Honestly, is it really THIS bad?

I've got a couple of fairly dumb short videos of Cedar Point on YouTube, and they seldom get comments. But I got a comment today from a user who posted this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpH2Z6Lf3oo

I used to work at the park, and I know a lot of people who work there. But is it that bad? Doing this is almost equivalent to standing on the midway and shouting how much you hate it.

Yeah, you're often overworked, and the pay isn't that great, but it's just a one-and-done job. It's not a career. People should be having fun, not making up jingles like this.

If I did that concerning my work place, I would be on the unemployment line tomorrow!

Josh M.'s avatar

Wow... I really hope those two are not still employed at the park, because they probably won't be for long...

How dumb can you be?

I'm not saying that I particularly enjoyed my job at the park, but I would never do something like this...

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

Already been pulled!

Spineless idiots! LOL

It looks like the video was removed. But it's uploaded to a Photobucket account too: link removed

Again, why would anyone actually spend time to write something like this? If the job is really that bad, leave. You're not forced to stay there.

Last edited by Jeff,

1,146 rides on Raptor. Three rides in 2009.

Josh M.'s avatar

What an odd Photobucket account....

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

Yeah. It's kind of a junk account I set up for random stupid images in case I want to annoy friends. I saved the YouTube video since I figured it would be deleted, then this thread would be irrelevant.

Last edited by Haux,

1,146 rides on Raptor. Three rides in 2009.

bholcomb's avatar

I'm surprised nobody has criticized the musical talent of the 2 ladies.....

Josh M.'s avatar


Oh, how I love the internet...

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

Jeff da Beat's avatar

I mean...it wasn't even that clever of a song...oh well. I wouldn't have put that on YouTube until I was not employed by the company. You would be surprised how easily things get around to kick you in the ass...

Chase McCants

^I'm going to bet the kicking in the arse has already happend.

Well, when they (corporate and management) try and frost over a nice big "screw you" to the entire staff with claiming they're giving away free drinks in celebration of the Olympics, AFTER they realize they're on the verge of having an entire department pissed off enough to walk off, I'd say something is wrong. If it was really "celebrating the Olympics," they would have had the thing planned and put in the ESD letter and flyers. But I digress.

I in no way, shape, or form condone what they did...BUT, sufice it to say, I think that video spoke for a vast majority of people's feelings and attitudes today, including mine.

Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.

BlueStreak64 said:Well, when they (corporate and management) try and frost over a nice big "screw you" to the entire staff with claiming they're giving away free drinks in celebration of the Olympics, AFTER they realize they're on the verge of having an entire department pissed off enough to walk off, I'd say something is wrong. If it was really "celebrating the Olympics," they would have had the thing planned and put in the ESD letter and flyers. But I digress.I in no way, shape, or form condone what they did...BUT, sufice it to say, I think that video spoke for a vast majority of people's feelings and attitudes today, including mine.

Cedar Point is a business what they did today was 100 percent good for business and guest service staying open til 10pm. It's a job sometimes times are tough this is one of them...so be a man suck it up and earn the great pay! Also nothing like crushing last year's ride numbers which some crews are striving to beat.

Retired TL Ride Host 04-09 Miss you Cedar Point!

Seriously I am probably going to lose alot of friends by saying this but this is uncalled for.

I mean the way the employees are acting. Like Greg said its a business and a business decision. The guests were happy today and thats what we are here for. Sure it means longer hours for us but we know going into the job that long hours are expected. We all hate it sometimes and we are all worn out at times but while cedar point is supposed to be fun its still a job. My dad worked for GM and he had to work mandatory over time all the time but he sucked it up and did it. Sure we arent getting over time pay like he did but we know going into the job that we arent going to be paid overtime.

Its shocking that some people who are acting like whiney little babies about working until 10 pm are people who have been here for 4-5 years. Remember when the park closed at 11pm everynight and midnight on Saturdays? Why wasn't there complaining then? And why come back year after year? Its the end of the season you made it this long its just 1 more (possibly 2) weeks. Is it because you were expecting 8pm closings? Whats 2 more hours especially when its what you have been doing all year anyway. Sure I work on Snake and my hours arent as long as other rides so before you try to hold that against me let me say this, I come in early and stay late at other rides, as does a few other members of my crew. So dont think that because im on a water ride I dont put in my share of hours and im only saying this stuff because I dont know what its like. We are here to work the guests are here for play. Its that simple.

05 -Antiques/Wave Swinger, Mean Streak
06 - Mean Streak
08 - ATL Snake River Falls
09 - TL Raptor
10 - TL Raptor/Midway Carrousel

Now I'm confused. What happened today? Why was an entire department "pissed off enough to walk off"?

1,146 rides on Raptor. Three rides in 2009.

Ummmm...I don't know where you're getting the "good for business" idea if their per-cap and budget is as bad as they claim. For everyone being "way over budget" (from what I've heard) in rides, today didn't help those "budgets." I can almost promise you 100% that they didn't even come close in increased attendance, merchandise/food sales, and games to make up for having every department stay two hours later. Especially with a majority of people O-C'ing. Did you notice that the park crowd dropped sharply after 8? Maybe with all of my rides being right there, and my lines being right on the midway I get a better grip of how crowded we are, but I would think very low ridership from 8-10 would also give that impression of the crowds dropping off sharply, at any ride

Another thing, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it if they didn't hype the 8 o'clock closings to us for the better part of a month, telling us relief was coming, the short staffing would work out with less hours because of an early closing. To build everyone up like that, and then say never mind, we're closing at 10, was a big slap in the face to a work force that is already tired and exhausted, working mostly O-Cs, and was really looking forward to the needed rest that the 8 o'clock closings would bring. It's going to be bad enough for those still around next week if the no days off thing isn't just a few rides.

