Funniest/most memorable coaster moments

One of the funniest things I witnessed was while in line for Gemini. We were in the station and I was doing the usual people watching. There was a kid, probably between 14 and 16, in line across from us. I saw something move down by his feet. He was peeing himself. Just standing there, acting like nothing was going on. The pee went down his leg, filled his shoe, ran over, and it leaked down the steps. I didn't laugh at first cause I thought maybe he had something wrong with him and I was just amazed at what I witnessed. I got one of the ride ops and let her know. Me, my wife, and her busted out laughing. The kid boarded the train and rode off. The ride op warned the other side and told us she was glad she was working the red train at that time.

When I was 7 years old, being dragged onto my first coaster, ever, The Blue Streak. The lap bar was many inches above my legs, no dividers between seats and literally crying because I thought I was going to fly out of it. I had very white knuckles. So, what do my aunt and sister make me do? Get right back on it, of course.

Valleyfair Enthusiast said:
This summer I was on Raptor and we had just rolled into the station. As the floor was riding I heard the woman next to me say "Well, that was fun... but I think I like roller coasters more."

Amusing to hear, and I decided it wasn't worth it to correct her...

What did she think she was riding??? That is absolutely hilarious! I would have been bawling from laughing so hard.


The last time I was at the park, I was on Millennium Force, and these two kids sitting in front of me pulled their shirts up over their heads. I'm not quite sure why I thought it was so funny, but I couldn't stop laughing. Their picture was hilarious.


In line for Millennium someone was sitting on the railing behind the second to last line/infront of back line start. He was just sitting there then he tried to jump down off of it and his feet were behind the bottom of the railing so they got caught and he went down. Face plant! He had a gash in his chin tho he was cracking up. One of the ride ops gave him a box of Kleenex and he put a couple against his chin to stop the blood. He rode the ride while holding Kleenex. I couldn't stop laughing at his stupidity after the ride.

My most memorable moment was last year. As I boarded the back seat of the Millie train I noticed that a man that was no younger than 70 got in the seat diagonal from me in our car. I couldn't believe he was going to ride. On the last over banked turn I noticed the old man didn't look too well. I hoped he was ok. As we pulled in the station, he threw up. I felt very bad for him, but what made it memorable was the look on the ride ops face.

Cedar Point on a sunday is Cedar Point without good Chicken.

coolkid2345's avatar

^ I have never noticed your memo thing at the end. I totally agree with you on that. Chic-fil-a has the best chickin' at cedar point. :) :) :)

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time:

Neglegence's avatar

This has probably been done many times before but I was in a strange mood earlier in the season an rode SNF after that I made my way to Gemini and rode it. Between walking away from SNF and getting onto Gemini I looked pretty much dry but in truth my jean shorts were still soaking wet. As the train rolled into the station my friend and I still being in this weird mode wondered how we could mess with someone in the station, after alittle thought I just told him to listen to me carefully {he did not ride SNF for the record} we rolled into the station and there was a couple that was going to take our seats after we got off, as we were getting out of the train I noticed the wet mark left from my clothes I looked straight at the guy and with a very embarressed look and talking like I was ashamed said "Man I am so sorry about that" and walked away giving the guy the distinct impression I had just had an accident. The wonderful boyfriend had his girlfriend sit in the seat without her even knowing what I had said to him. I laughed so hard after seeing what the boyfriend did that I had to sit down for alittle bit and still am getting a chuckle thinking about it now.

Man, what a guy. He makes his girlfriend sit in what he thinks is piss! Not cool. lmao

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

I think one of my best memories at Cedar Point was when me, and my friend stood in Maverick's station trying to figure out how to pronounce beau. That word made no sense to us, because I have never seen the name beau spelled. I know stupidity its always fun.

Best memory would probably have to be my first ride on a coaster. It was the summer of 4th grade and we were in line for Millenium Force. I was shaking I was so scared and my friend/friends family was laughing at me calling me a baby. Then on the onride photo I have my hands up and tongue out and they all look like they just saw a ghost. Good times :)

Also, on Maverick I didnt know there was a second camera, so my first picture I smiled and gave the camera a thumbs up, but on the second one I looked severely constipated. LOL

I have that first on ride photo somewhere. I will have to do some digging tonight.

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