Hotel Breakers - Haunted?

I have to agree with the rotunda area being haunted as I and a few of my friends some what the same feelings. Back in 2001 when a group of use stayed at the Breakers on the last weekend the park was open up on the 3rd and 4th floor of the rotunda we felt a spirit being around us, also while we were walking around the area and down the halls exploring in the area it felt like we were being followed.

Also on a side note that was they coldest weekend I have ever had a there temperatures in the mid 30's, wind chills in the lower 20's. Also we had to wait a little bit to do the Grand Prix Carts as they made a announcement that we are down due to snow. Yes it actually was snowing for a little bit. All I had to say was I am glad we have a close hotel to warm up in.

e x i t english's avatar

Ensign Smith said:
My dad is an extra large.

LOL this post's content came up many, many many an alcohol-induced weekend around the campfire. Amazing.


My author website:

Well, I have recently been cleared to ride again so I am planing a trip to Hotel Breakers next year (first time). When I make my reservations I am going to ask for any area or room considered haunted. What area or rooms is this so I know I am getting what I asked for? I will attempt a "mini-investigation", evps, video, etc. I will then post the results for everyone on youtube.

Hey, if i was a ghost, you bet your ass that I'd be at Cedar Point, I mean where else is better, right? ;)

4 summers of employment in ride operations does stuff to you.

I worked in Housekeeping in the Breakers for 7 summers and also worked in the Breakers during winter months doing odd jobs when it was only myself and 2 others. Have heard most of the stories outlined in these posts and even told a few myself over the years. I am not a big believer in the paranormal, but from hands on personal experience......IT'S HAUNTED.

We saw a female in the "B" wing enter a room of the hotel on the 3rd floor when the hotel should have been empty after a weekend and when we went to those rooms to see who it was not a sole to be found.

Rotunda is the place where a great deal of the items happened. Lights turning on, doors opening, things being moved, ect.

In the winter we would have to walk through and turn all the lights out and it is a very creepy feeling.

There are more stories that I have from my time at the Breakers, but I'm a believer....

Hotel Breakers 88-94

I am an avid Paranormal investigator junkie, and can confirm several things as mentioned above. Having worked in breakers as a blue tag - and other areas of the park I've experienced things that would make your hair stand on end there - especially in the rotunda where my room used to be - 5th floor overlooking the pool.

I have a few EVP's recorded as well from that location - although I believe the spirits there to be benign, they are indeed there.

Jesz's avatar

Do you have the EVP's posted anywhere? I'd like to hear those. I'm surprised that Ghost Hunters hasn't done an episode on the Breakers.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

No - they're not posted, but that is a good idea - I have them recorded on tape - will have to dig them out and find an appropriate website that will house them.

I can say there was a whispering girl on one, she appears to be humming then states the distinct words "where is Melly".... I have done some research to a "Melly" in the sandusky archives and have found nothing of significance to date.... but perhaps there is more than one spirit there? There is really no way to be sure I guess. Either way I don't know what the girl's name really is, just that she is looking for a "Melly".

Last edited by Jay McKinney,
JuggaLotus's avatar

Pointer said:

when we went to those rooms to see who it was not a sole to be found.

I'm glad to hear that no one lost their shoe. I hate when I can only find one shoe.

Goodbye MrScott


I would really like to hear that McKinney. If you have time some day to find and post it that would be so cool. My wife says I'm crazy for trying to "mess with ghosts" but I don't look at it that way. I just find it very interesting. Did you ask a question like "is there anyone here?" and get that response? I know many people think its just stray radio or tv freq being picked up but I have heard other EVPs that answer (somewhat) direct questions.

I think we should get Cedar Point to call in TAPS and have them do an investigation. It would be cool to see it on TV. Plus it will give them extra boost for their Halloweekends promotions telling that Hotel Breaker is haunted.

I am very familiar with EVP's. For this experiment however, no questions were asked, we simply felt a cold spot in the room and turned on the recorder. We stepped out into the hallway, left the recorder in the room. As we made our way around the rotunda ring - checking the other empty rooms etc, we found no one else up there, and upon returning to the room we found it on the playback. Needless to say I went to Louie's that night for a drink. I'll see about posting it somewhere.

