Good Buy Day 2016

Thabto's avatar

It is now officially the off-season.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

DSShives's avatar

Thank God it's the off season. Maybe MaverickLaunch can find another experience to totally bash besides Cedar Point.

Yes, the park was slammed yesterday because of an unbelievable warm late October day. Today, weather was pretty ugly with cool damp, wet conditions with a good NE breeze.

I actually thoroughly enjoyed myself this closing weekend. Got lots of rides in, caught some shows and enjoyed some time Saturday evening watching the Indians at the Surf Lounge.

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina

operative_me's avatar

I rode Millennium Force 13 times in a row today, Valravn 5 times, Maverick a few times and paid $3 for a beer at trail tavern. No complaints from me about today!

Lifetime Laps on Woodstock Express: 0

DSShives said:
Thank God it's the off season. Maybe MaverickLaunch can find another experience to totally bash besides Cedar Point

Thanks for your comment. I was 14 once. It was a great time.

My comments were simply intended to communicate an overall disappointment with what we thought would be an amazing closing day. We paid big money to stay on property and when I see manufactured wait times (via less staff, fewer trains, etc) my family gets bummed out.

All that being said, we voted with our wallets and didn't renew our platinum passes for the first time since 2008. And after my son and I waiting for 20 mins for the front seat of MF we were told we could not sit there since the last "public train" was the one in the station. I get the last rider charge but that was terrible. I don't care about me, I've ridden that think thousands of times. But don't disappoint my kid. Not cool.

See ya, CP. maybe we will try again in 2018.

Paisley's avatar

My day did not go as planned but i still had a great time. Fastlane line for Maverick was half an hour when I was back that way so we never rode that. The deals weren't so awesome as some past closing days but I found a shirt I liked cheap. My husband and boys loaded up on closeout candy. I planned to be on the last train for Blue Streak but a member of my family wasn't feeling well and as soon as I got to the top of the Valravn lift hill it started raining so I never made it to Blue Streak, we just went to the van. Of course by the time we got in the van the rain stopped but it's all good. At least I got to go. There was a death in the family early this week so this entire weekend was up in the air at one point.

I also had a good time today. Some stuff was a little slow to get operational because of the torrential rains just prior to park open, but everything other than Dragster eventually opened up and eventually got multiple trains open.

As for lack of staffing being "unacceptable" - perhaps you should work there during Halloweekends? Given staffing limitations once school starts, it is remarkable the place is able to open at all, let alone staff things as usual PLUS all of the Haunts. And they shouldn't have to run an entire MF train just for you to sit up front.

I enjoyed one last day of rides today and didn't let a few minor hiccups get in the way of that. The "perfect" guest experience rarely hits on opening or closing day for myriad reasons. Folks on here should be the most understanding of all of that fact.

noggin's avatar

MaverickLaunch said: overall disappointment with what we thought would be an amazing closing day. We paid big money to stay on property and when I see manufactured wait times (via less staff, fewer trains, etc) my family gets bummed out.

A) Why would you expect "an amazing" day on the last day of the season? Common sense suggests that a park in the process of shutting down is not going to provide the same experience as the same park in the height of its operating season.

B) I sincerely doubt that the "big money" you paid to stay on property was the same big money you would have paid in July or August.

C) Less staff and fewer trains aren't a park manufacturing wait times; that's a park within hours of closing appropriately staffing the park.

I'm a Marxist, of the Groucho sort.

Got there at 5:30,rode Gatekeeper-no line,had free meal at Pinks,rode Valravn-1/2 hr line,rode Rougaroo-no line,rode MF-3/4 hr line,rode Rougaroo-no line. I had a good last day. Wasn't there for any deals or 'last rides'.

number of times to Cedar Point:50s/60s/70s/80s-3,1995-1,1996-27,1997-18,1998-13,1999-20,2000-16,2001-8,2002-7,2003-18,2004-14,2005-18,2006-28,2007-16,2008-17,2009-28,2010-26,2011-27,2012-21,2013-18,2014-24,2015-29,2016-46,2017-13,2018-14,2019-10,2020-0,2021-3 Running Total-483 72,000 miles traveled for the point.

noggin said:


A) Why would you expect "an amazing" day on the last day of the season? Common sense suggests that a park in the process of shutting down is not going to provide the same experience as the same park in the height of its operating season.

B) I sincerely doubt that the "big money" you paid to stay on property was the same big money you would have paid in July or August.

C) Less staff and fewer trains aren't a park manufacturing wait times; that's a park within hours of closing appropriately staffing the park.

