Extended Closure

I was at one of the pre-season events and was at CP each day on opening weekend. The TT2 operations team was spot on and most had a lot of experience working at CP in the past. Some of them moved over to SV and Maverick, not sure where the rest went. There was such a great vibe around that ride and the ride operators were a big part of that. They were making bracelets and giving them out to guests, lots of good conversations with them when the ride experienced any type of downtime.

If TT2 is deemed safe to operate this season I have no doubt they will re-open it as soon as they are given the green light. It will not take long to get the ride ops refreshed on the ride, depending on how testing goes they might be called back for part of it.

I don’t think there’s ever been a question of the ride crew being ready or able. It’s a question of the ride itself, which, at this point would need to cycle x amount of times and need a full inspection again before being able to re-open and judging from the disassembled trains the ride isn’t close to that stage. However, it seems the general consensus is that if they can open it even just for a couple days this season they will. I would say that if we get to the end of August and there’s no significant movement with the ride then I’d lean towards this being an all season closure.

Of course the ride has to be fixed first, the speculation was regarding what would happen if the green light is given this year to re-open it. At this time I would be more surprised to see it open again this year than I would be if it stayed closed.

Since there hasn't been a lot of activity recently, they're probably waiting on something. If they need heavy equipment for any reason, they may be waiting for the tues-thurs closures to get stuff done without people around.

Just something I tell myself to keep the hope up.

Let me just clarify something regarding the crews.

The crews that open a ride at the beginning of a season look much different than the crews that close a ride at the end of the season.

Most of the crew is college students who begin leaving in early August. Other crew leave for various reasons.

That's one of the reasons why there is always a push for hiring this time of year.

So, if TT2 does end up opening at some point, the remaining crew will need a major refresher course, and the new crew will need the entire course.

Campfreak06, reborn

Well if they end up closing it for the rest of this season I hope they install free lockers at some point in the off season. Thats just my hoping but in reality CP doesnt care.

I also find it funny the OG ttd had nothing but problems and they redo the ride to avoid hectic maintanance and it ends up being just another hectic maintenance nightmare...

MF as a human eager to talk about my home park!

Maverick00's avatar

We have no reason to believe TT2 is a “maintenance nightmare”. Poor train design (or whatever the issue really is) does not necessarily equal consistent downtime when the ride is operational.

The true verdict on the ride’s reliability cannot be determined until several months (if not years) of operation.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Kevinj's avatar


So, if TT2 does end up opening at some point, the remaining crew will need a major refresher course, and the new crew will need the entire course.

Is it really that hard, though?

It's learning how to operate a ride, not fly the space shuttle, or pilot a self-made submersible to investigate the Titanic.

Or how to bread chicken fingers by hand.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

The TT2 que is just fine as it is, if “free” lockers turn it into the disaster that is the SV que then just let it be and keep it as is.


Is it really that hard, though?

Probably not. The problem may be when they can do the training. Assuming they get college kids for the crew, they will have a limited window for their training as many colleges start heading back this week and next.

If, and granted that is a big if. But if TT2 is deemed safe to operate this year they would pull experienced crew members to operate it. The least of the concern or speculation about TT2 re-opening this season should be on whether or not they have staff to operate it because yes, yes they indeed have the staff to operate it.


keep it as is

I disagree, they need to have a free way of allowing people with phones/keys/wallets to ride. That may be free lockers, or ideally they find a way to allow zippered pockets/fanny packs. It seemed like the loose item policy was a last minute reaction to a recommendation by Zamperla. Maybe with the extra time and train redesign they can address whatever safety issue they found in a less restrictive way.

As long as the solution does not screw up the que like they did at SV. If keeping the TT2 que and FL merge as is costs me $3 for a locker I'll take it.




...they would pull experienced crew members to operate it.

Are you saying the original TT2 crew would be put back together? Are they available or will some of them not be around in the fall? Or are you saying they would assemble the TT2 crew from other rides? Although experienced on other rides, wouldn't they still need to be trained on TT2? And what is their availability in the fall?

I am not saying it cannot be done, but training a new crew for a new ride in the fall has some logistical hurdles.

Dvo's avatar

^No different than training the local college student Ride Prides on any of the attractions in the fall. They've been doing this for years. It's nothing new.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

I had that thought too, but I assume that at least some of the original ride operators returned in the fall so there would at least be some operators who are very familiar with the ride. It seems like TT2 would be essentially a brand new attraction that no one really knows how to operate at this point.

Or I am over thinking it.

Yeah, spelling can been rough for me. Que, Bobeville instead of Boneville. Oh well, I will live through these tough times.


Are you saying the original TT2 crew would be put back together? Are they available or will some of them not be around in the fall? Or are you saying they would assemble the TT2 crew from other rides? Although experienced on other rides, wouldn't they still need to be trained on TT2? And what is their availability in the fall?

I can't say for all of the original crew but I know several were planning on working through Halloweekends this year. Also, not all of them were college students and some that are live local. Like I said in a post above they were an awesome group and even though it was only open for one weekend my daughter and I spent a lot of that weekend riding TT2 and got to talk to and meet quite a few of the ride ops. My daughter wears some of the bracelets they made when we go to CP.

Keep in mind TT2 would need to go through testing prior to re-opening so employees could be trained during that time. There is also ample time for training prior to and after park closing. I really hope the ride will re-open this season but the lack of anything going on does not look good.

djDaemon's avatar

It's also important to remember that these rides' systems are designed to be operated by kids with no specific set of skills or expertise. It's not that hard to train people to perform routine, repeated tasks.

This is being way, way overthought.


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