Demon Drop gone forever?!?!

The ride that crashed was called The Edge at Great America. Ended up at Geauga Lake as Mr. Hyde's - where there's now a nice patch of green grass.

To being an "us" for once - instead of a "them"

Gomez's avatar

^It is also now being used as spare parts for Demon Drop.

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Kevinj said:

While it's certainly passed its prime as a concept, I swear the drop on Demon Drop is more intense than Power Tower, but that could be my imagination.

Agreed 100%, It's a true freefall and gets to my stomach WAY more than PT. Not to knock PT, I love that ride as well.

I think they should just keep it..its a great ride in my opinion and im sure in most of yours..its a classic..i hope it doesnt get sold! :)

Total Maverick rides for the 2007 season = 27

Top 5--- 1. Maverick- 2. Millennium 3. Magnum 4. TTD 5. Gemini

Cavs- 2007 Eastern Conference Champions!.-

Last time I was at CP I went over to Demon Drop thinking,"I should go on this. I haven't ridden it in years." Promptly after being dropped, I remembered why I hadn't gone on it in years, ouch! In my opinion, as far as pure freefalls go, I much prefer Drop Zone at Kings Island. Comfortable seats, no pain, and a 360-degree scenic view. It's like a drop version of the Space Spiral, only pleasant.

Water is involved
R.I.P: The Mayor, Mr. Scott

I know the feeling. I regret going on Demon Drop soon after pulling the harness down. The ride experience goes like this: Ouch... Ouch... Ouch... Ouch... Weeeee Ouch!... Ouch.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I did a Marathon on Demon Drop I think last week and I did about 13 in a row and it didnt hurt me.

Let's Get Weird.

Ive never had a problem with pain from Demon Drop.. Mean Streak yes, Demon Drop no.

R.I.P. MrScott... You're greatly missed!!

Cedar Pat said:
Ive never had a problem with pain from Demon Drop.. Mean Streak yes, Demon Drop no.

Mean Streak and Mantis are the most uncomfortable for me. Never had "ouch" on DD.

What about floating coins on your knees? Ejectable offense?

^I was wondering that too. I forget, do the car's floors have holes in them?

Summer was made for a Cedar Point day~

Jason Hammond's avatar

^ Yes

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I've ridden every ride at Cedar Point and DD is the only one that still makes me nervous. The sudden drop is so radically different than the coasters that have much higher drops...

Chaindog said:
The ride that crashed was called The Edge at Great America. Ended up at Geauga Lake as Mr. Hyde's - where there's now a nice patch of green grass.

I didn't know that was the case when I took a ride on Mr. Hyde's when it was "new" at Geauga Lake. Taking a good look at it it looked like it came from another park and just had a slightly off paint job done on it. (If you think DD is painfull, Mr. Hyde's was even more -- my 1 experience on that bugger was it's 13 story drop, slid past the regular breaks and a HARD stop into the safety breaks and hit the stop at the end of the track. They had to get a couple of guys to push our car back off the emergency breaks. My back and shoulders hurt like heck for a week -- no one was happy on that ride.)

I felt more sorry for the folks that were stuck in the elevator for over an hour on the car behind us, they had a lot of problems trying to get the ride computer system to allow the elevator to move the car up the last foot or so to get onto the track to slide forward into the drop chute.

They had a LOT of problems with the breaks on Mr. Hyde's -- hence you see that "nice patch of green grass" now. *** Edited 6/7/2007 5:06:28 AM UTC by skiboi007***

IvyRose-MissX's avatar

I have to say it would be a missed ride. I do get the heebies when it approaches the edge, and I love that suspense. It was a favorite when I was a child.

"Mean Streak crew 2004"

Keep the pennies in your pockets on DD. When I was a kid a coin hit me in the knee while I was in the car waiting to ascend the tower. It drew a spec of blood and didn't hurt but it scared the hell out of me.

^..Ha thats the best expieriemnt though..its so cool. and its just a * spec* of blood no biggie ;)

Total Maverick rides for the 2007 season = 27

Top 5--- 1. Maverick- 2. Millennium 3. Magnum 4. TTD 5. Gemini

Cavs- 2007 Eastern Conference Champions!.-

Demon Drop is way more intense than Power Tower. There is just something about that moment when the car gets pushed forward to the edge. For me, knowing that there is absolutely nothing below me at this point makes me go crazy. I get extremely anxious and squirm in my seat. Then the drop hits and the feeling in my stomach is greater than any roller coaster and power tower combined.

I'll be sad the day Demon Drop is removed. One of the best rides in the park.

OSUBucknut, WELL STATED! I completely agree about the moment sitting out there ready to drop - that is what makes DD one of the best rides at CP!

Demon Drop was my first fide at Cedar Point. I'd be pretty devastated if they got rid of it. There's a special place in my heart for it.

^ I have a "special place" in my heart too for the style of rides like DD too. It's just a little bit different place. ;)

(Admittedly, I've had some bad luck with bad experiences on those type of rides, including DD too, that might give me just a touch of bias.)

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