Extended Closure

Thanks - disregard then!

TTD 120mph's avatar

I'm of the thought that the markings and scratches have been there for months now. The markings, at least, look like stuff they marked down as the tower was growing and when it was settling on the foundation. Kinda lazy that they didn't bother to paint over them though. :P

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Everything is just being over analyzed now and social media is coming up with some crazy rumors. Usually, the simplest explanation is the correct explanation and my thought is this. Zamperla has been working on a solution to the issue with the trains and came up with something they wanted to test on the ride. The ride had not operated in a month or 2 so the track was inspected prior to conducting the test runs. There were additional sensors and measuring devices installed on the train for the test runs so the testing was conducted with the park closed to ensure the safety of guests and workers if something came loose. Cedar Point employees were part of the inspection and pre-test checks so this work was started as the park was getting ready to close so manpower was not diverted from other things while the park was running. The testing concluded and now we wait and hope there was good news from the test results.

I will admit, that is boring compared to "Cedar Point security kicked us out and all of the workers were wearing camouflage so we couldn't see them. Then they conducted secretive testing and welding under the cover of night."

Jeff's avatar

As if people staying in Breakers couldn't see overnight testing.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Cedar Pointer's avatar

Wait... Those curtains open?

The Crystal Method is the only way to find The Winner!

Doesn't matter if the curtains open or not, everyone was sleeping.

I've got a pretty good source that says Wicked Twister will not be open this weekend.

Campfreak06, reborn

TTD 120mph's avatar

Saw today that silver train (middle car floor) was removed and all sensor hardware appears to be removed. Hoping that phase of testing is completed and it'll get fully reassembled this week. Track inspection is also continuing tonight so we'll see how long that takes. Once that is completed, it'll be really interesting to see where things go from there.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

New train is on site and testing.

^that's gotta be photoshopped. It was overcast all day at the park today.

Campfreak06, reborn

As if people staying in Breakers couldn't see overnight testing.

Heh. I specifically asked for a park view for my breakers reservation :)

At the park again today and the only difference I can see is the ropes on top hat are gone. Imagine that, they inspected the track prior to testing then packed everything up. I also paid more attention to the track and structure and see no evidence of any weld repairs. Not that it would be crazy or out of the ordinary to see that on the original parts but notable due to the doom and gloom attention grabbing headlines of some other sites.

TTD 120mph's avatar

A few hours ago, I saw a report that they were doing some more scanning of the track on the decent from the tower. Apparently, the device they've been using is an advanced 3D Laser Scanner.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Yes, that report seems accurate. As we were leaving the park tonight around 10:40 PM, we took a few pics of them working on the descent of the tophat tower.

Last edited by Rotunda_Chillin,

If all the players are ready...at the sound of the bell, ROLL EM!

Those sneaky rascals doing all of this under the cover of darkness! If they are using a laser scanner makes me wonder if some of the rumors are true about the sway in these sections of track are somehow making the situation with the trains worse. Either that or, there could be some minor deformations in the track in these areas, I do not know why that would cause issues with the new trains but not the old ones. If we assume the reports of the connection between the train and the guide / bottom wheels of the train was the weak link that they are trying to correct I guess it would make sense that any form of track abnormality could make the situation worse.

Plague on Wheels's avatar


I do not know why that would cause issues with the new trains but not the old ones.

The ride was closed for three years because of an issue with an old train.

Sit tight fellas ;)

Or they are checking for stress fractures in the track due to the behavior of those trains.

^^ The ride wasn't closed for 3 years because of an issue with the track, it was closed for 3 years because its launch system was unreliable and quite frankly dangerous as well as an altered piece on a train coming loose and nearly killing someone.

" The flag plate that came loose on the old train came off because it struck something thar came loose on the track. Brake fins or associated hardware IIRC. That was alluded to in the state report.

From the report that I read from the ODA it was a failure of a fastener that secured the plate onto the train. The failure of that fastener allowed the plate to come into contact with the track.

The metallurgical laboratory report provided by American Testing Services, LTD., stated that their examination "indicates that one of the capscrew fasteners backed out of the bogie frame, resulting in failure by instantaneous overload fracture." The capscrew fasteners described in this report refer to the bolts which secure the proximity flag plate to the body of the ride ("bogie frame"). Cedar Point staff indicate that the proximity flag plate was secure prior to operation on August 15, 2021. The report stares that the bolt which backed out of the ride failed failed at "roughly 1/2" below the formed head" and failed by "instantaneous overload fracture."

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