Coaster Mania '05 Reports

Ok, post them here for those of us who had to work!!!!!

First trip June 23rd

Started out for me around 4;30 pm. Yes I had examins so got there a litle late. Hooked up with a good friend that I haven't seen in two years and missed at wicked twister. Great ride 7/10. Wethen proceeded to Max Air. While in line we caught up on what we missed in eachothers lifes. Anyway max Air 10/10 absolutly love this ride. I was starving since i had hate liunch at 10;30 and it is now 5;30 So we go to get some french frys and my dad had to go to first aid because his glss lence fell out. The next ride was mean streak and the trims feel so heavy I thought I was going to have a roll back 3/10 it would be a great ride if it had no trims oh well. On to gemini I noticed a couple weeks ago they now can speed up either train on the lift hill so it can be an even start 6/10. Next was dragster in the back seat. The speed gaughe said we were going 124 we were flying over the top hat ( Red Train Go figure)10/10. it was now 9;30 so I went to go get a cheese on a stick but evrery were was closed oh well ate mini corndogs.


Got to ride disaster transport with the lights on and it looked really boring, slow, and weird 2/10

Max air with the may flies 10/10 I also talked to the guy who made is 1,000 lap on Millenium 15 minutes before, great shirt.

Raptor front seat and no trims 12/10 incredable

magnum 3 times 2 ejector and one in the back 11/10 that car was flying through the course.

final ride Raptor in the back with no trims great ride 11/10

I then headed home thanks for reading.

Screamster 08,09,10,11
Soak city 10,11
Castaway Bay 10,11

** Worst screen name ever**


I had graduation parties so I could not go. How many Dragster rides were people getting during ERT?


good for you I was the teen in line talking to you before we boarded max air awesome shirt.

Screamster 08,09,10,11
Soak city 10,11
Castaway Bay 10,11

** Worst screen name ever**

Wow coastermania was totally awesome...
This was my 3rd coastermania, and I was really looking forward to it!
4:45: Got up, got ready
5:15: My dad, his gf, her neice and I all headed off to Cedar Point!
ERT time!: Millennium was sweet, rode blue, yellow, and red train it was awesome. Saw someone with a banshee shirt and got kinda jealous, haha. I wish I had a banshee something... oh well. Then After rideing MF 3 times we went over to Dragster rode that twice. Some guy started talking to Kelly (my dads gf's neice) and I. He seemed pretty cool, the ride op at TTD said he saw him at one in the morning at Wal-Mart. And ever scince them I have called him the Wal-Mart ride op! I even got to high-5 him! Sweet! Well dragster was awesome, as always. ALMOST got a roll back, we just stopped and basically creeped over the hill. Oh, so close.. yet so very far away. Anyway, after TTD We went over to MF again and rode that.
Oh my gosh look at all the GP: Well not really all GP. After MF my dad and his gf and kelly...(how about for easy reference I shall call them all Bob. They are Bob.. ok? Good.) So BOB went to get breakfast, and I stood in line for Raptor. I had never been on the first train of anything, so I was really excited! I waited.. and waited.. ate a donut! And waited some more. Then a stampede of people ran in and some guys shouted "RUN FOREST RUN!" And then I shouted it too.. kinda like an echo. Then I shoulded french at the people.. that was fun. Well raptor finally opened and I rode the first train in the very back seat! It was so awesome :). Well after that I rode it again then I think we went over to magnum.. rode that then gemini and meanstreak. Well kelly and I sit down in the Mean Streak car ready to go. And it breaks. They make everyone get out of the train, and my lap bar gets stuck. So I'm like.. uhh I can't get out?! And Some kids are like "just push on the lap bar" So I do to make them happy.. and nothing happens. Then they kinda stopped trying to help. The ride op came over and let me out and then Kelly and I waited a little longer, after about 4 empty trains we left. No sooner than we had left... It was up and running again. And we ran to the station and got in the exact same seats as we would have had if it hadn't broke. After that.. Kelly and I rode white water landing.. and then Thunder Canyon! Some kid started talking to me about "1 in 6 stay dry" haha ... He and his mom stayed dry. Lucky for him! I had to walk around in wet shoes.. and jeans.. and shirt.. for hours. My jeans finally dryed at about 8 or 9 something when I decided to change from my shorts to my pants. Oh well. It was fun! After that.. I'm not sure what we did after that. Well anyway.. somehow we got to Rock'n red garter (Totally awesome!) At 3:, then I talked to the guitarest a little bit. Some day if I every work at Cedar Point I want to be in that live show! I can play guitar.. and saxophone.. and dance.. and I can sing ok. I think I have what it takes..:) After that Kelly and I waited and then rode mantis.. Some chick got busted for line jumping. I thought it was sorta funny.. because she was mad about it. Her fault! Anyway, after Mantis we all went to Wicked Twister where I finally after 2 years met up with CP/PKIdude! I hadn't seen him in soo long it was great! We rode wicked twister, then he got some fries. Umm.. I think we went to Gemini again.. Um meanstreak again I think. Its all a blur in my mind :P. So I'm gunna jump to Dragster, we rode that! Not even close to a roll-back.. oh well.. it was fast and that was fun! After that I think.. umm maXair? I don't know. Ahh I have such a bad memory...
ERT Night time... oo ahh: After going to the car to change out of my finally dry shorts and put some long pants on, We all went on Disaster Transport with the lights on! Yeah! It was kinda... errr not as fun though. Well then we rode maXair. Ahh that was alot of little bugs.. Eek I don't like bugs! After that Raptor. Front seat with muh pal CP/PKI dude. and then on to magnum, rode that 3 times. "Bob" (remember bob?) Decided not to ride.. So It was just me and cppki. Then everyone was pretty worn out and cppki and I just had one last ride on Raptor. Then I said good bye, Oh I hope I don't have to wait another 2 years to see him!!

