Mystery Construction

coolkid2345's avatar

Darnovo, I partly agree with you. The only thing is, did WWL have a Lightning theme to it?

Touchdown is right. Gemini is NOT a wooden coaster. It is a wooden structure built on tubular steel track. Just like CCMR, Exlibar at VF, Adventure Ex. at Kings ISland.

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time:

I actually hope they keep SRF. It does what it is supposed to do by getting everyone on it drenched. Love being able to stand on the bridge and get slammed by all of that water. Since the park has stated in the past that coasters and water rides are the favorites of the public, I think it would be a mistake by taking it down rather than just adding another.

Gemini isn't a wooden coaster any more than The Voyage is a steel coaster.

Technically, I think they'd both be considered Hybrids, for opposite reasons. Gemini is a steel coaster with wood supports. The Voyage is a woodie with steel supports.

As far as the "flaming" of people, I'll stay PC. Coming here, offering up ideas in ignorance, having only read 20 (or even 50) of the 110 pages of discussion, gets just as old as the people ripping them apart for doing so.

How much more weight loss will it take to get on Raptor, Mantis, MF and TTD?

CedarPointGeek's avatar

^ive read all 110 pages lol


#1 Millennium Force #2 Maverick #3 Top Thrill Dragster

ML1's avatar

Zoug68 said:
I actually hope they keep SRF.

Just thinking, why would they install the haystack dryer at the exit of SRF this past off season if the ride was going to be removed the next year. I am pretty sure it will be staying.

Last edited by ML1,

I don't think they will remove it. Was just stating my thoughts based on reading previous entries. If they did decide to remove it, I would think it would only be to replace it with a newer water ride. As far as the dryer goes, the Thunder Canyon exit is right there. Even if they had to move the dryer, wouldn't be too costly.

Just thinking, why would they install the haystack dryer at the exit of SRF this past off season if the ride was going to be removed the next year. I am pretty sure it will be staying.

I was thinking the same thing a while ago. I am pretty positive that T&T posted that to tell us that SRF is not going anywhere. Why would they mention a 17 year anniversary for a kiddie ride. The only thing they did for BS was free ice cream and a 2/$1.00 pin. If they are putting in a water ride maybe they will get another dryer. Thursday there was line for that thing 10 people deep.

I am sick of the flaming too. Cyber bullying (sp?) is not cool. It can make someone feel like s*!t. I would hope that you would not say that to someone's face so do not type it on the net. PB users should not be afraid to post there thoughts.

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djDaemon's avatar

Mikeybo2004 said:

I was thinking the same thing a while ago. I am pretty positive that T&T posted that to tell us that SRF is not going anywhere. Why would they mention a 17 year anniversary for a kiddie ride.

Why would they post "Gee, See Eye!"or the "beemer" comment? Its pretty clear they're not getting either one of those next year.


^I see what your saying. It is impossible to tell if they posted that to throw us off or not

2008 visits = 38, 2009 = 19, 2010 = 11, 2011 = 14, 2012 = 10, 2013 = 14, 2014 = 14, 2015= 13, 2016 = 11, 2017 = 5, 2018 = 3

JuggaLotus's avatar

EvilChameleon09 said:
darnovo, you're a brave person coming on here posting your ideas.
I'm sure the regular asses will be around to flame you in the morning.

Nope, because he actually applied logic and reasoning to his ideas.

Touchdown said:
So, next time look at the shape of the rails if its a circle, its steel if its a rectangle, its wood.

That's not entirely true either. While 99% of steel track is made from round tubular steel, it would be possible to make it out of square or rectangular tube as well. Not common, but definitely not impossible. The biggest thing is that it is made out of steel, not wood.

Last edited by JuggaLotus,

Goodbye MrScott


Jason Hammond's avatar

^A perfect example would be the Herschell Little Dippers and such.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

^I have a question...and I'm sure this post will get ignored, lost in the shuffle, or deleted...but Jason, do you wear glasses (sometimes) and were you at CP Labor Day 2008?

