purses and other valuable things???

Harley -- actually, I seem to remember that backpacks were cool, but ONLY if you only wore them by a single strap (and to be honest, when I use a backpack, I STILL only use a single strap because I find it more comfortable)

Chitown, I know what you mean about feeling old. I'm 30, getting ancient! ;)


(Trying to respond to two thoughts in one message)
*** This post was edited by GregLeg1 on 5/8/2000. ***
Okay so for all of you that have rode MF-(I'm sooooo jealous)- what could you have on the ride and what couldnt you take on it?

Are we there yet??
I was about to ask the same thing -- what's the verdict on things like belt bags?

Great minds think alike huh Greg :)

Are we there yet??
Actually, when waiting in line they are VERY strict about having NOTHING with you that won't fit in your pockets. In fact, I was told two or three times to be sure to put my hat in my pocket while I was waiting. If you have a purse or something you have to stash it in a 75 cent locker before you get in line. There are no boxes in the station.
Jeff's avatar
If you can't wear it securely, you can't take it on. It's that simple.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
What about things attached to your belt? For example: scanners

Whats life if you nevere get to the point?
Jeff's avatar
Nope... I watched as people were asked to stash their FRS radios.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
But how did they treat things like belt bags? They're secure, but can't be stashed in a pocket...

So I guess Cedar Point is going to join the list of parks that have placed "cover your *ss" higher on the list of priorities than its customers.

Thats ashame.

Jeff's avatar
I think you're looking at it from the wrong perspective... this policy IS in the best interest of its customers. I can't put in to words how critical it is that people don't have loose items at 92 mph. Take it from someone who got nailed by a tiny bug in the forehead at that speed.

Yes, they do allow belt packs.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
I called CP the other day (I would have posted this sooner, but I was having PC troubles) and asked them about the policy about backpacks on MF, and the lady called over and checked, unfortunatly, backpacks, purses and those things have to be secured in a locker. Is there a locker near the line for MF, or do you have to go farther?

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
The 75 cent lockers are right at the beginning of the queue. I'm not sure if all the lockers cost that much now or not, though...
I ALWAYS have my Colts hat, and every time I get on a roller coaster, I un-snap it and re-snap onto a secure bar like the lap bars and steel handles. Will they let me do this?
Jeff's avatar
I think they were instructing people to sit on their hats.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
I have always found it a little wrong how Cedar Point charges so much money to use lockers to store valuables. At Ohio State we have to put our bags and backpacks into lockers before going into the bookstore so that people cannot try to shoplift. The lockers require a quarter to work but when you unlock them you get your quarter back. I know that there is a big difference between a non-profit University and a privately owned corporation, but I do not think that it's fair that Cedar Point basically "fines" people 75 cents because they have items that are not safe to bring on a ride. I think that they should have quarter lockers that return your quarter when you open them. They make enough money as it is and they do not need to charge such a high price just to use their lockers.
Muckmack, nothing is free, its that simple.
Great, I'm okay with sitting on my hat. I just don't want to pay $.75 every time I want to ride.
I always sit on my hat. I just always have this fear in the back of my mind that when I get some airtime, my hat will take off on me (I don't have a big butt :)). I also hate having to reshape my bill after every ride, but oh well. ;)
I think 75 cents is cheaper than I would expect at an amusment park, considering the price of food and drinks at parks. A small price to pay for the convinence of not having to carry stuff around with you all day. What would you do with glasses on this ride if you want to remove them? Putting them in a locker isn't the greatest solution, it may be impossible to find my way into the queue while blind :)

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