CP Problems...


Do all of us a favor and don't come back to Cedar Point unless you can follow the rules. As everyone who has a brain knows, rules are there for a reason. RideOfSteel has pointed out to you that objects flying at your face at 93 MPH will cause injury, including broken bones or worse. If your negligence causes an injury, I hope you have a good lawyer and money to pay the victim.

And in case you weren't aware, the Ohio Revised Code (these are the laws of the State of Ohio. I'm explaining this because you don't seem to care about them), clearly states that not following the rules of the park and the ride operators is a violation of the law. You having the attitude that you do would make it easy for me or any other law enforcement officer to make your day at the park a short one.
*** This post was edited by Digital Daredevil 5/26/2002 12:07:00 PM ***

Obviously the 92mph wind on Millenium Force is 10000 times stronger than the 72mph wind on Magnum. Also, the 72mph wind on Wicked Twister is stronger than the 72mph wind on Magnum.

The park has pointless, meaningless rules that are arbitrarily enforced to increase profit brought in by the new lockers they built.

If you can't understand it, then that's your problem. I will not have my intelligence insulted by someone that can't get a better job than ride op at an amusement park. It seems to have been the highlight of your career as well since you spend most of your time defending ignorant money-making decisions your park makes that are more about increasing profit margin than about "rider safety." You my friend are as ignorant as those who designed the station for MF.

ItzCryptic, Why can't you get that a purse flying into your face is a bad thing? The park has a policy for a reason, so people dont get hurt. If you do not agree with that policy, never go to Cedar Point again. Its that simple.

One thing though, If you let a purse loose on Millennium Force, it is still traveling 93 MPH at the time it is released, but of course, it looses speed fast making impact on a persons face hurt nonetheless.

Jeff's avatar

Safety is no accident.

These "meaningless rules" are keeping your ass safe and preventing you from hurting me or someone else. If you can't deal with it, stay home. You're right, it is about money, because they don't want someone like you breaking the rules, getting hurt, and then have you turn around and sue them for your own stupidity.

I think it's safe to bet that you don't have five minutes of experience running a theme park or know anything about their safety practices, insurance issues or motion dynamics as they apply to the rides and their passengers.

Furthermore, perhaps you could learn something from a ride op or any seasonal that busts their asses with a great work ethic so they can get through college. Who ever said it was a career choice?

Webmaster/GTTP, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"
*** This post was edited by Jeff 5/26/2002 11:42:26 PM ***

Personally, I don't think they should allow loose articles on any coasters! I agree that if you get hit with something on Magnum it's going to hurt just about as bad as if you get hit with something on MF. Perhaps there is some reason behind their thinking though. Perhaps they think since Magnum's trains are less open than MF, it's not as much of a risk. Perhaps the stadium seating on MF is the reason. I'm not really sure, but I can say I wouldn't be to pleased being hit by some girl's purse, some guy's camera, or anything else on a ride.

Keep right on complaining man, but what's going to happen, you're not going to like. CP is going to say no loose articles on any coasters. They are not going to change their policy to allow you to bring stuff onto MF in a million years! I still don't understand why people insist on carrying so much junk around a park. If you want to carry it, fine, but you also have to be prepared to deal with it when it comes time to ride.

As for your attack on Natalie - there is no reason for me to defend her as I'm sure she'll put you in your place like you deserve in due time. But saying that people who work at CP can't get better jobs and are not intelligent is crazy. Natalie is a Computer Science (I think) major and I am a Computer Engineering major. In a matter of a couple years, we will both most likely be making more money than a good majority of people in this country. The majority of CP employees are attending college somewhere and to say they are unintelligent just shows your immaturity and lack of knowledge. Yes, some of them are not so bright, but the seasonal employees play a major role in making CP the park that it is. They work their collective asses off to make sure that your visit is safe and you don't spend all day standing in lines. Cedar Point pumps more people through its rides than probably any other three parks with similar attendance. I'll admit that CP has a few policies I don't agree with, but this isn't one of them and I challenge anyone to find a park with ride operations as good or better than CP. I'll even go along and say lockers could be cheaper, but to say that this policy is motivated by profit and not safety is just crazy.

2001 Magnum Crew

The unfortunate thing that comes along with electronic correspondance are people's personal thoughts come right along side their "public" thoughts. :-( Let's be nice, please.
I totally agree with putting loose articles in lockers as well....I surely don't want to be in the same roller coaster train with you ItzCryptic, especially if you're sneaking items on the rides under your shirts...If you think it's such a bad rule, then why hide the items...make a statement and hold the items out where everyone can see them....You have about as much common sense as the people I saw getting their video cameras taken away on Raptor by the ride ops because they thought it would be great to film the ride with their bulky 1980's video camera....The rules are there for a reason, so do us all a favor and just follow them....I have yet to be hurt on a roller coaster at CP and I hope to keep it that way...By the sound of it, I think everyone else feels the same way too

Be wary of falling shoes while waiting in line for Raptor

Yeah, I knew I was going to get jumped on for that last post, but no one seemed to say anything when my gf was called an "airhead," I was told Cedar Point not knowing where their resorts are was cause by my own "lack of intelligence" I was told I had less than three brain cells...the list goes on and on.

I gave her a chance...maybe she had a bad day. Well guess what? That wasn't it! She is 100% *****, so I really don't care what she thinks about me, because if she is too stupid to realize that CP has moronic policies, then she is too stupid to be a judge of anyone else's intelligence.