Jason Hammond's avatar

Yes I wear glasses. But, I don't think I was at the park on Labor Day. I don't exactly remember, but usually I'm either traveling that weekend or at a family picnic. If I think of it, I'll check through my pictures when I get home.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

How is that pretty clear djDaemon? Why don't you explain your stance for once.

JuggaLotus's avatar

[url][url]Net - here's your answer. They aren't going to tease what it actually is. We could be wrong, but I've got to agree with DJ that everything that's been posted on Twitter or Facebook to this point has just been pot stirring and isn't actually based in reality.

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

Its pretty clear for a number of reasons. First & foremost, they don't need a B&M anything, as installing one would duplicate existing rides. They could use a GCI, but they're not lacking in the wood coaster department, and I don't know if that's the most ideal location for a coaster of that type, seeing as how putting a big wood coaster there would preclude the installation of a water ride, and that's where their water rides are - near the water. Go figure.

Plus, Jeff plainly stated that next year's attraction will fill a hole in their current lineup. There is no hole that could be filled by a B&M or GCI. And then, of course, there's the fact that someone came right out and said what is coming for 2010, and not only does it seem completely logical and reasonable, but no one could dispute what was purported. Said poster seems reliable, and I was one of the first to question his credibility! After - get this - listening to the conversation, I was convinced that the information was actually reliable.

So yeah, can I say with 100% certainty that they're getting a log flume next year? Obviously not. But I sure as hell can say that with a much higher degree of certainty than anyone can with the claim of something uber-stupid, like reiterating that they're getting a B&M floorless giga coaster that goes under Lake Erie.

Is that clear enough for you? This thought process has been spelled out several times already to various degrees. If you don't get it, don't whine about how its not being explained to you. You're just not paying attention.

And I get the fact that most non-adult enthusiasts want a coaster. That's quite clear, and understandable. But there's nothing that supports the theory, while there is plenty to support the flume suggestion - park needs, site location, T&T's "hints". Just because you want next year's attraction to be Super Awesome Coaster Wars Coaster doesn't mean you can just go on and on about how you KNOW they're getting it, despite lacking any evidence, and expect to not get called out.

Last edited by djDaemon,


No offense, but this is becoming a waste. I used to enjoy coming to this site, using all my free time to chat about the park I love. Unrealistic ideas and wish lists are the majority of what is posted on here. Obviously, most of these are posted by people who haven't been here for a while. DJ has a point, if you want to have a valid discussion about this, use logic and reason. Consider all the facts that have been stated. Don't just read the first three pages, then answer the itch in your pants to voice your opinion that you want the six hundred foot aquatrax mega floorless woodie with seventeen inversions. Read the entire thread, and most of your questions will be answered. Then if at the end your question isn't answered, ask it. People won't be so irritated, and it will add to the thread so the next person who has a question doesn't have to reitterate their question. I'm not bashing anyone who is just joining this site or anything, but don't flame someone who has been here for a while and knows the way things work. If you want to know what the new attraction will be, read, and think, for yourself instead of repeating your wishes. CP isn't going to conspire to screw with your head. Their clues have valid reasoning behind them, you just have to think.

Dj there is only two problems to your theroy. The flume would be near water but the lagoon has fish and I personally wouldn't want to get drenched with that water. Plus I don't think they will be getting rid of PWE.
Since someone said that it seems you don't get two wet I think aquatrax. It would seem to fill the gap of water ride and add their 18th coaster.

djDaemon's avatar

Alex, I rode SRF less than two weeks ago, and you know what? I saw no fish, in my boat, anyway. That makes sense, too, seeing as how the water is treated. TC's water is brought in from Lake Erie every morning, and when I rode that after SRF, I also saw no fish. But, if you're worried, fine - shorter lines for the rest of us.

And for probably the 315th time - they do not need to get rid of PWE to install a flume.


^I am in agreement with the Daemon on this one. I think we are in for a new flume here. I think its annoying the way CP plays the head games and gives hope to many that there will be a new coaster. I wish for once they would just give us an announcement date or just tell us whats in store. Why play these head games for a flume? I think its the reason we have all the kids coming out with their ridiculous ideas.

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