I was given reckless driving by a CP officer while I worked there. I got out of it because the officer fabricated half of the story and added 20mph my approximate speed and never had me on on radar. So yes, they enforce things, whether or not you fight it and get out of it or not, it's an annoying hassle.
Tcamp said:
I was given reckless driving by a CP officer while I worked there. I got out of it because the officer fabricated half of the story and added 20mph my approximate speed and never had me on on radar. So yes, they enforce things, whether or not you fight it and get out of it or not, it's an annoying hassle.
What exactly happened?
I passed a slow moving truck going back towards soak city on my motorcycle. Cop saw a motorcycle going past a slow moving vehicle and that's all it took. I freely admit to passing on a double yellow and hitting maybe 40mph while passing. The officer wrote it up that I was going 80 or more, swerving in and out of traffic. That I evaded persuit and that I ran a women and her van full of children off the road...I kid you not, the police report sounded liked like a little kid was writing a scirpt for a car chase. Took them to court eventually and they provided no radar, no video of my "evasion" (on a road that ends in a parking lot mind you....), and no witness statement from this supposed women and her van full of children. I freely admited to crossing a double yellow so the judge gave me illegal operation of a motor vehicle (0 points and $140 fine), which was much better than reckless (6 month suspension of licence, misdmeanor, and $2000 in fines). So yes, the cops will pull you over so don't over do it.
Just don't speed, it's that easy.
Cedar Point Police 2011
Cedar Point Police 2012
Cedar Point Police - Fire - EMS 2013
Cedar Point Police - Fire - EMS 2014
Were there more cops this season at Cedar Point? I feel like I saw a lot more, especially before the park opened.
Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!
Don't speed.
CP Lifer as of 2012;
09' - TTD/Sweeps/PoTo
10' - TTD
11' - Castaway Bay: TL
12' - Matterhorn Triangle: TL
13' - Corkscrew: Co-TL
Haha yeah they do. I got pulled over for speeding on the causeway..
'11- Wicked Twister, Cads, Blue Streak and Windseeker
'12- Wicked Twister, Cads and Sweeps
'13- Co TL Blue Streak!
wiggletwigglekat said:
Haha yeah they do. I got pulled over for speeding on the causeway..
yes you did katatti lol
Cedar Point Police 2011
Cedar Point Police 2012
Cedar Point Police - Fire - EMS 2013
Cedar Point Police - Fire - EMS 2014
As a local attorney, I can tell you that Sandusky Muni Court is a great place to have a ticket, assuming you are going to get one. The judge is a former public defender and is very fair. If you get anything more serious that a minor traffic infraction, get counsel and a lot of positive outcomes may be possible that you might not ordinarily consider.
"Forgiveness is almost always easier to obtain than permission."
Just try leaving a little earlier that you would expect to, and you won't need to speed.
The speed limit isn't put up to try and ruin your fun or make you late, it was calculated to be close to the maximum safe speed (before you start losing control), while still leaving a buffer for inexperienced drivers. (Told that when I was younger by the county engineer).
2013: Maverick
2014: Ride Supervisor - Cedar Downs & Cadillac Cars
Here's a thought too: the causeway will more than likely have families in vehicles, mine included. Slow down. That limit is there for a reason and I want to spend my CP time on rides, not at the hospital or worse.
Currently at x0, y0, z0
The speed limit on the causeway is also to avoid the air time you can achieve on high bridge. Which I wouldn't recommend doing, however, sometimes at night when the park is closed, it can happen.
How fast do you have to go to achieve air time on high bridge?
Park Ops 2013
Park Ops 2014 - I am not blacklisted!
Air time...at 55-60, airborne 75 at least in my truck. Find a way to make friends with the police...it's all who you know.
Bluestreaker said:
Shouldn't the heading of this thread be, Do the cops actually enforce speeding at CP?
With me and my driving in my car back in 2011 and the times I went this season, I've maxed 70 on the causeway, not **** happened...Only time a cop ever did anything was I darted out of the soak city parking lot and ripped it through the turn by mean streak he followed me till hr...didn't care though..
Biggest things cops on point enforce was co ed, drinking, and quiet hours it seemed..
Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011
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