CP Dorm Team

Bravo on the "glorified RA" thing. Thats the way it sounds to me. Smoking in the halls? Yea, its not nice, but what are you going to do; Come up to me when I light a cigarette ten feet from the door to outside and tell me to put it out? Ha, If someone did that I'd just blow the smoke in their face. What can I say? I can be a real ass when I want to be and I don't really care. Sorry, just couldn't help but comment on that one.

'02 Merchandise
'03 Thunder Canyon
'04 Gemini

"Come up to me when I light a cigarette ten feet from the door to outside and tell me to put it out? Ha, If someone did that I'd just blow the smoke in their face."


magnum crew 2002
johnny rockets 2003, 2004

magnumjames said:
"Come up to me when I light a cigarette ten feet from the door to outside and tell me to put it out? Ha, If someone did that I'd just blow the smoke in their face."

Wow, the respect you hold for others is unbelievable. I assume you don't mind at all when other people do things you don't particularly like, and then laugh it off when you ask them politely to stop. Don't ask *anyone* for favors.


Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
Park Admissions Zone 5 Supervisor '03
Park Admissions Supervisor '04
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."

Amen to that!

Guest Service's Host, '03
CP & LE Train Crew, '04

It is quite amazing how much respect I hold for others. Thank you for noticing. :) Really though, I was just exaggerating on the smoke in face. I'm not that rude. I just meant if some "dorm team" person came up to me and tried to tell me "you're being too loud" or "you can't put that rock in that door to prop it open," I would be highly irritated. An actual cop on the other hand is a different story...

'02 Merchandise
'03 Thunder Canyon
'04 Gemini
*** This post was edited by IheartTC 2/15/2004 6:44:18 PM ***
*** This post was edited by IheartTC 2/15/2004 6:47:25 PM ***

Ok i think thast enough of that. We got the point the first time. :)

The New And Improved Kelly
Tae Kwon Do 9th Gup Yellow
Ride op 2000-2003 Now a SP holder.

Ok, IheartTC, you obviously do not understand what we are trying to do. We would NOT come up to you guys and say "quit smoking in the hallway" or "don't put that rock in the door". This would really have nothing to do with that at all. Were talking about writing down some suggestions to improve the dorms like "more microwaves, more shower hooks, or just maintence things that need to be looked at" and other simple suggestions like that. We were NOT at all talking about enforcing rules. Your making it into a bigger deal than it is. I hope you understand what we were talking about now.

Guest Service's Host, '03
CP & LE Train Crew, '04

Hey, I don't know why it posted "It is" all those times up there. I only posted once, so who knows how that happened! Sorry!

'02 Merchandise
'03 Thunder Canyon
'04 Gemini

IheartTC said:
I just meant if some "dorm team" person came up to me and tried to tell me "you're being too loud" or "you can't put that rock in that door to prop it open," I would be highly irritated. An actual cop on the other hand is a different story...

I'd actually rather have someone who is a fellow employee come remind me about stuff like that (well, not *that* picky, but things like quiet hours, etc.) rather than have the cops show up at my door. RAs don't have to be jerks, you know; they can be easygoing folks who just give you a few hints about when it might be a good time to take it into account that other people also live around you. Cedar Point's housing is often a showcase for selfish, rude and dirty living habits; I think having a few people in charge of changing that would make everyone's stay there a LOT better.


Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
Park Admissions Zone 5 Supervisor '03
Park Admissions Supervisor '04
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."

RA's wont happen.. 2 reasons.. #1.. no one will do it for free.. #2.. CP won't pay someone to do something that they already have people in place for..

i.e. housing sups and the CP Police.

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82

Everyone has a good point about this subject, but Red Garter Rob has the best point...It just won't happen. True, people can be loud, rude, and just plain dirty when it comes to CP housing. My sister tripped and fell and split her head open last season. Someone had thrown up on the floor in the bathroom and thrown some paper towels on it. Believe me, I'm not happy with how disgusting some people can be. Some people just don't know how to clean up after themselves. Maybe they're young and it's their first time away from home...who knows, either way, its still always going to be a problem, which sucks.

'02 Merchandise
'03 Thunder Canyon
'04 Gemini

That's a fine example of the fatalistic attitude that seems to come up a lot of the time at CP. "We've always done it this way..." "It's always been this way..." which supposedly translates into, "Therefore, it has to stay this way, no matter if we like it or not." Why not just take the existing Housing Supervisor position and make it even more involved? It could be combined with the already-existing ESD to be a programming group of people, too.


Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
Park Admissions Zone 5 Supervisor '03
Park Admissions Supervisor '04
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."

I know what you mean Lee. There seams to be an attitude of "It can't be changed so we shouldn't even try" among some employee's. I don't think that those employee's realize how much better housing could be if a few suggestions were turned into the housing head. Not all of these suggestions would necessarily involve rules being enforced. They can just be simple things like maintenence issues. We hear alot of people talking about how bad CP housing can be, but sometimes I think some of those complaints never get heard by the housing department heads. This could be a good opportunity to get some of these issues resolved.
Guest Service's Host, '03
CP & LE Train Crew, '04
I'm not saying it can't be changed.. I'm saying it probably won't be changed.

Obviously you haven't had to deal with any aspect of budgets at CP.

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
*** This post was edited by Red Garter Rob 2/16/2004 9:14:23 PM ***

Let's face it - with the behavior of so many CP employees after work, I'm amazed the park runs as well as it does. We're all taught to take pride in our jobs from the moment we get there, but somehow, this training isn't carried over to the housing situation. Cedar Point does a great job of training its employees for the work environment, but they make almost no effort to teach people how to be civil in their living environment.

Maybe they feel like it's not their job, but I'd be willing to bet that a significant portion of the problems that arise at work are a result of the living situation. Not being able to sleep because of fire alarms or loud music, getting too drunk at Louie's, having a roommate steal your stuff, or getting sick because of the filthy bathrooms could all have a negative impact on the way people perform at work. I was super-excited to arrive for my first summer of work at CP, but I almost went home after I was assigned to an apartment that wasn't fit for pigs to live in, let alone humans.

So for people who say budget this and budget that, try thinking about it with a view a little wider than the eye of a needle.

Perhaps a few people (and I don't mean cops or snobby housing supervisors) mixed in could show people that there are many things to do after work besides go to Louie's, get piss drunk, come back, ruin CP property, and annoy people trying to sleep. ESD runs events at night sometimes. RAs (or whatever you want to call them) could help to promote these things, could bring maintenance concerns to the proper authorities, could organize floor events, competitions, etc. This might help make the living arrangements more like a tight-knit crew, rather than a ghetto free-for-all like it is now. Those people sitting in the booth scanning IDs or those cops standing out there flirting the night away are obviously not the answer, so why not try something else?

Maybe there is no answer, but the system they're using now is a long, long way from ideal.

2001 Magnum Crew
2003 Magnum Crew
2004 Magnum ATL

Well it sure won't change if we do nothing about it! And it wouldn't even require a budget to fix some things. CP spends $ on ambassadors to acquire new employees, well if they spent some $ on housing, they just might retain some employees. Many people quit b/c they just can't stand the living conditions anymore.

Guest Service's Host, '03
CP & LE Train Crew, '04

Caroline is right about people quitting because of living conditions. A friend quit for that reason a few years ago. I didn't even know you were allowed to quit, I know it isn't a prison but seems like it would cause a huge problem for management if people were quitting, enough for them to want to take actions to avoid it. Being my first summer this year, my biggest concern will be the living conditions and the fact I am going alone. Having someone I know I can go to if problems were to come up would be a relief, but as it is now, is there anyone to go to if you do have problems? If it is at work I am guessing your ATL or TL, but with housing, is there a similar position? Or is that what this is all about getting started?
You can talk to the housing supervisors about problems, but it's not like they will go 1:1 to do any mediation for you and your roommates if you feel like you would like a neutral third party there to help. That's another good reason to have a system of RAs...sometimes it's *really* hard to bring up an issue with your roommates, and RAs could help a lot with that. We have people in CP housing that are fresh out of high school and have never lived with roommates before...you can't say everyone is experienced and couldn't use a little advice from someone else about going about these things from time to time.

I think it's time CP cleans up the housing situation and makes it a much better place for employees to live. That includes cracking down on the select few who choose to live like disrespectful animals and make CP's housing a more employee-friendly environment for the employees who are there to work, not party so much that they're only wasting their and everyone else's time. It also includes making housing more fun...let's advertise ESD programs in the buildings, not just in select places on bulletin boards, and let's start some competitions between buildings to develop spirit and pride. Heck, I would *volunteer* to be in an RA-esque position there -- unpaid -- if it meant I would be making a significant difference. I'm passionate enough about this to care.


Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
Park Admissions Zone 5 Supervisor '03
Park Admissions Supervisor '04
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."

I would volunteer also! Maybe they could give volunteer RA's free housing as payment.

Guest Service's Host, '03
CP & LE Train Crew, '04

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