they have no valid basis to authorize or not.

It is like me telling you that I do not authorize you to ball your wife.

Whether or not it is "douchey" is a matter of opinion. I understand the perspective that someone might consider it "douchey" to engage in behavior that somebody else doesn't like.

But I don't necessarily think that exercising one's legal rights to utilize property one has a right to use (in this case, public airspace) within the bounds of applicable law is "douchey."

If my next door neighbor doesn't like dogs, but I still exercise my right to let my dogs play in my backyard, am I being "douchey?"

Last edited by DA20Pilot,

This just in ISIS is claiming responsibility for the drone flight.


why cant everyone just be happy that we are able to view some great footage.

On another note, has anyone been able to visually discern whether the track will make the complete third lap though the structure?

In the drone video, you can clearly see ledgers for what was the beginning of the third lap in the circle around the lift hill.

But, I cannot tell if this is just a return to the station or if the track continues on between the structure beneath hills 3 and 2.

DA20Pilot said:

There is zero relevance as to whether CP "authorizes" it or not, because they have no valid basis to authorize or not.

It is relevant in one respect: CP has covered its butt liability-wise if someone gets hurt. No one is ever going to "authorize" drone operations anywhere and risk assuming liability.

This Isn't A Hospital--It's An Insane Asylum!

Regardless of the law, cedar point has their policy. Weather or not you agree with the policy is irrelevant.

Cedar point has very good reason to not allow drones over the peninsula.

CoasterCam's avatar

It seems like progress on the ride has significantly slowed. There may be stuff going on behind the scenes that we can't see but otherwise nothing for a couple weeks as far as I can tell.

2018- Raptor

CP Top 5- 1)MF 2) Maverick 3) Gatekeeper 4) Top Thrill Dragster 5) Raptor

PyroKinesis09's avatar

PghCSTRfan said:

why cant everyone just be happy that we are able to view some great footage.

People are always quick to tell you what is illegal. Maybe they should just report the video instead of going for e-cred on these forums.

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