Life is a rollercoaster... ride it.
ACE member - 4 years

Did anyone see a kid with a Ty Law jersey on?

Mantis Photo '09

here's my coaster ride list for the day
-Millennium Force (x3)
-Magnum XL-200 (x3)
-Top Thrill Dragster (x2)
-Raptor (x2)
-Blue Streak (x2)
-Disaster Transport (1 with lights off, 1 with lights on)
-Mantis (x1)
-Gemini (x1, blue side)
-Jr.Gemini (x2)
-Woodstock Express (x1)
-Wicked Twister (x1)
-Corkscrew (x2, with rollback goodness! stopped on lifthill and rolled on to anti-roll back device)
-Iron Dragon (x2)
-Wildcat (x2)
so you can obviously tell I had a good day as far as riding goes.

Kelly and I were talking to some dude in line for dragster, and he was really talkitive it was cool. My dad wanted to know his name, but we never got it. Would any of you know?

Life is a rollercoaster... ride it.
ACE member - 4 years

Well let's see... It was my fist Coastermania and we were in line to register promptly 4:30am! Then from that line to another line at the gate and then another line just past the gate after we were finally let in. They gave us a little welcome and introduction and we were off to the races ... the race to our morning ERT.

The croud basically split in half between MF and TTD. We went to TTD and after a bit of warm-ups and testing the queue opened and we were riding. After 3 good quick laps on TTD we went over to MF. We managed to get 4 laps in on MF before the lines closed for Joe Cool.

Fortunately we are also Joe Cool members so we walked back over to TTD and were the first few folks in line for more ERT at TTD. We got 2 more laps in on TTD and then went over to maXair. By the time we got there the park was open to everyone.

After a couple of turns on maXair we headed to WT for a ride. Next we walked over to Raptor to get our Freeway stamp and exited the park to head back to our hotel, Breakers Express. Awake for 8 hours already on only 4 hours of sleep - we needed a nap real bad.

We returned about by 1:30 for our Freeway Raptor ride and then headed to the pavilion for lunch. Lunch was great and the presentation was nice. We met up and ate with quite a few other folks that we had gotten to know pretty well earlier in the day - a nice couple from Connecticut and a family from Maryland - who were some nice ACErs and another couple who were Univ. of Akron students and fellow Coasterbuzzers. Jeff, one the fellow CBuzzers is one of the folks that won the photo contest.

After lunch I pretty much spent the next few hours just shooting some video of the park. Afterwards we left again for a little R&R and some dinner. We showed up again at about 9PM and got 3 laps in on Gemini and 4 on Magnum, before they closed the rides for our evening ERT.

We were hoping to meet up with all the people we were hanging out with earlier in the day for the ERT session, but unfortunately we only found the couple from Connecticut. I was at least hoping I could hook up with our CBuzz friends to officially exchange screen names/email addresses, but that didn't happen. Anyway, since right before our ERT we got in 3 Magnum rides I figured we'd skip it and concentrate on the front of the park. 3 laps on Raptor - 2 in the front car, 2 more laps on maXair and one ride on DT with the lights on was a pretty good cap to the evening. DT with the lights on was kinda cheesy - I would've preferred ERT on WT, but oh well.

Coastermania was awesome. My wife and I had a great time riding to our hearts content. Great ERT and we met a lot of new people. We'll definately be back for the event again next year.


ididit05, you are my hero. i did not manage to make it and its quite depressing. sounds like another great day at the point. i need to get a car...

