RMC Streak Photo Update - May 7, 2017

Yeah you can see it from Perimeter Rd. It really looks like they line up more with that series of cross ties running through the structure in that side view picture.


I take back what I said earlier about it not being vertical. I didn't notice the ledgers on the hill until now. Holy crap.

New Teaser up from Cedar Point. Wild and Unruly

Cedar Point fan

So the new teaser just came out. In the comments some people are claiming it to be a dueling coaster. It sounds ridiculous to me but just imagine if it was.

I'm from Kansas

CoasterGuy15's avatar

glions33 said:

So the new teaser just came out. In the comments some people are claiming it to be a dueling coaster. It sounds ridiculous to me but just imagine if it was.

that would explain the "they're coming" and it sure looks like it based on the video

Last edited by CoasterGuy15,

Ride On_17 said:

I got a few pics of that area yesterday, it's hard to tell what's next after the overbank other than it diving down close to the ground. However, it's clearly visible that it will be flying right above the ground and have some epic head choppers as you're going through the structure.

Those are great pictures, but for future reference, these elements are now known as epic "Kathy Griffins".

And it keeps saying They. And the track looks to duel with itself as well in the video. Guys.. what if?

I'm from Kansas

CoasterGuy15's avatar

Front Seat Rider said:

Ride On_17 said:

I got a few pics of that area yesterday, it's hard to tell what's next after the overbank other than it diving down close to the ground. However, it's clearly visible that it will be flying right above the ground and have some epic head choppers as you're going through the structure.

Those are great pictures, but for future reference, these elements are now known as epic "Kathy Griffins".

Not funny

glions33 said:
And it keeps saying They. And the track looks to duel with itself as well in the video. Guys.. what if?

The side-by-side tracks shown in the video are probably 10-15 seconds apart along the track. Based on the location of current track and ledger placement, the only way it will duel is if the train drops off the lift and Mcbr at the same time.

Renegade said:

Last time someone spotted a drone over the ride we got a teaser.

Winter is here.

XS NightClub's avatar

Wth!?! No GOLD TRAXX!1ยก1!

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

CoasterGuy15 said:

Front Seat Rider said:

Those are great pictures, but for future reference, these elements are now known as epic "Kathy Griffins".

Not funny

My apologies to Kathy Griffin and her loyal fan base.

the teaser looks great!

Yeah i think the deuling thing seems to be just a misunderstanding. I doubt it will.

So, another teaser, when do y'all think we are going to get a formal announcement? CPShores is open and their marketing for that has to be coming to close.

Possibly August? Sooner?

The teasers were posted 2 months apart. That pace puts us in August for the next one.

I'm honestly not sure which is more entertaining: watching reactions to the teaser here, or watching the GP's reactions on Facebook and Twitter.

What I don't see in that teaser picture of the side by side track, is evidence of the final thru the structure pass. Does it continue to turn inward for a final helix instead of one more out and back?

Last edited by jo linn,

A side view of the lift hill from the cruise today.

So after doing some homework on unruly and old west two things caught my attention. Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson, the two most famous lawmen in the old west. Also, when I googled unruly and wild the word Cimorron came up. It's Spanish for wild and unruly. Soldiers , sheriffs, and bandits that were out of control in the old west were referred to as Cimorrons. A synonym for the word is Maverick. Just a thought.

Using long post-its as a straight edge on my screen, I followed the track and supports up the lift on Ken P's picture. The ride would top out higher than the frame of the picture. I think they may have room for a double down on the lift hill. If not this is going to be really high. Either or is fine with me.

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