Don't get me wrong, I didn't feel "underappreciated" or bothered in any way by the cheers and screams of the general public, and I was fully prepared to deal with the media pressure and whatnot. I loved that part of my job!! Working at Cedar Point was the only job that I have EVER loved. It's such a thrill working on the greatest roller coasters in the world, and interacting with park guests, wondering how they liked the ride, whether they were enjoying their day, etc, etc......My only problem was how people (other than park guests, media, and friends of management) are treated by management. I do realize that we don't all like who we work for, but in a business that demands personable and tactful people, don't you think that the managers of such companies should be setting a good example for ALL their employees as well? These are the very people that we as amusement park employees are supposed to be emulating day in and day out. When they treat their employees badly, what does that show the employee him or herself? believe me, I am not writing to upset anyone. I just have an opinion, just like everyone else.

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