Cedar Point, The Roller Coast!!
Wanna Get High? Ride Top Thrill Dragster
Top Thrill Dragster: 0
Millenium Force: 10
Magnum: 52
D/\MN GINA!!!!!!!!
Well people, we can't forget that just before the hydrolic system blew itself up they spotted particulat(sp?) metal in the hydrolic fluid. By testing it under completely controlled conditions they can optimize their testing for whatever needs be done.
I used to test hydrolic oil for contaminates. You have to have a machine hooked up online or run tests off line to test the oil for contaminates. Particles smaller than the human eye can see can cause failure. If you can see the particles, serious damage is happening. If I remeber correctly, 40 micron is about the smallest a human eye can see. Particles the size of even 10 microns or less can damage a hydraulic system. They may be running a lot of test runs to see what is going on with the particle counts. If they have on online tester, they can run the ride and have a continuous data readout of what the hydraulic system is doing and be able to pinpoint when and/or where the problem may be. Just my 2 cents.
You'd think people would get it by now. We don't need Web cam play-by-plays.
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"Pray that your country undergoes recovery!" - KMFDM
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