Your argument is a disaster. Are you a politician? You clearly renewed your pass. I didn't. Let's just leave it there. And to say, A best-day experience I did not have, and that's counter to your point A. Thank goodness we don't have people like you running the park.

Last edited by MaverickLaunch,

One other thing, because you clearly lack knowledge of what I paid. Halloweekends is by far our most expensive nights at CP (all else equal) so the entirety of your argument after "big money" in quotes was of no value.

Last edited by MaverickLaunch,

Did my traditional last trip on the last operating day and had a wonderful time. The trick is...going in knowing it's the last day and things will not be staffed the same as they were in mid-season.

Arrived at the park a little after noon. My group planned this because we did this crazy thing... We checked the forecast and saw that the weather would be pretty s**t in the morning till about 1pm. Got in, grabbed some food and relaxed. Rode a few rides, took advantage of some Haunts with short lines. Bought some candy and overall took any "bad" experience with a grain of salt as most employees were fundraiser volunteers. Didn't see very many deals like the dollar dogs and sodas last year but that didn't bother me much with the meal plan and drink cup.

I think people need to adjust expectations in all honestly. Last day, rain, 50-60 degree temps, high winds, etc are not a good formula for having a "Best day" just take it in stride and enjoy the fun you can have with the rides and attractions that are open.

noggin's avatar

MaverickLaunch said

Your argument is a disaster. Are you a politician? You clearly renewed your pass. I didn't. Let's just leave it there. And to say, A best-day experience I did not have, and that's counter to your point A. Thank goodness we don't have people like you running the park.

Nope, not a politician.

Don't have, and have never had, a pass.

Sorry, to me, going to an amusement park on closing day and complaining that the experience isn't the same as going to the park in mid July is like entering a buffet restaurant 20 minutes before closing and complaining they're not refreshing the buffet items.

What you paid to stay on property to visit the park on closing day may have been your most expensive night; that doesn't mean Cedar Fair was charging the highest rates of the season for closing weekend.

I'm a Marxist, of the Groucho sort.

Paisley's avatar

I think closing day is much the same as opening day you just never know how it will be. If I were traveling and paying to stay on property neither of those weekends would be my choice. Closing day wasn't amazing but I wasn't expecting it to be. Friday evening was nice and MF was a walk on near close. Between the two days we got in everything we need a last ride on. Last train of the season on Blue Streak would have been nice but it just didn't happen this year.

I stayed over the weekend and it was the cheapest I've seen lighthouse point all season, other than preview weekend

CP Top 5: 1) Steel Vengeance 2) Maverick 3) Magnum 4) Raptor 5) Millennium

We were staying in Sandusky after a concert in Cleveland Saturday night, so we checked the weather and had a leisurely brunch and then went into the park around 1:30. We rode Raptor with about a half hour wait, then went on MaxAir. One of the shops over there had tables of stuff out for 50% off but we didn't stop to look. The leathershop was apparently selling stuff six for $5.99, but my daughter decided she wasn't interested. We got in line for MF and that was the longest line we'd been in - looked like they added a car while we were in line? I think it was about 90 minutes total.

By that time the clouds had rolled back in and the only other thing we wanted to ride was Maverick, and the lines were long. We stopped and watched the tightrope walker and the trampoline jumpers over on the Luminosity stage, and then just opted to head home since the clouds had rolled back in and it was kind of chilly.

The last time I went to closing day was 2009, and like every day, the crowds were much higher than they were back then, but that's pretty much true of CP constantly. That year, we made a goal of riding every coaster in the park, and we did it easily with time to spare. Couldn't have done that yesterday, even with every ride running and better weather.

I just looked up "entitled, whining, enthusiast " in my Funk and Wagnalls and guess what I found? MaverickLaunch's picture!

Seriously, I'm wondering what the park owes you just because you put down what you consider to be big money at the hotel? I'm thinking nothing. I trust everything was fine at the Breakers. You know, food available, bar open, store holding regular hours, bathroom clean, stuff like that? And I know that place was shuttered by 11 that morning, (we took our drenched selves into Perkins for breakfast yesterday), so what gives? In other words, nobody in the park notices that halo over your head and says "oh, here comes a hotel guest, let's treat him right for a change".

So,.... no. I was there and all I noticed was everyone had ample opportunity to enjoy all available rides, haunts, and shows in that crappy weather, and set their own schedules, same as me.

As for disappointing "your boy"? Aw, cmon. You set those expectations for him, the park didn't. You were on the platform at MF nearing what everyone knows to be the end of the day- actually the season. You managed to snag the last public train of the year, and someone's abusing your son over it? They had "last train", paid riders waiting and they were on a schedule. You should have noticed the crowd thinning, cut your losses and headed toward the back. (Which is where it's at on MF, anyway) You had the opportunity to treat your son to something special for 15 bucks, just like the rest of us- maybe you should have done that. At any rate, as with all things and at all times when at the park, do what the ride op asks you to do without complaint. At least that's the example I always set with my kids...

