Any C-level executive of a billion-dollar company has no business engaging in things that low level. Ever. If that's the work they want to do, they shouldn't take the C-level job.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
Jeff you really don't seem to understand the philosophy in which Dick controlled his staff. It is even more obvious now, than ever, that if you don't play the way Dick wants you to then you will be fired. You cannot blame Mr. Falfas for wanting to keep his high paying job. Look what happened when he finally stood up to the Dick. He was fired! If you look in the history books you will find at least 4 more former executives who were fired in the last decade and won their lawsuit against Dick. Before casting stones at Mr. Falfas you may want to investigate Dick's past track record first. I'm going to CP this weekend and can't wait to see what the park looks like now that Dick is not there stopping the well needed park upgrades. You gotta spend money to make money..........ECON 101.
I find it unusual that all but one of CatWoman's posts are on this thread. And it is one that she started. I wonder what her stake in this argument is. What does she have to gain? And in the end who else cares?
I've been saying that the entire time Bluestreaker...
Seriously, who goes to the park and says, "Man, if only Jack Falfas had his job back, I'd be able to enjoy my day better."
I'm too sexy for my harness!
Ha ha ha Freak, did you even know Mr. Falfas? You worked at CP for 1 year, not even a year that Mr. Falfas was at CP! Heck, you probably got fired and they didn't want you back! That's probably why you continue to bad mouth him. I worked at CP for 5 years while attending college. I saw Mr. Falfas many times. The other employees were always jazzed when they got a chance to speak with him on the midway. Sorry you didn't enjoy your ONE year.
Cat Woman has claws :)
This Isn't A Hospital--It's An Insane Asylum!
CatWoman, I haven't badmouthed him at all. I don't know the guy. Show me where I badmouthed him, and I'll eat crow.
I'm too sexy for my harness!
Right after you show me where I said this..... "Man, if only Jack Falfas had his job back, I'd be able to enjoy my day better." LMAO!
campfreak06 said:
^ Key word "babies" cause that's how Falfas is acting!
You better start eating crow because you said this Freak.
BAM! Amen! Looks like CatWoman did investigation on this one, and won.
I'll eat half a crow on this one....
However, when a statement is true, I don't consider it badmouthing.
I'm too sexy for my harness!
So let me get this straight, if you are righteously owed millions of dollars because of a settlement, you are a baby? I think not! You are very smart for pursuing what is owed to you Mr. Falfas.
The beauty of this earth! We can agree to disagree! And at the end of the day, the Red Wings game is still on!
I'm too sexy for my harness!
You are correct there. And to answer your question, yes I did join just to post this thread. And do you know why? It's because Dick has all of Sandusky loving him and they don't see what is really happening there! So I preach from the Burgh, where people love Mr. Falfas.
Below is a quote from Jeff on May 10, 2011.
"I think the arbitration panel's assertion that Falfas did not resign, and apparently wasn't fired either, is the right decision. Granted, both sides acted like unprofessional children, but still."
I think this is a pretty accurate stance.
I'm still BAFFLED beyond belief as to why Falfas would want his job back. Never in a MILLION years would I ever work for a company that didn't want me working for them.
And Cedar Fair has made it VERY CLEAR that they don't want Jack working for them.
If Jack does get his job back as an end result of the lawsuit, believe you me, Cedar Fair will find a reason within the law to terminate him. No one is untouchable.
I HATE DEBATING, but for some dang reason, I can't keep my mouth shut. LOL.
I'm too sexy for my harness!
Lol, well, if you ever met Mr. Falfas you would understand why he wants to be back there. He drinks, eats and sleeps Cedar Point. It's totally in his blood. Gotta go, gotta catch a train home. Meow!
CatWoman said:
Jeff you really don't seem to understand the philosophy in which Dick controlled his staff.
I completely understand, and am well aware of how things went. You mistake me for someone who cares, I think. Strong leaders with integrity isolate the people on the front lines from that nonsense, not push it down hill. Let me say it again... the park and its best people have long since moved on. There is no place for Falfas in Cedar Fair 2013.
Don't you have a boat to drive or something?
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
He drinks, eats and sleeps Cedar Point. It's totally in his blood.
It's comments like this that I don't really get. You worked there for 5 seasons and said you "saw him often". Great!
But from the way you crafted this thread, and from your responses, you are acting as if the two of you are best buds and send tweets back and forth all day long. Are you his voice? Did he hire you as an online spokesperson?
I have zero doubt you got to know the guy in your role as an employee somewhat, but you seem to be really, really excited about pretending you know him on a personal level that I just don't think is reality.
When are you having dinner with his family next?
Promoter of fog.
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