don't forget etraining people

HAHAHA...I feel like such a DUMB*SS! Everyone is like..."wow...I didn't do so good...I got like a 92%!" Then there's me..."WOW...I DID GREAT!!! I GOT A 83.3%!" haha At least I still its all good. And the questions I missed we so incredibly easy its not even funny!Like I didn't know who the general manager was of Cedar Point! I knew who the President was...but not the manager! Grrrrr... I must have read right past these tid bits of info. Oh well...can't wait to work with you all this summer. Its gonna be awesome!!! :-)
Johnny Rockets Crew 2003 (1st year)
You passed, who cares if you missed no questions or missed 4 questions... You just saved yourself a couple of hours of sitting in a classroom (You will still have to do training in the classroom since you are a first year).

2001 - Admissions Host/Resort Gate
2002 - Admissions Host/ATL Resort Gate
2003 - Admissions ATL (??? Gate)

How bad is the classroom training at CP? I found it to be 12 extremely fun hours at Knotts. 3 hours in a classroom listening to the employees funny stories and acting out some good customer service, and then 9 hours in an empty waterpark learning how to sweep, push water, and change trashcans. A few of those hours we went into the park to do a bit of training.
I actually enjoyed my classroom training my first summer at Cedar Point, especially because there were returners at my table who could tell me some great stories. (Speedy, your comment brought those funny memories back. I met so many cool people). We didn't have online training yet, so everyone had to go through the training when they arrived at CP. The topics covered are what I would expect at any job -- company policy, guest service, etc. -- but the presenters were entertaining and made the time in class fun as well as educational.

Part of our classroom training also involved a walking tour of the park; that was interesting, because although I had visited CP many, many times in the past as a guest and knew what and where the rides were, I didn't know anything about the "behind-the-scenes" things. (Of course, I didn't discover GTTP until after my first summer -- asking my questions here would have helped me to know so much more in advance!)

The basic classroom training at Cedar Point doesn't cover the specifics of any department; it's just a general overview of the things that every employee should know. You can expect plenty of training for your specific position and job responsibilities when you begin at your actual location.


Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
Park Admissions Supervisor '03
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."

My in-park training was ok, nothing bad at all and it was even a lot of fun sometimes, it was just the fact of having to be in an airconditioned classroom while my crew was working in the sun. I was just anxious to get back to work, maybe its just me. Anyway, I did my etraining and I actually thought that it was not really enough. Anyone else think that?

Traffic Team Leader 2000
Traffic / Tolls Supervisor 2001
Traffic / Tolls Supervisor 2003

I had my etraining on March 17th and I process in on April 14th. My in class training sucked last year. It was so long and boring. I almost fell asleep a couple of times!!! I would recommend taking your online training.

Gemini '02
Camp Snoopy ATL '03

JohnDubya said:
Anyway, I did my etraining and I actually thought that it was not really enough. Anyone else think that?

John, what areas did you feel were lacking? Do you think that they should have included additional topics, or were the topics that were already there not thorough enough?


Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
Park Admissions Supervisor '03
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."

hmm...It is hard to say really I am not that sure. I did my etraining nearly a month ago now. What I remember however, I think the questions were too easy and broad and didn't really force the person taking it to actaully look through the material. Maybe it would help if they did it using flash video medias that can't be closed once you start, it would make it last a little while longer but it would force them to actually look at the stuff. Just tossing out that idea, probably wouldn't work but its a thought.
I dont know very much about the E-training but its not meant to be hard or all encompassing. You cannot teach much over the internet to a 20yr old who may have the attention span of a kitten, its not possible.

What you can do is get some basics accross and make sure that the e-learner read what he/she was supposed to. Then you let them learn on the job and trust god to sort it out! Frying stuff is not rocket science and neither is picking up trash so any premployment training has to and should be basic. And food ops before you get into a dither over my comment I worked in foods; it aint rocket science(thank god).

I think that a lot of the stuff on eTraining is common sense material; it shouldn't be too difficult, but I agree that some of the questions could be answered by a cinder block because the choices were so obvious. I guess they just want to ensure the learner a minumum level of success -- if it was really hard to pass the test, people might lose morale and enthusiasm because they felt they weren't "good enough."

The only thing I noticed that I didn't like was that there was a question that wasn't covered in the reading; it was something like what percentage of alcohol is allowed in Cedar Point housing. The reading tells you that only beer is allowed in housing, but doesn't tell you the percentage of alcohol that is in beer. If you don't have any knowledge of these things (or can't reason logically) you wouldn't be able to answer the question correctly.


Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
Park Admissions Supervisor '03
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."

Actually I thought the question was on the quantity of alcohol allowed in housing.

...FYI: It's 72 ounces (or about a 6 pack)...

MANTIS ROCKS 2002 & 2003

i say there should be no alcohol allowed in housing at all.
I just did my e-training, and I do agree that it was easy. I got 100% on it in the past two years. It makes me happy that I did good, but when there's 4 choices and three of them are obviously NOT the answer, it's common sense! :) Good luck everyone, and see you on May 11th! :)

Hotel Breakers Desk staff - 2002
Back to the Breakers this summer - 2003! :)

So i finished my training yesterday Yay! And i noticed an error that made me laugh. They say that they have 3 rollercoasters in the top 10 Millenium #1, Magnum #3, and Raptor #12....I thought it was funny cause 12 is not in the top 10 lol...just something odd id thought id point out!!
2003- Cart Girl :-)
Oh, ha! I noticed that, too, and forgot about it... "12" is not a number between one and ten!!


Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
Park Admissions Zone 5 Supervisor '03
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."

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