About the Cocaine in the Coke? That was real...

djDaemon's avatar

No. That ballyhoo about Coke being better than Pepsi.


JuggaLotus's avatar

On a completely different subject: Is anyone else worried about seatbelts showing up on Vortex? Or any of the other arrow loopers in the Paramount parks?

Goodbye MrScott


Oh yeah, sorry... I've been up since 4.

Your taste buds hate you, thats all. They make you think Pepsi tastes better. It's ok, I understand, even the mental get to have opinions. ;)

djDaemon's avatar

Jugga - No, I would think such a development would stem more from a manufacturer concern as opposed to a park management concern. Is this an accurate assumption on my part?

And, yeah, I am mental. That has little to do with the fact that Pepsi is vastly superior to Coke. The reason Pepsi is better is because Coke makes baby Jesus cry. ;)


Actually yes, although I would not say worried, the seatbelts on Corkscrew never bothered me that much.

I thought it was CP's decision for seat belts on Corkscrew.

Edit: Coke is better than Pepsi. *** Edited 5/25/2006 3:57:39 PM UTC by Coastern3rd***

crazy horse's avatar

Pepsi is better than coke.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Walt's avatar

Even though Coke is clearly the better tasting drink, let's stick to the discussion and not dive into the cola wars.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

djDaemon's avatar

Walt - Is it hard to sleep at night, knowing you are propogating such baseless nonsense? ;)

Anywho... If they do add seatbelts to Vortex, it would surprise me. It seems that they have done just fine without them so far. Though, I suppose that hasn't stopped CF before.


JuggaLotus's avatar

Corkscrew operated just fine without them for 20 years too, that didn't stop them. I don't remember if the CS at MA has them though. And the seat belts have seriously hurt operations on Corkscrew, or at least they were screwing things up when I was there a couple weeks ago.

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

Well, maybe the benefit-hassle ratio has changed CF's opinion on making such modifications. If it were me, I would leave much of the operational aspects of each chain as-is, with the exception of those departments/areas that could clearly benefit from some changes.


If it's the same safety nut making the decisions, I expect to see seatbelts put in with a 1" slack rule.

If I remember correctly, Vortex (and a few other KI rides) had a holding pen on the load platform for children who did not want to ride while the parents did. I had to wait in one once when I was like 6 or 7. I'm betting that those will be taken out.

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

Pepsi wins, hands down.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

Coke: The Pop with 101 diffrent uses...

I don't care. I drink beer.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

Ok, my bad... I swear I did not mean to start a soda war.

How about this for thought: All Paramount parks are currently smoke-free. And they only allow smoking in designated areas. Does Cedar Fair keep this policy or abandon it? If they keep it, would it expand to the other Cedar Fair properties?

Six Flags has gone smoke-free as have smaller parks like Holiday World. And doesn't Disney have a smoking policy in their parks as well?

So what about the season passes? Increase in price for all parks, or will those become an addon option like GL?

Kyle D
Rollbacks - 1 - Opening Day 2005
Last TTD train of the night (6-23/24).

They should offer passes just like every other chain. After all how many people are going to run around the country and go to every park? The pass should stay the reasonable price for the park at hand, with the one exception for CP/GLP.

I can only think that this will be only good for the Paramount Parks. I have never been impressed with the operations or the themeing at PKI. Sure the themeing is better than anything around it; but that doesn't mean that it's all that good either. All imersive is being quite generous. Now if the park is easier to get along with from an enthusiast stand point, i would gladly trade that for an ability to deal with large crowds, using que corrals, and more efficient food service stands... well perhaps CF can't help to much with that last one.

djDaemon's avatar

I certainly hope CP doesn't go smoke free, as I feel its fine the way it is. Sure, there are those jacka$$e$ who smoke in line, but their inconsideration is generally not limited to only that. That is, they seem to usually be very inconsiderate in general, not just when it comes to getting their nicotine fix.

One thing that was strange to me was the lack of ashtrays in the park. Are they removing more and more each year, or is it me? Its not a huge deal, as I'll just walk until I find one, which is only at a queue entrance 99% of the time. It would just seem that if there were, say, double the quantity of ash trays, there would be less cigarette butts on the ground - not that I've noticed an abundance of them in recent years.


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