Mean Streak - better?

dsloban's avatar

I wonder what the future is for the Mean Streak?

Life is like a rollercoaster! It is full of ups and downs

Rode it yesterday and it was terrible. I've never felt vibration like that in my previous rides. It did seem faster but it was not fun. I was holding on trying to minimize the pain.

Pete's avatar

Shawn Meyer said:
You ever wonder how they would be able to get you out of the trains if one had people in it and then have the train valley? I had a dream about that, the night I went up there on July 9th.

Shawn, it is really no big deal. They just manually release the lap bars, then you get out and walk along the catwalk to either stairs or a low point on the ride where there is a place to exit.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

After riding Ravine Flyer II for the first time this past weekend I can only say the following.

Mean Streak is total crap, nothing can improve it but some gas and a match. Even if they figured out how to make it smooth, it would still suck in comaprision to this Gravity Group woodie. I hope Waldameer keeps up maint on their coaster to keep it smooth and fast as hell.

I wonder how CP would do with one of these. I have always noticed that good running wood coaster have some grease on the track. Mean Streak always seems to be greesless and rusty on the track. Why is that? Just to help keep down the speed so the thing does not fall apart?

Steel structure woodies were something I was skeptical on at first. They however make sense to me now. The park can deal mainly with track upkeep and not worry about budget on wood based structure replacements.

My early opinion of steel structured woodies was based on Villians late years. That thing was almost as bad as Mean Streak and I thought it was the structure causing that, I now know different. I am not sure how Villian was at first and is just a result of poor maint on my ride. Also not sure if it was a poor design (non Gravity Group). Anyone on this early in its life and latter to provide input?

Last edited by Bill2,
pointperson's avatar

Mean Streaks tracks are rusty because it is not running right and was poorly designed. I think someone posted a good explaination of the banked track and track ware earlier in the topic, with pics.

^I agree Ravine Flyer II is an awsome coaster. The hang off the lift is just awsome (but kind of strange feeling) and very powerful bankings.

Last edited by pointperson,

Visual Scan!
First Top Thrill Dragster train of 2011!
Rollbacks: 1st Triple Rollback of 2009!

Also, CP and any other CF park for that matter is unlikely to get a Gravity Group coaster anytime soon. CF has a pretty good relationship with GCI going lately, and thanks to their MF trains their coasters require significantly less maintenance then GG coasters do. That might change when with the new Timberliner trains but until that is proven to be the case, dont expect a GG coaster at a CF park.

I disagree. There aren't that many woodie designers anymore. It behooves major players in the industry (like Cedar Fair) to nurture relationships with more than one manufacturer. Cedar Fair doesn't limit its purchases of steelies to either Intamin or B&M, so why would having a relationship with GCI preclude using Gravity Group for woodies?

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dsloban's avatar

I do love the Ravine Flyer II at Waldameer! They built that one nice! I hope they figure out what they are doing to the Mean Streak because it is a beautiful coaster. There are not to many wood coasters left.

Life is like a rollercoaster! It is full of ups and downs

^^It doesnt, however CF has gotten what it considers to be two home runs out of GCI lately, why would they go away from a good thing? The chain does tend to use the same manufacturer multiple times to put in the same type of ride at other parks for example:

-The Morgan trio after Magnum proved a smash
-Every "legacy" park save MA has a B&M Invert
-And now we have two GCI twisters, both sucessful rides at their parks

I would just bet on any wood coaster coming to CF for the forseeable future to be a GCI.

Who knows that might be next years new coaster.

Coaster23's avatar

mean steak was my fav ride last year it seems way worse this year they should take it down and put somethin like el toro or balder there. they seem way better

djDaemon's avatar

Nice work on using a period! Next week, we'll work on commas and capitalization...



coolkid2345's avatar

I don't think they will do this but I think Timberliner trains would be awesome. I watched the prototype on youtube and they look alot better than Millenium Flyer trains. Timberliners look like they hug the wood. Millenium Flyers are really good but timberliners look better.

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time:

I rode Mean Streak last week on August 1st and was impressed. It's not as rough up front as the rest of the train. Has anybody else noticed this while riding Mean Streak? Please respond.

Yes, I usually only ride in the front and it isn't so bad.

CoasterLine's avatar

Front seat is the only seats that don't hurt... regardless, the ride is just slow, and boring. It meanders around.

Dvo's avatar

^Not really. I've been on multiple seats that I didn't think were that bad. What really gets me is that they still sell on-ride photos. I can't believe that they make enough money on that to pay for the staffing. But I don't think they would do it if they weren't making enough... so I guess they win. I did see someone with a photo this season though.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

They got the photo becuase they were reading on the fansites that Mean Streak is going to get torn down and since all fansites are 100% accurate, they thought it would be a collector Item.

Shoot the rapids, tame and dry. Thunder Canyon, wet and laughter. Snake River Falls, soaked and smiling. White Water Landing and the old shoot the rapids, Fun and missed.

crazy horse's avatar

Just got home from the point, and our last ride of the night was mean streak.

Gotta say, it was the worst ride I have ever had on it and we were in the front. It was like a giant washboard.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Rapids 77-78's avatar

That's a great analogy - washboard! The vertical vibrations you get on that ride in the troughs after a hill are horrendous. I had to clench my teeth so my lower jaw would not hit the upper and crack a tooth!

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