Commercial Shoot: Dragster May Be Down

Well, that is fine. But "IF" the trip reports and posts over the last couple of days are correct. TTD was shut down until mid afternoon because of the commercial shoot the last two days. considering the park was only open until 8pm. That IS significant.

Look, I commend CP for having the ride operational which alot of parks would not be able to do consistantly. My posts were more of a response to those of you that are aghast that some people might actually be disappointed and upset with CP for closing the ride to make commercials while they are there. OR that they are somehow stupid for expecting the ride to be running. I think having it shut down for any significant amount of time, on purpose, during normal operating hours for non mechanical/weather reasons is bad customer service any way you slice it. Now from what Jeff is saying it will be approximately 2 less hours the next two days. That may be significant, it may not be. But considering the newness (mechanical problems) and capacity problems of the ride right now I think it is at least somewhat significant. I would also be surprised if the ride opened right at Noon because what photo shoot goes on schedule without any problems, not many. If it does, again, it is commendable by CP for getting it running.

Brian: your post summed up my exact point. You have been there TWICE already this year and I assume you are going back. Not everyone has that option due to finances and distance. Read the first line of my first post again please. Also, I never said I wouldnt have fun, I just said I would be disappointed and upset if it was not running, ESPECIALLY if it was because they are shooting a commercial.

Your analogy of Excelerator does not apply to what I said. I said that it being shut down to shoot a commercial is what I would find the most upsetting. Mechanical problems are expected, as my post specifically states. Please read it again, it is obvious you just skimmed over it.

Still though, do you think the gen. public knows that Xcelerator was down all the time. They see a commercial and want to go to ride it. When its not running, they dont care they are upset and they certainly are not familiar with the mechanical problems it has been having. You and I understand the mechanical problems but they do not. Coaster fans tend to forget that the GP could care less about most of this and they are the major revenue crowd, not enthusiests.

*** This post was edited by CPTwister 5/14/2003 2:58:40 PM ***
*** This post was edited by CPTwister 5/14/2003 3:06:00 PM ***

Ok look, I live in Tennessee so I know what it's like to not be able to go whenever you want. I also know that when a new ride is opened there are bugs to be worked out (adding cars, getting capacity up, etc). Expesially (sp?) with the tallest and fastest in the world. So planning a 4 or more hour trip only to ride the one ride that just opened 2 weeks ago is just plain stupid. It will be there in June, July, August, September, and October.

With that aside, did you have fun last year? TTD wasn't there last year. I know I still had fun.


The Fast and the Fearless

I can understand both sides of the story here: 1)Some folks are disappointed that CP decided to close the ride during their visit. Understandably, they should ride other things and make the best of it.
2) Other folks are stating that CP had to do it sometime. Why not choose now, the sky was blue on Tuesday, the trees were green and I'm sure the ads will look great.

Here's the problem though, these folks still paid $43 dollars (or whatever with their discount if they are smart) and CP decided that their time was less important that other riders. Low volume vs. high volume days, it's still customers. Period.

I'm not upset that CP shut down the ride by their own choosing because this has to happen for certain things (I also understand mechanical failure, weather, whatever), rather, I'm upset by their attitude about it. Jeff seems to have summed this up in the perfect non-customer service attitude that CP took yesterday, "...Who cares?" We spoke with someone who said he was the VP of Operations. He pretty much acted annoyed that we would ask why the ride was down (there was no communication, no signs on the ride, no indication when it would be back up. There was one sign at the gate, but I would have expected that sign on a new ride on a windy day.) He said, "If you want to ride, I would suggest you get in line now." and walked away. The ride opened 4 hours later.

Nice guy. Great service.

All in all, I will always be a CP fan. Always have been. But you can't just "build it and they will come." You have to treat your customers with respect, talk to them, COMMUNICATE. None of that occured yesterday.

After the ride finally did open, it was up and down (no pun intended) for the rest of the day. They seemed to be still filming. There were quite often, 20-30 minute periods between cars. Many folks left. While trapped behind the infamous 'wall' where we couldn't see anything, no one from CP told us anything. After several hours (and coincidentally, after folks went and asked for an update) did anyone come down to address the folks in line.

Again, I can understand the need for promotion, the need to choose a low volume week and all that. And I also recommend that anyone in a similar situation make the best of the day. BUT, CP choose to screw each and every one of the folks that came to the park yesterday buy not communicating the intent on their site, in the park and with the riders.

That's just bad customer service. Period.

