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e x i t english's avatar

I'm not a smoker, and I really hate inconsiderate a-holes who ash all over me when I'm near them, or blow smoke with absolutely no regard for anyone around them. That being said, the majority of smokers aren't anything like that. Usually the ones that are, are the young, "rebellious" kids who "just don't give a f*** about nobody" because that makes them "tough". To me, that's just trashy and I'm sure a lot of [polite] smokers will agree.

I know plenty of people who are smokers, and I'm more than happy to stand outside and make small talk with them while they smoke, and all of them are polite enough to not ash on everyone, or blow the smoke back in anyone's (even the other smokers') faces. A few bad apples can spoil the whole bunch.

[crosspost from the "making it stick" thread:]

Those of you who are complaining about secondhand smoke, quit your whining, and do your research. The instances of actual second hand smoke related deaths and diseases are only a fraction of a percent higher than from breathing in everyday air.

Unless you spend every waking moment of every day sitting in a room filled with second hand smoke, you're not breathing in anything worse than normal when you go to a restaurant. If you don't like the smell, fine, I can accept that, because a lot of [cheap] cigarettes smell absolutely horrible, but don't use this "second hand smoke is killing me" crap, just because you don't like the way something smells.


Josh, as was pointed out in other threads, this law is as much for workers in those establishments as for visitors to them.

Our campus instituted a "smoke free" environment 16 years ago. No smoking in any building or within 20 feet of an entrance. Not even designated smoking areas. I think it was 20 years ago when smoking was banned on airplanes. Believe me, you don't want to be anywhere NEAR a heavy smoker who has been deprived of his nicotine on a 4 hour or more flight.

It IS going to create a problem for businesses such as bars and bowling alleys where there are a lot more smokers. I'm sure it won't be devastating enough to close those places down, but I can guarantee there will be a drop in business. A friend whose uncle owns a sports bar in Florida is barely surviving after a smoking ban went into place as a good portion of his clientele were smokers.

I'm a light smoker, but I also understand how even a small amount of smoke can affect some people. My son's girlfriend gets sick if exposed. One of my friends was highly allergic (she was also allergic to cologne/perfume). My best friend and coasterbuddy can't handle smoke either. I accomodate them. If it means getting a non-smoking hotel room, or making a few more stops at rest areas on trips so I can get my fix, then so be it.

At CP, I try to be inconspicuous when I smoke. I stay away from crowded midways if I feel the need, blow above my head, and if there isn't an ashtray nearby, I stomp my butts out and throw them into the nearest trash can. I'd welcome designated smoking areas at CP.

Do I consider banning smoking in all public enclosed areas a restriction on liberty? To some extent...yes. But more to owners of establishments who would prefer to maintain a separate, enclosed and well-ventilated smoking area for their smoking patrons. Because for those of us who are smokers, we do have a choice. The owners of those establishments do not. Not everyone can up and move their businesses and families to another state.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Ok, I understand what the ones who say this is government putting restrictions on something because they can.

Here's my thoughts:

What about those people who would like to go to places where there is smoking, but can't because of health condtions such as asthma. This is a big step in helping those who couldn't normally go out and enjoy some of the things they want to enjoy, such as possibly bowling because of the smoke in the bowling alleys or even some restaurants that have poor dividing between the smoking and non smoking. This may actually lead some people to stop smoking and polluting their own lungs. That is what I believe is the underlying message of this issue.

My two cents.

Jeff's avatar

We've kind of got the same discussion happening in two places, so let's consolidate...


Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

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