Extended Closure

yeah, a working crew to staff a ride that hasn't hosted a paying passenger in over two months is the least of CF's worries right now ....

jimmyburke's avatar


Is it really that hard, though?

Emphatic yes, yes, yes! As the queue quickly fills and there are numerous rows not being utilized, which is the proper chain to open to get the crowd to go this way and that way? Also, when working the platform what are all those fancy hand signals & thumbs up & such? How do I cross, open gates, assign rows, check restraints, etc.....? How do I remember the spiel?

Oh, the pain......

Kevinj's avatar



Promoter of fog.

Plague on Wheels's avatar

I told you fellas almost a year ago. You'll have to sit tight. It's going to be awhile ;)

Last edited by Plague on Wheels,

Sit tight fellas ;)

Jeff's avatar

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I’m sitting tight.

TTD 120mph's avatar

You'll find it hard to sit tight on Silver train right now. Saw a video from someone at the park today showing almost all of the seats and floor panels on silver having been removed. This back and forth with seats coming off and being put back on has been an interesting development in all this.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

XS NightClub's avatar

Six flags Georgia announced their new Flash ride will now not open until 2025.
I wonder if CP will follow?

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

Dvo's avatar

^The Flash ride is at Great Adventure, and Georgia's surf ride is also not opening this year. As others on the interwebs have pointed out, 2024 has been quite the year for new attractions. As for TT2, even if they concluded that it wasn't opening this year, I don't know if they really have any motivation to announce it to the public.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

I would agree that the park is under no obligation to the general public to communicate about the status of TT2. That being said, other parks have made an announcement because their new attraction or an existing attraction simply isn’t opening when it was scheduled to, or is no longer opening on time.

If the park reaches a point based upon what the ride manufacturer and associated teams tell them that TT2 isn’t going to be opening for the rest of the season, I would imagine the park would make a small statement about that. Or, if in fact TT2 can re-open this year they’d obviously make an announcement.

Otherwise, why put out redundant updates when you don’t have any additional information to share.


Otherwise, why put out redundant updates when you don’t have any additional information to share.

100%. As far as the enthusiast community is concerned, I wouldn't be in a rush to update us either if I didn't have something truly worthwhile to share. They tried doing that on 6/4 and if you go back to that time in this thread or look at the posts on Reddit you can see how appreciated that was.

Last edited by Speed104,
Kevinj's avatar

Shouldn't be long now.

Promoter of fog.

DRE420's avatar

Pictures today show workers from Zamperla on site, and working on the silver train again.

And KevinJ beat me to it

Also, what might that be that the guy on the left is spraying near the wheel area?

Last edited by DRE420,

The other guy was either drilling or reaming a hole in the train so I think hes just spraying a lubricant of some sort. 5 seater trains are really gonna kill the capacity on this one

They are drilling the holes where the seat belts will be attached.

Maverick00's avatar

Can we get a documentary on what is going into making this ride operational again? Once this all blows over.

Also, does anyone have any fresh speculation on what may be wrong? A lot of focus was on the wheel bogies before, but I think it’s safe to say the issue likely extends beyond that based on how much the train has been torn apart + (what appeared to be) random examination of the track.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Take this for what it is worth which is basically, nothing. The original train design had a weak point which was the bracket that held the side and lower wheels to the train body. They added an additional plate in this area to strengthen that connection but it did not work as intended and the connection between the wheel assemblies and the frame became the weak spot. Attempts were made to strengthen that area and testing was done with sensors in place to measure the forces and movements in real time. Since the ride did not operate in many weeks a routine track inspection occurred prior to those test runs. Based upon the data from that testing a few sections of the ride were found to have anomalies, additional track inspection was completed to supplement the data from the test runs. That's about where were at today, the rumors of the path forward are all over the place so only time will tell.

^ Perfect summary of the most credible rumor/speculation out there.

I'm starting to lean toward the camp that this won't be ready until 2025, but who knows, the Spruce Goose flew...

Seats are going back on today along with some sort of metal box they put on yesterday. I would expect testing tonight or tomorrow night.

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