purses and other valuable things???

I am quite surprised that no one has thought of this yet. Are you considering the fact that on MF you are going to be going up a 310 foot hill, and going around a few almost UPSIDE DOWN turns, while being held in ONLY by an anitomical restraint and a seat belt? That there seems like that would be obvious enough that there will be NO leniancy about fanny packs, which go RIGHT where that little piece of foam rubber holding your cute little butt in those cars are. So, don't be surprised if you get totally denied if you ask to keep that on during the ride. My advice: Buy some Cargo Shorts. That's my plan. For any Toledoans, I got a really nice pair with TONS of room at JCPenny at the FPM, for only 20 bucks.
I have always taken my backpack with me when I go to CP, Mantis, Raptor, Power Tower, Corkscrew are the only rides I've been told I have to leave th pack in the station, either in the station, or along side of the station (corkscrew). All of the others I've had to loop the straps thru my seatbelt and tuck the pack under the seat. I belive this will be the way they do it on MF, it would be the most logical way, hey, you can take the bags with you on Magnum, so other than the turns I dont see why they would make it so you can't take the bag on.

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
Another thing that I didn't mention is aren't you elevated quite a bit off the car floor? That won't make it too easy to strap yourself to the seat belt along with a bookbag hanging down. I'm still thinking there will be no leniency at all on MF, knowing Cedar Point and Cedar Fair's maintenance and safety records, especially for a coaster of this magnitude.
Jeff's avatar
I don't know what could possibly be that important that people need to take huge backpacks in to the park when they could easily be left in the car.

Cayl, you need to look at the car a little closer. Your feet are firmly planted on the floor of these trains. You don't have to climb in to the seat. Furthermore, the lapbar would not interfere with a fanny pack which could easily rest over it. Look at my info to see the seats.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
Well Jeff, you're not a female. :o)

I always carry around a lot of things in my backpack when I go, including but not limited to: extra clothing (which takes up a lot of space right there!), a hat, umbrella or poncho, band-aids, lip gloss, pen and paper, camera, and wallet. Not to mention keys and other assorted things like hair scrunchies and small stuff that I just might want while I'm walking around on the midway. I hate disrupting the course of the day to go back to the car or back to a locker to grab things when I can easily carry them around instead. Plus I tend to put pins and stuff on my backpack that express things. :o) Like my RRC pin.

Of course, I'm also the type of person who packs 3 large suitcases to go home for 5 days.
Go figure.

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000

*** This post was edited by Backstreet Girl on 5/4/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
But WHY do you need those things in the park? I have some of that stuff with me, but I keep it in the car. I hate having stuff to carry around. Since I generally park in the Soak City lot, the car is always centrally located.

I just don't see why people can't survive without that stuff for a few hours at a time.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
Hey Cayl! Thats what I do with the cargo shorts! And I got them at JC penny's too!
"Jesus will never let you go!!!!"
Bean Bag----Whiplash
I told ya why I need it in the park! In case weather conditions change and I am in line or something, or just don't feel like walking all the way to the car (I don't care if it's 10 feet away lol). Like I said, I like to have everything on me at all times. I can't be blamed, I'm paranoid about things happening hehe.

And the idea with the cargo shorts: Good for guys, but most of the girls' ones they make merely have the pockets and they aren't really big enough to hold anything and not make you look totally stupid. Designers don't seem to take practicality into account when making women's clothing (any clothing that looks half decent anyway), only "how tight can it be?" and "how much can it reveal?" It's distressing.

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000

*** This post was edited by Backstreet Girl on 5/4/2000. ***
One difference between Jeff and perhaps most others who go to CP is that Jeff goes several times a year and can afford to take his time. Others go only once a year and want to take advantage of every minute. Some of us have to fly in from California and can only come once every couple years, and the pressure is even stronger.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.
I myself only have a belt purse, but I can see why people carry a bookbag, it is a pain in the butt to keep going back to the car, even if you do go every week to the park. Women like to be prepared, and if it wasnt for us women, men would be lost! LOL :) I will even carry an umbrella around with me if there is any chance of rain, dont want to be caught in the middle of the park when it downpours, and have to run back to the car, or a locker on the other side of the park! I think its a good idea to carry a bookbag, saves time, etc. I myself dont, I hate carrying stuff around, even when I do have my umbrella. To each his own, I say!

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

"Women like to be prepared, and if it wasnt for us women, men would be lost! LOL "

Woohoo and Darla has it!!