This was a few years ago, but me and my friend were running around the hotel late at night after the park closed, playing tag or something like that :p I ran up all the stairs to the very top of the rotunda, where some of the rooms didn't have doors and were really creepy looking. I looked across and saw a shadowy figure (or maybe it was just a man) standing in the doorway just staring. He didn't move or say anything.. he was just there in the doorway. When I noticed him I yelled out for my friend and just booked it back down the stairs as fast as i could! I don't know why someone would be standing in one of the rooms that aren't even used anymore.. so who knows what it was! Musta been a ghost :p

1.Magnum 2.Maverick 3.TTD 4.Mill Force
next trip: coastermaniaaa

Millie_Freak_0329's avatar

I know it's late to post haha, but my friend and I were in the Rotunda and the big metal doors kept shutting on their own. No one shut them, and they were like hooked to the door. I didn't really realize it until a few days ago.

"You are NOT going back to your friends in line. I will be monitoring you VERY closely!"
-remember, line jumping is NOT a sport!!-

I'm a little late to this discussion, and this forum, but I've had a few very strange occurences in Cedar Point in general. We were staying at Sandcastle Suites during Halloweekends 2003 and got on the elevator to go up to our floor. There were two other people in my group plus three people we didn't know.

We pushed the button to go to the third floor and the doors closed. We felt the elevator move, heard the elevator move (the whir of the machinery) and felt the elevator jolt to a stop, but the doors didn't open. We waited a minute, then someone pushed the door open button. We were still on the ground floor. We all agreed that we had felt the elevator move, but it hadn't. We tried again and the doors shut and we felt it move again. This time, about halfway up, my bra strap popped open. It was a brand new bra, I'd had it on for several long hours and there's no way that the hooks could have been loose or it would have come open long before that. Also, there was no one behind me who could have done it as a joke (which I would have felt anyway). I spent, I kid you not, several hours trying to figure out how it could have happened, and have never figured it out.

That same weekend, we were walking through the Fear Zone (I think that was name of it) trail at night. It was pitch black, of course, and they had the fog machines on full-blast. As we were walking through, I noticed a little boy standing to one side by himself. He couldn't have been more than 8 years old. He was very, very pale and he was wearing a black coat that looked way too big for him. He was just standing there in the middle of all the chaos, staring in front of him, not even moving. It's possible that he was just a little boy and not something supernatural, and the atmosphere was what creeped me out so much, but there was something very, very unusual about him. Even more strange was that, when I turned to look at him again, worried that maybe he was lost or too scared to move, he was gone. I wasn't even five feet from where he'd been standing and I couldn't find him anywhere. Again, it may not have been paranormal at all, but it just seemed so strange.

This one, however, is definitely paranormal. I have been back to Cedar Point half a dozen times since it happened and have looked over the area every time trying to figure out what might have happened, to no avail. We were staying at the Breakers one year, I can't remember which year, and were walking around on the lake front after the park had closed. There were a few other people strolling around too, but no one was very close to us. As we walked toward the park entrance, a man and a woman came up to us and asked how to get into the park. They were wearing very out-dated clothing, and I thought at the time that they looked like they had stepped right out of the 1920's. We told them where the entrance was and added that the park was closed, but it would open again in the morning. The man just looked at us like we hadn't spoken at all and asked, again, where the park entrance was. We answered him again. He asked us at least five times, the exact same question, and we finally gave up, said good night and turned to walk away. A few steps down the sidewalk, I looked back over my shoulder and they were gone. I have looked over that area countless times since then and come to the same conclusion every time. There was no way they could have disappeared from there without passing us. The only thing between us and the park entrance was sidewalk. There was no place they could have gone to either side unless they jumped the rail onto the beach and even then we would have been able to see them. They just vanished.

Cedar Point is haunted, no doubt about that.

Also, the military horse-- I've taken pictures of the horse that's in the Town Hall after verifying which was supposed to be the haunted one, and the pictures came out fine. There's nothing strange about them at all. So it can be photographed clearly, though that may not always be the case.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I like the elevator story. Thats creepy.

Let's Get Weird.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

Ezee Rider said:
As we were walking through, I noticed a little boy standing to one side by himself. He couldn't have been more than 8 years old. He was very, very pale and he was wearing a black coat that looked way too big for him.

I gotta figure out which Screamster I'm going to make fun of for looking like an 8 year old boy. :)

Well I may be short and I get frequent comments about me being of a younger age, but I dont work in Fright Zone so cant be me.

Terror Island Screamster 08', 09', 10', 11'

Detroit Basketball's avatar

Ezee Rider said:
Also, the military horse-- I've taken pictures of the horse that's in the Town Hall after verifying which was supposed to be the haunted one, and the pictures came out fine. There's nothing strange about them at all. So it can be photographed clearly, though that may not always be the case.

I thought the "Military Horse" in Town Hall was a Replica, and the real one is housed somewhere else?

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