Halloweekends '04

Does anyone have more info on CarnEvil? Will Wicked Twister still be running? Will the fog be just as dense as it is in Frontier Trail for Fright Zone? How "extended" is it going to be? Will it go all the way from Ocean Motion to the far end of Disaster Transport? Will it include part of Kiddy Kingdom? (i doubt that)

"Let's Ride!" ~ Nicholas Cage from Gone in 60 Seconds

How scary are the haunted houses??and the Were Worf Cannon thing.
There not that scary i well in my thoughts
JuggaLotus's avatar
That could be pretty funny to see...a Lycanthrope Klingon being shot out of cannon and across the midway...God I'm a geek

Goodbye MrScott


Bite your tounge, lad. Worf is cool!


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

Detriot Basketball writes it appears as if Aaron Radatz and Chris Linn will be back this year to perform during Halloweekends!!!

Aaron Radatz will not be there this year he told me his working at bush gardens the same weekends as cedar point another guy name Tim Hill will be there instead. *** Edited 9/19/2004 11:39:38 PM UTC by Cedar Chick04***

I have a question...Is the fright zone something that you wait in line for? Or is it that once your on the frontier trail it starts?

One more...can somebody explain to me were they put werewolf canyon? i know its around thunder canyon but i'm really confused.


Ralph Wiggum's avatar
It's not just around Thunder Canyon, it's in Thunder Canyon.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

Fright Zone IS a walk through the Frontier Trail, just as Werewolf Canyon IS a walk through Thunder Canyon...minus the water, of course.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

I think it's cool that the Tale of Terror is expanding to do other poems by Poe. That should be neat hearing the "Tell Tale Heart", along with "The raven!", and "The Black Cat". These guys do great every year and I'm glad to see the show get expanded!
This past Sunday they had the entrances to CarnEvil set up. One entrance is nearly parallel with the Chaos side of the stadium, and the other one is around the corner where the path branches off towards the employee cafeteria/offices. The entrances are made up of about 4 large poles with painted concrete bases on either side of the path.

There were cables suspended across the midway, meaning curtains will be used to divide the area up.

Smoke/fog machines were in abundance, as I assume will be neccessary to combat the wind off of the lake in that area of the park, although the stadium blocks some of it.

Should be fun, and different from Fright Zone with the WT midway being about 3 times as wide as the Frontier Trail. *** Edited 9/16/2004 1:18:48 AM UTC by mantis_man***

99er's avatar
The cables are there for flags and banners, which are there now. There will be no curtains to divide the midway.

Rihard 2000's avatar

mantis_man said:
The entrances are made up of about 4 large poles with painted concrete bases on either side of the path.

There's the parking lot markers that we wanted. ;)

Richie A.

I for one can't wait for HW to start up.

I'm really looking forward to the carnEvil thing, as well as the Lair of the Vampire haunted attraction.
Not to mention I can bring my boyfriend along and not feel bad that he doesn't ride coasters!

Just wondering if WT is going to be in full swing for HW, personally I think it would be a neat view coming down the back spike and seeing the fog everywhere.

Didn't know where else I should post this, but I received an e-mail today from the Aaron Radatz website. I know it has already been stated that Aaron Radatz will not be back this year, but thought some of you would like to hear this:

"Aaron Radatz announces his two year deal with Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, Virginia, to headline the 2004 and 2005 fall Howl-O-Scream celebration. Aaron will be performing..."

Looks like there will be no Aaron Radatz show at Cedar Point next year (2005) either. I wasn't expecting him to come back, but his show will be missed.

I just thought I'd tell you guys somethin funny i heard on saturday night. I was walking into the fright zone at the werewolf canyon end (after they had opened it to both ways) and these like 12 year old kids were yelling at the skull calling him stupid and stuff like that and as i was walking by I heard him go "I bet you guys go home and worship that dumb pointbuzz site"

Just thought I'd let you guys know, either he was joking about the age of people on the site, or he's just not a fan....

Why did they have the fright zone and CarnEvil just one way on Saturday i don't remember them doign that before.

Jeff's avatar

Or he has been a member here for years...

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I was very dissapointed this year with hallow, first off my daughter was barely over the height limit at the boo on haunted hill so she was not allowed to go in to see the fun she had last year, she was too tall to do that but not brave enough to enter carnevil or the frightzone. The carnevil was waste in my oppion i was really looking forward to seeing like tim burtons batman returns type of sideshow attraction, especially since in the daylight i saw empty tents that may house fun gimicks or shows and all it turned out to be was place for smoke to gather, more people seemed intrested in the clowns in the dolphin tank than anything else, also the barker at the exit of carnevil was more intresting than the one that invited you in. Loved the Frightzone, the fog hangs there sooo well. Didnt get into the werewolf cayon, 3 hours is a long time to wait for that, loved the vampire layer and some of the new stuff in the undertaker u. The one thing i noticed and apperciated this year was the added security in the fright zone and carnevil area, after witnessing unruly unsupervised "thugs" last year going after workers and guest(do bad the workers were pulled out of the firghtzone). I do miss the small cheese box that imitated thing from the addams family, my kid got a kick out of giving the hand a dollar and watching it dissappear in the the box to come back with a popcorn ball, i know its been 2 years since that was there but me kid still thinks it was just a hand and talks about everytime i mention of heading there for halloween.

Shoot the rapids, tame and dry. Thunder Canyon, wet and laughter. Snake River Falls, soaked and smiling. White Water Landing and the old shoot the rapids, Fun and missed.

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