(wow, jeff, no normal style quoting?)
ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000

*** This post was edited by Backstreet Girl on 5/5/2000. ***
See, by me having my backpack, I dont have to worry about anything, I have spare clothes, maybe a pop or two, also I can stash my on-ride photo in there, and I dont have to worry about anything cause its right there. For the AAA day I will probably just wear my cargo shorts, but for opening day, I'll be there with my nice blue backpack (the color is so suprisingly close to the color of MF...lol).

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
Jeff's avatar
I still don't get it. I've yet to see anything that people need to have on them at all times. When Steph and I visit "foreign" parks, we don't have anything other than what we ordinarily have. We bring a change of clothes, sure, but haven't found a single scenario where we would have to spontaneously change clothes somewhere on the midway. I stick to water on a hot day (caffeine causes dehydration), so I don't need soda. I don't need first aid because any injury I sustain would likely require an ambulance anyway. Keys and cash fit in my pocket. If it rains, I'll get wet or seek shelter (depends on the temperature).

I don't even like carrying my camera gear around the park. When I shot the stuff at Kennywood (on CoasterBuzz), I had my fun and went back to the parking lot for the camera later. The 10-minute round trip was hardly an inconvenience.

I think in recent years the proliferation of backpacks has more to do with making a fashion statement than facilitating any functional means.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
The only park that I've ever found need for a backpack was Disney World. And the only reason for that is the fact that you can't dash back to the resort to pick something up if you need it later.

Heading to Dorney tomorrow with nothing but my wallet.

Duane Cahill
Coming soon to an amusement park near you.

Well thats you guys, as I stated before to each his own, you guys may look at it as fashion statement, but others see it as convienece.
The more you ride it, the more you want it!

Last year at BGW, some guy basically put up a heavy verbal fight with Apollo's Chariot ride-ops because he wanted to make his own POV. Why can't people just folow rules and don't delay the fun for other paying customers. At CP and other parks, I waer cargo shorts and my glass case,wallet,etc.. can fit easily

Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
6 days until The Force
Plus I will need my backpack for opening day, I'm wearing my running shoes to run to the ride, then after we get there and we are waiting for the ride to open, I'll change into my Soap Shoes which will be tucked nicely in my backpack till I get there, also I can store my cammera in the bag, I also guess wearing my backpack is kind of a fasion statment, I guess it's just a skater/rollerblader thing. Plus it helps by keeping the sun off of your back, and makes it easier to keep a cd-player or radio with you. Also say it chilly in the morning, but its going to get warmmer later on in the day, I can wear a jacket or sweatshirt and just toss it in there when it gets hot (I usualy just wear a flannel then tie it around my waist if it gets to hot).

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
I like the cargo shorts idea. To be honest, I hadn't thought that'd give me enough space for my supplies vs. my belt bag, but on Friday I went to Target and bought a few pairs (@ $15 each!), and field-tested them yesterday at SFO. The velcro'ed pockets worked GREAT, and I had plenty of space for my digital camera, diabetes foo (although I left the backup pump stuff in the car, figuring if I needed it I could go back for it), wallet, keys, sunglasses, and even sunscreen. Much happiness, this will eliminate worries about the policy on MF...

What do you do with the backpack when you board a ride? Do you keep taking it off and putting it in front of you while riding? Or do you leave it on your back and hunch over while riding? What an inconvenience. Why dont you bring your backpack and stick it in a locker instead of leaving it in your car? And as far as a fashion statement goes, if I see one of those on someone I assume they are going hiking. If this is a fashion statement it definitely must be with the teenagers. (MY GOD, I AM ONLY 28 AND I FEEL OLD AFTER SAYING THAT!)
Now, personally I don't go in for backpacks, as they were considered highly unfashionable and even rather nerdly in my formative years, but I can't imagine walking around a park without my bright orange fanny pack, my cell phone, pager, and Palm organizer (with ride schedule and park layout available at the press of a stylus) hanging from the hemline of my Bermuda shorts, suspenders to keep those shorts up (what with all the gear hanging off - not unlike Batman's utility belt), and, of course, in case of unexpected rainstorms, my purple and yellow umbrella hat, sunscreen in my shirt pocket, digital camera and camcorder hanging off my neck, a towel tied around my right leg and a sweatshirt tied around my left, extra sweat socks cleverly worn outside my primary sweat socks, and finally my trusty Birkenstocks (one size too large to hold those two pairs of socks) to support my arches.

I find that this small set of accessories gets me through the day with nary a moment wasted trekking to the parking lot - except of course to get a new roll of film every hour or so.

And, naturally, all that practical and fashionable attire makes me nothing short of a major babe magnet in line. So it's all goodness.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

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