If you look at todays Onpoint! Blog Tony and Tyler are encouraging us to participate in a contest at a site for Americas' best ride. Today Maverick is up against Tower of Terror. I'll let you go to CP's site to find the link if you want to vote.
I don't get why its so hard to link to it...and I'm not sure what chance Maverick has against the Disney rides..
Owner, Gould Photography.
I'll never understand how people arrive at TPI having some kind of credibility for anything. The fact that it or its readers ever named Mean Streak good for anything and Mythos at IOA as best theme park food (it's average, at best) pretty much shatters any shred of credibility.
And Tower of Terror owns Maverick. That thing is brilliantly executed on every level (*rim shot*).
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
There is a problem here.
Tower of Terror is all about free fall.
Maverick is all about sudden turns.
I'm sorry but to me, those are pretty much unrelatable.
Who came up with the seedings for these rides? I mean Tower of Terror as the overall #1 ?!?!?!
So many Disney rides on here really arent even rides so much as they are attractions. This whole thing is bad...
TTD and Maverick 32 and 33 ?!?
You can't compare Tower of Terror and Maverick. They are completely different. Maverick blows it out of the water though.
Yeah I don't think the idea is "Best rides that are very similar to each other for the sole purpose of comparing them." Just best rides. I can't believe Ripsaw Falls beat El Toro in round 1. Go Millie!
384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot
Tower of Terror vs John McCain: The Ride?
Tower of Terror wins hands down.
I don't care much for McCain (though I did vote for him), and I don't care much for the crappy Intamin ride named after him.
John McCain: The Ride
Being Mavericky since 2007!
There is a problem here.
Tower of Terror is all about free fall.
Maverick is all about sudden turns.
I'm sorry but to me, those are pretty much unrelatable.
Sort of like comparing Cedar Point to Disney, which is still illogical.
Promoter of fog.
^It turned out that we now have an incompetent moron as President. A moron who is also a socialist.
Maverick (McCain) may be a liberal, but at least he isn't working hard to destroy this great country like the trio of Obama, Reid, and Pelosi!
John McCain: The Ride
Being Mavericky since 2007!
Tower of Terror blows Maverick out of the water. Maverick is simply just a better then average coaster, Tower of Terror is the best non coaster ride on the planet hands down. I dont know exactly where I would put it behind my best coasters though, and I never compare wood to steel coasters together so Ill just leave it at this obvious example.
^^Another ignorant conservative. You want to see incompetent morons? Look at your boys Bush and Cheney. They are the reasons why our economy is almost at the point of no return. And can you please explain why he is a socialist? For as long as I have known, America has had free public schooling, libraries, police forces, fire fighters, etc. Looks like you are the moron.
First rollback=opening weekend '09
There is nothing free about fire, police, libraries and schooling. There are things called taxes, of which I seem to be paying more of lately.
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
R.I.P. Fright Zone, and Cyrus along with it.
I agree with Touchdown - I have a short list of Best Disney Rides Ever and Tower of Terror is near, if not at, the top. In fact, I purchased a park-hopper for my 1 day at Disney in February just so I could leave Magic Kingdom for a minute and go to Hollywood Studios to get a few rides on it again. (Was Disney hosting the Ameri-Cheer/Dance competition that week? Yes. Was there an additional 10,000 highschool girls all in matching warm-ups carrying huge backpacks at the park that day? Yes. Were they all talking really loud, all at once? O.M.G.) So, I guess I'm a TOT fan and would certainly have to rate it over a great ride like Maverick if pressed for an answer.
That is if I were voting, which I'm not. A bracket poll like this is ludicrous, arbitrary, and pointless. (Except to generate thousands of hits to a website) Sorry, Tony and Tyler. I hope your Cedar Point rides do well, for your sake, but for knowledgeable fans like us these pairings are like apples/oranges and it benefits no one here to even enter into these arguements.
And because I'm up early and kinda cranky, I'm gonna hand no thanks to Avalanche Sam for getting out his Political View Ugly Stick and trying to stir things up here. Puh-leeeze.
I'm the oldest one here. CP emp '73-'74
I think that the two rides are totally different.! Plus the fact that I am a coaster junkie vs a person who like rides like The Tower of Terror! I think that both ride have unique qualities to them and are both great rides, but my personal perference is with hands up the Maverick!!!
Life is like a rollercoaster! It is full of ups and downs
CP rush said:
They are the reasons why our economy is almost at the point of no return.
It's disheartening that so many people don't understand the problem and instead resort to a game of "it's the other team's fault." Through all your Bush hating, you fail to see Obama's economic policies are remarkably similar to Bush's. They both believe that economic health is the product of government spending. The problem was caused by the failed policies of both parties and is being continued by more of the same.
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