The world looks better at 420 feet in the air... first ride May 14th, 2005

only 997 laps left on MF..

So i resurrect dead post... is that a bad thing?

i also think of anyone who has ridden my favorite coaster 1000 times is a hero, or at least worthy of some sort of intamin award =)

fine you get the Zach seal of approval award for your amount of M-force rides =) or maybe the rider of the year award =)

I call bull****. No way no one here has heard of you if you have ridden MF 1000 times and Dragster 435 times. People in the coaster clubs would know about it if you did, and no one I know of has heard of it or you. There's only 1 person I know of that has near 1000 laps on MF, and that is Tony, and he's at 922. Additionally, the crews of MF and Dragster would recognize and know you if you had as many rides as you claim, but I'm quite sure they don't, as I know people... *** Edited 6/5/2005 11:42:19 AM UTC by thebrian***

I only know of one guy with more than 400 rides on Dragster.

2005 Season- 5 visits
maXair- 4 Spins
Dragster- 36 and ONE ROLLBACK

Cyberdman-Here I am. Jamie is not a member, she only got in through me.

My TR is very similar to cyberdman's, but I'll go through it all anyway.

4:00 AM-Wake at the Maples Motel, which served as a wonderful place to sleep. The rooms may not be all that nice, but they've got a shower and a bed and a TV, and really, what else do you need when you're 5 minutes away from Cedar Point.

4:30 AM-Arrive at Cedar Point, use our season passes to get in completely free, including the parking pass. It was wonderful. I turned in my photo for the photo contest (and my girlfriend Jamie's photo) to Robin Innes and was assured that he'd get them in the contest for us.

From 4:30 to 5:30, we waited in line for the gates to open, and when they did, it was a short run to the chain that kept us from entering the park. Robin Innes gave a small little speech laying out the day for all of us, with lots of loud reactions from the crowd.

6:00 AM-Waiting in line for Top Thrill Dragster. Well actually, waiting in line to wait in line for Top Thrill Dragster. The test runs were just starting at around 6:00 AM, and after 4 rollbacks with the gold train, it finally cleared the top. Each train after that cleared and we were allowed to enter the line. We rode TTD once and then headed over to MF, which was running beautifully. The more I ride, the more I think that the seatbelts really aren't that different-it's all about how you place your butt in that stupid seat. But that's for a different thread. All in all for morning ERT, we had 4 rides on Millennium Force and 2 rides on Top Thrill Dragster. After our 4th ride on MF, we headed over to maXair for a Joe Cool ride on it. We met some nice people in line, and perhaps a connection for some of the older souvenir park maps that I can't even find on Ebay anymore. Even though I've ridden maXair before, I must say that CP got a great deal on that ride, even if it did cost $10 million. Since we are also Joe Cool members, so we got in line for Dragster once more right before the public entered, but ended up waiting in the station for probably 45 minutes because of something wrong with the black cherry train. They had to unload everyone and put them back in line, and the transferred the black cherry train off and put the blue one on. They tested the blue one and it rolled back twice, and then they loaded it with 12 people and it made it easily. They gradually started loading full trains and then everything was pretty smooth. We were in one of the first two trains to get launched with 18 riders.

By this time, it was about 11:00 AM, and we decided that we wanted to get some breakfast, a shower, and a nap, so we headed to Bob Evans on 250, and then back to the hotel where I promptly fell asleep and Jamie took a shower and did the same. We got up at 1:30 and went back to the park for the catered luncheon. Kudos to CP on this one. The park really does treat enthusiasts quite well, provided that they don't do something stupid. As cyberdman stated earlier, my photo was one of the five winners chosen in the photo contest. I got two big bags of CP merchandise, including the orange hoodie (hooded sweatshirt, I'm told that only college-aged kids call them hoodies), one long-sleeve and one short-sleeve T-shirt, one tumbler, one Top Thrill Dragster frosty mug, a TTD pin from the Media Preview in 2003, Coastermania and CoasterCon buttons from past years, a maXair button, "The Roller Coasters of Cedar Point" DVD, "2 Fast 4 U" Cedar Point License plate holder, a Top Thrill Dragster poster, and the coveted Top Thrill Dragster red polo shirt that I've wanted forever and never wanted to spend the money on.

The rest of the afternoon was spent riding rides. We essentially hit all of the coasters, save for Woodstock Express, Jr. Gemini, and the ones included in night ERT. It's a good thing Mine Ride is not a ride that enthusiasts like to ride over and over, because people would be complaining about how that ride discriminates against guests of exceptional size like TTD and MF.