As for your pass? Who cares? No skin off my nose, or Cedar Point's either. Maybe if it was a crappy park with a low experience level you'd have a reason to vote with your wallet and send that message. Maybe the joke's on you, as you missed out on a free ticket and a FL+ that you or your son could've used for easy and frequent access on that last day.

So, buh bye.

I was there yesterday. We did not arrive until about 1:30pm to avoid the rain, and we had no rain the rest of the day, save for a few sprinkles right before 8pm. We decided it was too cold to really enjoy rides, so instead we took advantage of all the indoor haunts and all the shows. We saw every show, went through every indoor haunt, most of them between 7-8pm, and there we no lines then whatsoever,. We walked right up to the door at Eerie Estates, Hexed, Slaughterhouse, and Eden Musee (we did Zombie High School right when it opened at 3, so no line then either).

I will never understand the people that perpetually complain about everything the park has/does. If you don't want to renew your pass, then don't. That is completely your decision and your right to do so, but you really don't need to point out repeatedly that you didn't renew and all the reasons why. No one cares. There will be one less person complaining about things so the rest of us who enjoy the park can do so without the negative nancys.

Sparty42's avatar

I was at the park Saturday and Sunday with my wife and my sister. We had an absolutely amazing weekend.

We knew the lines were going to be long on Saturday, so we took our time, rode what we wanted to, and didn't bum ourselves out that we didn't get on everything on Saturday. We were still able to ride Mav, MF, Magnum (at night, still my favorite), Gatekeeper, Raptor, and Valravn. This while taking a two hour break mid-afternoon AND taking an hour for lunch at Famous Dave's (I don't think I'll eat at any other sit-down "restaurant" in the park anymore). Saturday was super-crowded but, we had a ton of fun.

Sunday? We didn't get there until 1 and were STILL able to ride everything we wanted. I mean, everything. All the previously mentioned rides, Monster, MaXair, Cedar Downs, etc.

The lines weren't all that bad for operations only running minimal staff and there being a sizable crowd. I have zero clue what MaverickLaunch's issue actual beef is, but my family and I had a fantastic time yesterday. The only disappointment was that we were in line for MF at the turnstile at around 7:30 last night and it closed for weather. We stayed for a little while, but wanted to beat the crowds out of the parking lot and had already ridden it that weekend. It would have been a great cap to an awesome weekend, but I guess our night ride on Mav will have to do. ;)

Seriously, I've been to better Halloweekends with regards to operations, and this was still better than those times. I guess some people will just complain to complain.

Edit: Oh, and I definitely renewed my pass beforehand so I could get Fast Lane Plus (which I used once on Sunday), and my wife got her new pass so she could get in FREE on Saturday and for only $15 on Sunday, and my sister got in for $20 yesterday. I'd say that's an amazing deal.

Last edited by Sparty42,

I was super bummed Saturday looking at the weather forecast on the Weather Channel app. It looked like closing day was gonna be a wash since my daughter and grandson may not be able to go with me later in the afternoon. We all decided to go after all when things were looking better Sunday morning than initially.

We arrived at the park just as the rain pulled out and the rides were coming back to life. We headed straight to Wilderness Run, then I got side tracked and caught a quick ride on Maverick that only had a ten minute wait at the time. Then a ride on WR with my grandson. We ventured to all his favorites and I hopped on everything I missed Friday night when I was up there during my son's last trip. We had an awesome day and I was so happy my daughter and grandson didn't get rained out (they couldn't go up too late and the forecast observed Saturday was showing rain until 3-4pm). We left at 430pm and hit Subway on the way home since trying to get food last year closing day was a frustrating bust. Things were looking the same this year, but at least the food trucks offered many alternatives.

We've been doing closing day since 2005 and it has gotten very busy this past couple years. It used to be one of the best days to be at the park. I think the weather was a good thing in the end because it wasn't nearly as crowded as last year. It was an awesome day at the park spent with my family.

Now if they would just announce RMC MS and redirect the web cams so we can temper the off season blues watching the MS and CPS construction progress.


DSShives's avatar

Smitty Werbenjaegermanjensen said:

We arrived at the park just as the rain pulled out and the rides were coming back to life.

I was actually fairly surprised that most of the coasters (with only 1 or 2 trains) were running even in a pretty steady rain. I was sitting at the boat watching those poor souls getting soaked in the wet, wind and cold.

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina

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