Anyone who stops and thinks a minute would know that a brand-new ride is likely to have some difficulties near the beginning of its tenure. That's true even if your only park-going experience is Cedar Point; the last new ride wasn't all that reliable early on, either. So, if time and finances prevent multiple trips, don't go during the first full week of operation.

I'm not aghast at disappointment. Heck, I'd rather have ridden the ride myself by now, but circumstances have prevented it. My point is simple: if you hang all of your anticipation on one single ride at *any* park, you may just have a bad day. Getting really upset when that one ride isn't running half the day, or has a long line, or has slow dispatches, or ... is simply not useful.

All that said, the poor customer service is inexcusable, and deserves to be called to the park's attention. It is one thing for the ride to be down. It is quite another for anyone to feel as though they were treated rudely or dismissively.

It's not war, famine, or pestilence; it's only downtime.
*** This post was edited by Brian Noble 5/14/2003 3:43:00 PM ***

It's a coaster people! It will be here for the foreseeable future! I have no sympathy for the people that complain about an amusement ride or park. If that's the worst that life has thrown at them, they should thank the Almighty nightly!

And the bad customer service? Even the best (and I'm not saying CF is the best) have weak links. I'd like to see how all the complainers do at their jobs daily. I'm quite sure there are days when you could care less if you get your job done or think about how you are treating a fellow employee or customer.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
*** This post was edited by tambo 5/14/2003 3:41:05 PM ***

While I'm not moved by people complaining about the ride being down for reasons even within the park's control, I do not accept the "few bad apples" view of customer service. CP is about nothing *but* customer service for me. I'd still go even if the rides had been unchanged from my high school days (when Gemini was the Big Coaster on Campus) as long as the service remained the same.

On the bright side, my trips this year have had great customer service, which is why I'm happy to keep going back.

It's not war, famine, or pestilence; it's only downtime.

Oh, for crying out loud. Why is this even an issue? This happens everywhere. Go to WDW in the Fall or Spring and you are bound to find one or more of your favorite rides closed for rehab.

Stuff happens, get over it. Your ticket guranteed you access to the park. It doesn't guarantee you one particular ride and I am sure there are signs out front letting people know about the late opening.

People who like to bit** don't listen to reason anyway so what is the point?

Jeff's avatar

NorthCoastRider said:
We spoke with someone who said he was the VP of Operations. He pretty much acted annoyed that we would ask why the ride was down (there was no communication, no signs on the ride, no indication when it would be back up. There was one sign at the gate, but I would have expected that sign on a new ride on a windy day.) He said, "If you want to ride, I would suggest you get in line now." and walked away.

If it's who you say it is, that would be Bill Spehn, and I doubt very much he would blow anybody off unless they were being rude or obnoxious to him. People want concrete answers to things for which the park often has little control. (Do you know when it will stop raining?) They knew they'd open the ride when the shoot was done, and they did, even if they weren't precisely sure when that would be. Given their policy of allowing everyone in line at closing time to ride, everyone who wanted to ride, did.

Furthermore, if you saw the sign at the gate, what are you complaining about? You knew going in what the situation was. I don't think anybody owes you more of an explanation. The ride eventually opened, everyone in line got a ride.

Webmaster/GTTP -
"Pray that your country undergoes recovery!" - KMFDM

Good Lord, it is like beating your head against the wall with some of you. Please read the entire post. I certainly was not suggesting it is the end of the world. I even commended CP for some things. But customer service is customer service and a park or company for that matter that prides itself on that should be ready for some criticism under the current circumstances. It may not bother you, but it certainly does those that may only get to CP once a year. And just because other parks may do it, does that make it right?? I dont care what you say, I think shutting down a ride that is your marqee attraction to shoot a commercial is not good for the customer that is there. Its like saying, "we want to bring more people to the park with this thing, but we dont care that you are here now." If I told a customer of my business, I will get to you later, I want to shoot a commercial to get more customers, what kind of reaction do you think I would get? Not a good one.

What is amazing to me is when some criticism is directed at CP some of you take it as some sort of personal attack? Why? I love CP, its the best park on the planet as far as I'am concerned. But they certainly are not above criticism. Whether you think it is deserved or not. As a paying customer my opinion is just as important as any other paying customer. Isnt a forum for discussion? I didnt think it was to jump down someones throat or belittle them when their opinion is different from yours or they have a different perspective on things.

*** This post was edited by CPTwister 5/14/2003 4:20:14 PM ***

Gemini's avatar

CPTwister said:
Isnt a forum for discussion?

Isn't that what's happening? A forum is for discussion - whether it's discussing a topic, discussing an event, or, yes, even discussing opinions. If this forum was just a place to type opinions without discussion on those opinions, it wouldn't be a forum ... it would be an editorial.

