Coasters Stuck

A couple of friends (lladnar and three7five on pointbuzz) and I went to Holiday World last year, and we ended up getting stopped on the mid-course brake run of Voyage. Apparently, we were going too fast through the first half of the course, and it automatically stopped us on the brake run. We were stuck for about 20 minutes waiting for the ride to start back up again, which kinda sucked cause my lapbar stapled me and I had to pee. Either way, it was still an amazing ride, way better than anything I had ever been on before.

The only time I have been stuck on a ride was at Holiday World in 2007 on the Legend. The guy working the control panel was leaning on it and he looked tired. I had been in the seat less than 30 seconds (and already locked my seatbelt and lapbar down) when the guy at the panel quietly said "Oh no, I just hit the E-stop button!" to another guy standing next to them. It took maintinence 20 minutes to come and turn a key to restart the ride and all that time our train (and the one out on the brakes behind the station) was full of people who could not get out of the train. I would like to know who designed it so that there is no manual release key of some sort on the actual train. I know they had that incident on the Raven, but I think it is also dangerous not to have some sort of way to release riders in an emergency. If the station caught on fire (not likely, but still) right after a ride was e-stopped, the people with their lapbar down would have no way to escape. They did let our train go twice after they restarted the ride, but our group was already late and we didn't have time for the second ride. :(

Last edited by cdrptrks,

Four discount funday tickets to Cedar Point: $130.96
Overnight stay at Breakers Express: $70
Riding rides the size of skyscrapers while "legally" breaking the local speed limit: Priceless

cedarpointlover's avatar

Is the document you have to sign for legal purposes?


JuggaLotus's avatar

Here's Tank's write-up of his walkdown on Magnum, Opening Day 06. It's pretty thorough.

Goodbye MrScott


Wow its good to be back to POintbuzz. Haven't been on all winter.

I've been stuck on many coasters. I got stuck on dragster for 45 minutes in launch position.(then rollback) Mean streak lift hill, Magnum brake run after tunnel, had to walk down. Raptors MCBR I got stuck on Mr. Hydes Nasty fall at the bottom with another car at the top for 45 minutes. Lapbar would not go up on Meanstreak. We stopped on MF at the top waiting for the train to finish the course.

Ride On

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I have been stuck on Mantis and Iron Dragon.

How do people get down if Raptor stops on the hill? All they have beneath them is a net I think.

Let's Get Weird.

There's a movable floor at the base of the lift...

I have never had to walk down a lift hill, but one time I was in the station waiting in line for Magnum when they had to stop the train going up the hill because a guy started smoking a cigarette. So one of the ride operators walked up the hill and put it out. Seriously though, why would you do something like that?

Cedar Point X
Can't Wait!!!

Fear The OffSeason said:
I have never had to walk down a lift hill, but one time I was in the station waiting in line for Magnum when they had to stop the train going up the hill because a guy started smoking a cigarette. So one of the ride operators walked up the hill and put it out. Seriously though, why would you do something like that?

Good question. We had a guy pull out a cigar on ripcord once. He didn't light it but there was nothing we could do.

Isnt it that if you get stuck of MF and you have to get down you take the elevator thing?

:| i would never do that! lol id rather sit up there for 5 hours for it to be fixed.

Opening day of the 2006 season, the train I was on stopped at the top of Magnum's lift. We waited about 15-20 minutes before the ride operators took all of us out of the train. We had to walk down from the top of the lift. We signed a few papers, but we didn't receive any handicap entrance passes or anything else.

2008 - Top Thrill Dragster Ride Host
Check out my Cedar Point videos:

I remember Magnum getting stuck on opening day '06. If I remember right it was Tank's first ride of the season. He had to walk down Magnum's steps in the morning. He said that his legs hurt when he got to the ground because of all the steps. That was the first year of the Pointbuzz party.

Peace, Mikey

ltparkmaster's avatar

I've been stuck on Iron Dragon's second lift for about 25 minutes. I don't exactly know why we were stopped, but it was quite inconvenient that it also started to rain just as we stopped.

-Larry T.
Michigan's Adventure - 2009 - Ride Host - Logger's Run, Sea Dragon, Dodgems
Geauga Lake 1888-2007

When Magnum first opened in 1989, I saw it get stuck 
about 20 feet from the appex. Everyone on the train
had to walk down the hill. I remember saying that I will
never ride coasters that high. ~ Two years later, I found
myself riding Magnum.   And since then, I've been stuck on
Magnum, Mean Streak, Mine Ride, Raptor, MF, and Maverick.
Whether it is the crew stopping the lift because of some
dumb*** talking on their phone on the ride, weather, or
something else, I still ride!

Terror Island Screamster 08', 09', 10', 11'

We-o-we-oooo's avatar

What exactly do you have to sign for? To prove that nobody was hurt and therefore can't sue after they get home?

Girl: "l want to ride that yellow one again... Twisted Wicker"
Me: "It's a roller coaster, not a broken clothes hamper."

Funny someone should bring it up, I actually got stuck on Mummy at Universal. It was right before the unloading platform, so we didn't get to see too much cool stuff, but we were about 15 feet in the air. It was about 20 mins to park closing and we had planned to head over and ride the Shrek ride. They gave us some passes that basically said that any one ride we wanted to ride, as long as the crew was still there they had to let us in and run it for us. Mummy's a pretty sweet ride, btw.

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

At CP, I've only gotten stuck on the Mine Ride..2nd lift hill to be exact. Iron Dragon, possily, but that one isn't clear to me if it ever happened because it was a long time ago.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

I've gotten stuck on Iron Dragon twice I believe, probably on the same day, too. Both on the second lift.

'06 opening brings back memories! Magnum had a bad weekend. First train of season, which I was on, stopped about 4 times going up hill. Whole ride lasted about half hour. After getting off, it was shut down and we went over to ride Skyhawk. As we got back to Magnum, we saw a train at top and watched them unload and walk down. That was the one Tank was on. I was so jealous. I have been walked down twice before. But not from that high up. Getting out of Magnum's trains on lift is not as easy as you would think.

I have been stuck on many rides over the years. Those that know me have heard the stories. One of my favorites is when I was riding Chang during its second day of operation and the chain broke.

I really enjoy stopping on the lift-hills and hearing other guests freaking out!

My husband and I got stuck on the lift hill of Mantis, must have been in 2005. We were standing there in the hot blazing sun for 20-30 minutes or so, wondering what was going on. Then an employee came up the steps, went right by us and did "something" with a small wrench, then ran back by and said "All Better!" We were all a little freaked out that a small wrench was all it took to fix the problem, but we then restarted and had a fabulous ride! I guess we should've been relieved that just a small bolt or something was loose.

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