SHE is the one that needs to grow up wipe the snot from her nose. When she gets out into the real world, she won't have this attitude long because she will either a) realize that she will have no friends if she continues b) get the sh*t knocked out of her by someone that's a little bigger/badder.

BTW, I have my BS in Computer Science, so that doesn't really impress me as being highly intelligent.

No wonder CP fans have such a bad reputation on the internet...

Jeff, no need to ban me, I won't be back.

ItzCryptic, how foolish are you to degrade a ride ops position? At Cedar Point, most of them are college students or grads. I doubt they take the job for the "high" pay, but rather for the experience and fun that the job brings them. They bust their butts to be some of the best park workers in the world. With the park's safety record, I think the rules are just fine. The reason that park is so great is because of the high caliber of employee working there. Everyone has to start somewhere and CP isn't a bad place to do it.

I'm sorry that you can't find happiness in one of the world's best parks. May I recommend that you go to SFWoA and see how great of a time you will have there?!

Yes, ItzCryptic, it is obvious that having a college degree doesn't corellate to intelligence. Look in the mirror.
*** This post was edited by Digital Daredevil 5/27/2002 12:12:13 AM ***

...signed up 4 days ago, and already leaving...oh well, life goes on.

BTW, I have my BS in Computer Science, so that doesn't really impress me as being highly intelligent.
Did you just admit you are not intelligent? Whatever man. Let's let the people that know about amusement parks run them. I'm sure we're not enlightening them with this argument. I'm sure they've thought through this policy and I really don't see it changing in your favor anytime soon. I'm sure you'd be pretty insulted if Dick Kinzel came up to you and started telling you how to program something or better yet, how to use a computer. Let's not go putting our noses where they don't belong.

2001 Magnum Crew

People getting injured by flying hats and pop bottles then needing stitches is all part of the fun. I wanted that to happen to me again but nooooo!, they had to change the policy.

Ride of Steel's avatar
Wow, does somebody want to call the waaaaaaaaaaaaahmbulance for this guy?

Yeah, way to go on ASSuming that Cedar Point is a career choice for me. I'm sure you made your buddies in the trailer park proud with your putting down a 21 year old who worked at an amusement park for 3 summers to get some money and well have fun. Notice the past tense "worked." That's right, I didn't go back there this year. I don't believe you noticed when I said I DO NOT agree with some of the park's policies and am not just mindlessly defending everything Cedar Point does. I'm one of the park's biggest critics, honestly. I don't believe any of the things you mentioned in your initial post to be problems of the park, however, as I've stated 3 times already.

If you learn yourself some history on this here interweb site and go back and read some old posts of mine, you'll see that I've been quite vocal about things I've thought were problems at Cedar Point. So much so that when I worked there, I actually had a manager of mine come up to me and tell me to be careful with what I post on here while I'm employed there, because she didn't want to see me say something that would make me lose my job. My summer job, that is, not my CAREER.

Wait, let me stress one more time for clarity, since I don't know if you actually know how to read well enough to comprehend what I said: I AM NOT ONE OF THE "CEDAR POINT OMG BEST PARK EVAR NO OTHER PARKS ARE GOOD" INTERNET PEOPLE WHO DEFENDS THE PARK'S EVERY MOVE THANK YOU K.

In conclusion, I'm glad that people like YOU are of the caliber of intelligence with which I will compete in the job market once I get out of college. I feel much better about my chances of getting a good job now. Thank you for that, sir.

Mine Ride '99
Thunder Canyon '00
Millennium Force '01

Gah.. until you own the park.. you have to deal with the rules, whining gets you nothing except disliked. Also.. I know someone that got hit in the head by a camera some careless moron snuck onto MF.. it wasn't pretty...do you want to be responsible for something like that? How about you grow up, and do what we all learned in kindergarten, and follow the rules. No, we may not all like the rules... but unless you are the one making them.. too bad.
'00- GWT, KK, CPLERR Various others
'01- CPLERR, TC, KK, BS, DT, Various others
'02-DT...gah, I'm goin' back
Gemini's avatar
While I agree that the ItzCryptic's problems were largely his own and not caused by Cedar Point, I think we could have all done without the personal attacks and name-calling.

Virtual Midway

Okay Nat, one time was enough to tell this guy, but the personal attacks were not needed.

Back from lurking
New account, same name
KW 2002

First of all I agree with what Ride Of Steel was talking about and yes the no one should of started any personal attacks on one another I just think that some people should excersise more of their brain when they go to amuesment parks and use more common sense.I myself have seen many people act like they left their brains at home when they came to CP and that is just plain sad.I do work at cp and while I have been to many parks it does rank as one of my favorite parks.I do work on rides and no we are not stupid people.Rules are there for a reason and if you can;t understand that tahn maybe you should'nt be there in the first place.It may not seem like it but we care about your safety and the fact that you enjoy the rides even though a lot of the times people don;t seem to give a damn about us we give a damn about our guests even though they may act like idiots.While I don;t agree with all of our policies I still enforce them since it is my job.So next time you criticize a ride op or anyone else who works at a park not just cp but all parks you visit try to see what they have to go through and put up with.
Ride of Steel's avatar
Obviously one time wasn't enough to tell him, he didn't get it. That's why I repeated myself three times in my last post.

Mine Ride '99
Thunder Canyon '00
Millennium Force '01

ItzCrptic said:BTW, I have my BS in Computer Science, so that doesn't really impress me as being highly intelligent

Hmmm, for someone who has a college degree, but yet, couldnt find a huge parking lot...Go figure.

Jeff's avatar
I think this has gone far enough...

Webmaster/GTTP, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

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