Virtual Midway
*** This post was edited by Gemini 5/14/2003 4:27:24 PM ***

Yes, it is somewhat. But some always seem to have to take it to the "Grow UP" type of statement level. That is not a discussion. I just dont understand how some of you can think that this is a good thing for the customer that is there? OR Why a customer that gets there once a year would be upset by the ride being down for this particular reason? No one has answered that. Instead I get responses like "if that is the worst problem in your life you have it easy". What kind of a point is that? So under that theory unless it is a life altering, life threatening major crisis it is not worth criticizing or discussing??

My point again is that it is easy for those of you that can get to CP several times in a year to be non chalant about it being down. Its not the same for those of us that are lucky to get their once a year. I think CP's reason for having TTD down the last couple of days is not a good one and is worthy of throwing some criticism their way. That is all.

Does anyone know if TTD did open today? As of 2 oclock when I left it was still down. They were announcing that they were having mechanical problems. They also took down Magnum for a while because TTD's power problems were affecting it as well.
I was there yesterday and was beyond upset that Dragster was closed to the public for the majority of the day. My friends and myself ran - flat out ran - to Dragster the second we got in the gates. I nearly passed out when we were told the ride was closed because of the commercial shoot.

Hopefully, later this summer I will have the opportuninty to go back with all my friends again. I was highly disappointed to miss the chance to have our fairly large group of friends - around 15 people - nearly take over a whole Dragster [train].

I'm not totally complaining though - having flat out nobody in the Wicked Twister queue was nice, along with a mere 5 minute wait for Raptor. :)

Tommy Penner - YoYoBaybeeMan
The Matrix: Reloaded and Cedar Point in the same week - Sensory Overload!

I would have been bent out of shape as well but there are other things in life to worry about rather than a roller coaster!
Well isn't that what Cedar Point is all about, leaving behind all the other things that you have to worry about? Even though Dragster was closed, looking back at it, I wouldn't trade in yesterdays unique day for a lap around. The rides take up about 25% of the experience, while the friends and people you're with take up the rest of the experience.

Tommy Penner - YoYoBaybeeMan
The Matrix: Reloaded and Cedar Point in the same week - Sensory Overload!
*** This post was edited by MiLLeNNiuMRiDeR 5/14/2003 4:47:00 PM ***

CPTwister said:
I dont care what you say, I think shutting down a ride that is your marqee attraction to shoot a commercial is not good for the customer that is there.

...and did you bring this to the attention of customer service?..Probably not, I guess. I understand where you're coming from, but the point everyone is making is that..There are other rides at the park that are just as good and you are making it like if you didn't ride Dragster that there was nothing else left to visit....

It amazes me how people can go on the internet forums and voice their concerns, but never towards the ACTUAL person/place.....
*** This post was edited by FireDragon 5/14/2003 4:49:03 PM ***

Who said you can't criticize the Point? I criticize them fairly often. I know of a very recent case of Jeff complaining about THE WALL.

However, I think things through before I criticize. Commercials are a business necessity. Commercials can't be filmed in the dark. Commercials for the ride couldn't be filmed three weeks ago b/c the ride wasn't operating.

Did the ride get open? Yes. If it doesn't get open today due to maintenance is there much they can do about it? Probably not. Should you get a refund on your ticket b/c 1 ride out of 60-some wasn't operating? No.

Is it bad customer service because all of this happened? I don't think so. Hey, if you are upset nothing we say is going to change that. Maybe you'll be able to catch it next year. If I got to ride MF, Raptor, Maggie and WT with fairly short waits I would have been ecstatic.

Well then a question for the commercial experts..... Why does the ride have to be closed to the public? It seems to me that you would want to shoot or film the thing with all the people you could get so they could show off their pure hysteria and total bliss of what a spectacular experience it was.

How about that for marketing and advertising!
I was super before Superstew was cool!

tambo said:

loriu said:
I would call Park Operations but I live 3 hours away and they don't open until 9 am, I'll be an hour from the park at that point so what good is that going to me.


What's the matter? Won't your phone work the day before you leave? Can you only call while you are already driving?

Well, her point was that she was posting this on Tuesday night after the park had closed, and was driving out Wednesday morning before the park opened. It was already too late on "the day before she left".

I can see Lori's point in all this -- yes, it's a light week, but things like filming commercials should be done before the park opens, if possible. Now, the park was doing other things last week, like getting the ride in gear, that may have prevented that.

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MF count: 54 TDD: 4

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