You should know that I am not someone who complains and whines constantly about every little thing. However, when I am given more reasons to be genuinely upset with the park and the company, you can bet I will look at their actions under a microscope, especially when said actions could be illegal, which is a personal case that has been nagging me since before the season started. I do not take a threat on my contract pre-season simply for being a moderator/contributor to a fan site lightly, especially when said site came nowhere close to violating any term of the NDA. When it gets to the point where the company no longer wants you to state your opinion on situations like housing, the bonus/minimum wage raises vs. the pay rate, and other things that are clearly not confidential, secret information; I take notice, and I don't take it lightly. This was a move that is pushing me closer to really being vocal about stuff. Unfortunately for them, they're too blind, unequipped and not ready to face the kind of scrutiny and intense criticism that the internet creates. They have yet to deal with a major site of influence on consumers when it comes to a negative situation. The blogosphere is something to be feared unless you know how to harness and read it. This company does not know how to do either, as far as I can tell. So far, their experience with criticism has come solely from enthusiast websites and some local news media.

Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.

Who are you to say what is good for business and what isnt? Seriously who are you?? There is a reason they did what they did. Do you honestly think they kept the park open to piss us off? They didnt just say "Hey lets piss our employees off by staying open until 10" There was obviously a reason behind it that we dont now about. We dont know all the behind the scene business stuff thats right I said BUSINESS stuff. Like I said before this is a BUSINESS and they are doing what they feel is good for it. Do you really think that along with just staying open to piss us off they also said "Hey lets not just piss off our employees, lets lose money as well!!" ?? DOUBT IT! So shut up, pack your bags and process out.

05 -Antiques/Wave Swinger, Mean Streak
06 - Mean Streak
08 - ATL Snake River Falls
09 - TL Raptor
10 - TL Raptor/Midway Carrousel

Do you read any other parts of this forum? Maybe if you stuck your nose into the general section you would see all of the business discussion that goes on around here. Being a business administration major, I think I would know a thing or two about some of the discussion that goes on around here concerning the business side of things. I know they didn't do it to piss us off, but I also know it more than likely did not result in the net profit, or even gross profit, they were expecting. Once again, I will say that they are relying WAY too much on the per-cap numbers, and have been for too long. Jeff has said it, Chief has said it, and I think both of them know what they're talking about. And when your per-cap numbers have been down, like was stated in the same conference call in which Kinzel pretty much touted price gouging, relying on per-cap numbers on operations that weren't included in your initial yearly budget in any department is foolish, if you ask me.

Read the following thread, read my replies, and tell me I don't have a grasp on anything to do with business. And once again, I am a business admin. major, I think I'm getting an education on the very topics you are disputing my knowledge on.


Oh, and one other thing, don't believe this company is as saintly as they want you to believe. I don't drink the kool-aid, and I know what it feels like to be blackmailed by a company that is doing it because they can, and knows you can't afford to lose a summer job that pays as much.

Last edited by BlueStreak64,

Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.

You dont make any sense. Sure you may be a business major but how can you say that because your a business major you know the business part of things at Cedar Point? Do you have exact numbers in front of you? Do you go to business meetings? Do you have "inside sources"? Exact numbers are kept pretty tight and the only way you can know for sure what they make and exactly how many people are in the park is to be on the business end of things. If your that good at your business major why are you here? You should be working in your field, get an internship or something.

As for the kool-aid, Im not doing this to kiss ass im doing this because I dont feel they are doing anything wrong. I came back here to work because I have fun here. I could be living in Buffalo right now running my step dads bar probably making alot more money than I am here. The thing is I dont enjoy running a bar as much as I enjoy being outside meeting new people everyday. Sure even im worn out but im not going to turn on the company I work for because they changed their hours and now..OH NO I gotta work longer and make more money! Why would I want to do that??

All I am saying is if you have a problem with it then just quit why the need to go on the internet and start crap? Do you really think you can take down Cedar Point? Is that your goal? Do you really think you have that kind of power posting on point buzz? Your a little boy lost in a big city. Get out of your little dream land and come back to reality. Like I said before if your that good at what you went to school for then you should have no problem finding a job in that field.

With that said I am going to bed because I have to WORK tomorrow. by work I dont mean bitching and protesting, I mean WORK as in doing what I was hired to do. I am done. say anything you want to in response to this but im done arguing. I made my point and you made yours. We can argue about this for hours, days or even weeks...it isnt worth it we have different opinions and thats that.

im punching out. FRRRRRUNKIS!!! (I think BHolcomb will get that)

Last edited by Mean Streak John,

05 -Antiques/Wave Swinger, Mean Streak
06 - Mean Streak
08 - ATL Snake River Falls
09 - TL Raptor
10 - TL Raptor/Midway Carrousel

Its obvious you can't see past your opinion, because you can't get past the fact that I already said that its not that they extended the hours, its the manner in which they did it. You're too stuck on pegging me as another whinny little brat that doesn't belong at the park to really see what I'm getting at, that I have a deep passion for this industry, and a desire to understand it better than most. That I love this park, and always have since I was old enough to comprehend the world. I grew up with this park, and I'll be damned if I see it fall apart in my lifetime because of people that have been there too long and are becoming a drag on the company. If it takes stating what some at the top are too afraid to hear, so be it. There are plenty of ways to effect change outside of the company. In fact, those are the most powerful, as well as visible ways.

But hey, I actually want to do something productive and fun tomorrow on my last day off, so I'm going to bed. You can believe that everything is fine in Denmark, but I smell something rotten, and I want to get rid of it.

Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.

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