New construction markings?

crazy horse's avatar

Well, there is a bathroom right there already and there is no concrete there. Soooo, it has to be for new water/phone lines or a new ride.......just a guess of course.

As far as a flyer goes, I personaly do not like them. Both the vekoma and b&m models are just uncomfotable to me. I would rather see a floorless or a sit down b&m looper like montu at busch gardens.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

You know that the whole power tower blog was based on my question. I was very pleased with that.

101 on Magnum and counting...

In the CP blog somebody asked them about the dirt on MF's island and they didnt say much, they said something about "it could be landscaping, or could it?" Something like that. They'd probably say the same about this.

The fact that they went out of their way to acknowledge this question but gave a cliffhanger-type answer threw up a red flag for me when I read it.

I think that we will see the true reason behind them copying HW's blogging idea within a month or two with them secretly dropping hints here and there.

We all know how much Cedar Point liked the free publicity Dragster's vertical construction gave them, which lead to them pushing back the announcement from August to January. Now they have found another medium to do the same thing, but in a much more managable way and without even breaking ground for a new ride.

-B.S. Civil Engineering, Purdue University

TTD 120mph's avatar

Thats what makes all of this exciting.
Like you said CP_bound "I think that we will see the true reason behind them copying HW's blogging idea within a month or two with them secretly dropping hints here and there."

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

THEY COULD blow us allway and build 2 things for next year then agine in 07

What exactly did HW do? Make a blog, then drop hints about the Voyage? Well, it's not really like CP to go two seasons without introducing a new coaster (but they did build maXair), so this is what I think: either (a), they build maXair as a kind of appetizer for the next big attraction (like WT to TTD), or (b), they're building a record-breaker for 2007, saving up for 3 years. I think the first is more likely, especially because it looks like they might lose the record for most coasters to SFMM if they wait another year, if they even care about that.

I think it might be kinda cool to have a ride like Drop Zone at PKI on the MF island. It doesn't seem like there is enough room to put a full circuit roller coaster there, although when you ride the train from Frontier Towen to the Main Midway you see that there is a LOT of room there that Cedar Point uses for storage. I've never been on a flyer so I was rooting for that until everyone came here and said that they suck. So I guess well just have to wait and see.

Have you ever thought that they are installing new swings in Camper Village?

*** Edited 7/13/2005 10:01:31 PM UTC by MrScott***

Mayor, Lighthouse Point

And what do swings in Camper Village have to do with markings in the area of Snake River Falls and CCMR?

Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.

And what do markings in the area of Snake River Falls and CCMR have to do with Camper Village?

Absolutly nothing. What made you think that they were related?


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

I wish CP would install something like any of the HW coasters. Holiday World is getting The Voyage for 6.5 million. That's nearly 1/4 of what Dragster cost, and I have a feeling that the re-ride factor of The Voyage will be much more fulfilling that Dragster's.

-B.S. Civil Engineering, Purdue University

TTD 120mph's avatar

I hope I'm not sounding stupid but, what's "the re-ride factor"?
Is it basically the way it sounds?

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

i'm guessing that he meant that wooden coasters tend to offer "unique" rides each time and steel coasters tend to always be the "same" ride. so, people are more likely to re-ride good wooden coasters. that's the theory anyways.

i think its a personal preference, though. i'd rather re-ride a steel coaster than a wooden one. i've only ridden two wooden coasters that i've liked a lot and those were both at *GASP* six flag parks. the villain (at that time six flags ohio) and the viper at great america in chicago. blue streak, mean streak and american eagle are ok to ride once in a while, but nothing i'd re-ride in the same park visit! (well, maybe american eagle just to do the backwards side!) rolling thunder is just horrible though and i'll never ride that again. ha ha ha!!

sorta back on topic though, i'd say CP needs a mega looper. if you think about it, they barely have any coasters that go upside down. i don't count wicked twister as going upside down, so that only leaves corkscrew, raptor and mantis. (raptor being the only GOOD one that goes upside down!) with that many coasters, they need more that go upside down. so, i'd vote for a b&m floorless mega-looper. like medusa, only better!! :-) maybe they were testing the waters with hydra like they did with xcelerator. we can hope can't we??

Vince982's avatar

I agree, it deffinetly is all about personal preference. I've only ridden 4 wooden coasters; Mean Streak, Blue Streak, and The Beast and The Mighty Canadian Mine Buster (both at Canada's Wonderland). I love them all. Last time I went to Cedar Point I rode MS, twice in a row and BS 3 times in a row and loved every single time. I can also ride MF or Magnum over and over and I love every single ride. The difference between steel and wood, is that steel has so many different types; inverted, floorless, flying, etc but wooden coasters are pretty standard. That is not to say that wooden coasters are boring (cause they're not) but if the park is going to build a woodie, they have to make it very unique.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

Coaster Krazy's avatar

As I have stated in the previous thread, anything but an Intamin ride is ok with me. I think we have had our fair share of that company for a little while.

I would rather see another steel coaster for 06. Dive Machine looks awesome, and so does a floorless. I would prefer the Dive Machine, since a floorless is only a few miles away at Geauga Lake.

I also think that Cedar Point should try and make something with more inversions than Raptor. Don't know if a dive machine could have 7 or more inversions, seeing how SheiKra only has one, and Oblivion has none. If they do choose a floorless, then that can easily have more than 7 inversions in it. Maybe with the worlds tallest vertical loop.

If we get a Woodie, it'll be alright. I would just prefer a steel coaster. I just hope that it is and stays a lot smoother than Mean Streak.

I hope we get no 500+ foot coaster. The only way I would support it is if it is not like Dragster design. No point, IMO, if we have a clone of the same ride, but just slightly higher. If it actually has a layout that lasts more than one minute, I would be extremely happy.

[Begin n00b talk]
[/End n00b talk]


*** Edited 7/14/2005 7:41:47 AM UTC by Coaster Krazy***

2012 - Magnum XL 200 Crew

bholcomb's avatar

CP_Bound it'd be the good choice, wouldn't it? Sadly, I still don't think we'll see wood for many years at Cedar Point. That's a major disappointment. I would be all for a big bonfire of Mean Streak if they were going to put something as awesome as The Voyage in.

I think all they see, however, is steel. And that's probably what the next coasters will be - Steel.

Jason Hammond's avatar

Isn't the big pain with a woodie it's maintenance? Wouldn't a Woodie with Steel structure like The Voyage be easier to maintain?

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

TTD 120mph's avatar

They probably wouldn’t have too much to worry about concerning the steel structure. But they would still have to check the track since it is still wooden coaster track.

But the maintenance would more than likely be reduced if it has a steel structure.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I would like to see a new water ride for next year, maybe a water coaster or something of that sort. Then, in '07,(the year I graduate and hopefully work there :)) I think Cedar Point should once again continue their "legacy" of building the tallest and fastest coasters by breaking the 500 foot mark.

Coaster Count: 147

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