After dinner at Friday's by the beach, we went back into the park and began riding more rides, getting one ride on Raptor, Magnum (including a short stop on the lift hill-I was thrilled!), and Blue Streak before ERT ever started. Once ERT started at 10, we did one ride on DT with the lights on. It was cool, especially because the sound effects were on. I haven't heard "I'm losing control!" for a long time. However, I always assumed there would be more lights in there. It was pretty....lame, actually. Jamie never realized that there was no track for the car to travel on, so that was a pretty cool discovery. We then hit maXair once, which was pretty much Bug-o-rama, and then over to Magnum for two amazing rides, including one in the ejector seat with no brakes before the turnaround. OUCH!! I thought I'd have bruises on my thighs. The 2nd ride on Magnum was in the front car, and again with no brakes. The ride is still amazing, even if it is getting a little rough. It also looks more orange at night than it does during the day. Two Raptor rides finished the day off, one in the back and one in the front. Both were amazing, and the train was flying, even though the trims did hit in the middle.

At this point, I looked at my cell phone and it was 11:48 PM, and after 16-17 hours on Cedar Point property, we decided that we'd had enough. We left and went back to the Maples, and after a shower for both of us, we crashed.

This was my first Coastermania, and I must say that it was the best day of my life in Cedar Point. The park really knew what they were doing and how to treat the enthusiasts. There were some low points, including the ACE member waiting in line for TTD who was all pissy because Dragster could have tested before 6:00 AM and they were losing precious ERT time. I wanted to turn around and say something, but I restrained. However, the high points greatly outweighed the low ones.

I also loved being able to meet some people who post on this site, including Walt and cyberdman. I wish I could have met more of you, but there's always next year!! Tom, I'm sorry that we didn't get to hang out during night ERT, it must have just not worked out. We definitely looked for you though!!

Thank you Cedar Point for an Absolutely Amazing Day!!
*** Edited 6/5/2005 12:49:24 PM UTC by Jeff Young***

Jeff Young

Jeff it was nice to hear back from you, I sent you an email through the forums. Nice trip report.

I forgot to mention our quick couple of laps on Blue Streak during evening ERT also right after our first couple of Raptor laps. It was running great and fast.

Speaking of maXair in the evening ... what did you all think of that smell of the Mufflehead BBQ on those hot lights! It was disgusting, smelled horrendous and raised quite a cloud of burned bug body smoke.

I was hoping for getting more out of DT with the lights on, maybe giving me a little more of a trip down memory lane with seeing what remained of Avalanche Run, but not so. It was more gimmicky than anything. I prefer it with all the lights off. I can only imagine what all those first timers to the park thought of it. Half-themed with the lights on ... if you didn't know the story it seemed rather stupid I guess. Of course, even the idea of the theme itself is pretty lame. Oh well, an arguement for another thread I guess.


raptorqueen's avatar

Jeff Young..

I also stayed at Maples, I think the rooms are the best for any MOTEL I have stayed at. To top it all of, the service you get is worth more than anything else.

I stay at the Maples every year (since 1999) and I would never stay any place else.

I will stay there again next year for Coastermania and I can't wait!

Cedar Point, Americas rip- rockin', high flyin', sky defyin', record breakin' roller coast

Wow... I wish I had the attention span to be able to count how many times I've ridden MF! I know its not 100.. probably not even 50... but wow, 1000. That is a heck of alot of rides on MF! Congrats!

Life is a rollercoaster... ride it.
ACE member - 4 years

LuvRaptor's avatar

thebrian said:
I call bull****. No way no one here has heard of you if you have ridden MF 1000 times and Dragster 435 times. People in the coaster clubs would know about it if you did, and no one I know of has heard of it or you. There's only 1 person I know of that has near 1000 laps on MF, and that is Tony, and he's at 922. Additionally, the crews of MF and Dragster would recognize and know you if you had as many rides as you claim, but I'm quite sure they don't, as I know people... *** Edited 6/5/2005 11:42:19 AM UTC by thebrian***

I do believe that there are a couple others (besides Tony) who have 1k on MF. Joe E is one I believe and I think RaptorMan Dave said he did too.

I have to agree with what thebrian said on this one.

Lifetime Raptor flights: 1047 :)
(and this is definitely true!!! :))

It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that?

bholcomb's avatar

Yeah, but everyone on the crew will recognize them Jo ;)

Either way, it's all about the friends you meet on the way. The ride count is just a number. :)

- Ben... who has no freaking idea how many he has on Raptor, Magnum, Millennium Force or any other ride at Cedar Point (Although, I think I'm about at 60 for Dragster)

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