Chick-fil-A Ban

djDaemon's avatar

Kevinj said:
Sexual orientation is not black and white. If you study, you realize it is a spectrum. All you can do is pray that the people around you accept you for who you are.

Touching on the sexuality aspect of US culture is key, I think, to this discussion. We collectively lost our marbles when millions were irreparably scarred by seeing Janet Jackson's nipple for an excruciating not-quite-an-entire-second. Over 500,000 people called the FTC to complain. In Canada, which also saw the broadcast, 50 people (less than 0.01% of the number of callers in the US) called in to complain.

Meanwhile, in France, magazine racks in public spaces have magazines - not "porn mags", mind you - displaying nudity. And amazingly, their society has yet to deteriorate into complete anarchy.

In the US, violence is everywhere. Sexuality? Not so much. We're a bunch of stuck-up, nosy, hypocritical prudes, generally speaking. And I think this cultural trait has a lot to do with the fact that some people feel it's OK to tell others how they can and cannot live their lives.

Last edited by djDaemon,


Break Trims's avatar

Well, in general, people who are comfortable with who they are are not uncomfortable with how others are. It's sad to think about the way in which one person's repression and insecurity can affect the rights of someone who is confident and happy about who they are.

But God knows it's a better system than being honest with your children, and letting them objectively process the realities of the world, right?

The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high.

vwhoward's avatar

Here's another good video from a 19 yr old heterosexual man raised by two women supporting gay marriage. Very well thought out and speaks volumes.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

As a society, we do have a lot of hang ups about sex (and in particular women's breasts) which do not exist in other societies. A lot of that is because of religion. Though much of Europe is further away from religion than the US (Muslim immigration notwithstanding). But at the same time, sex is everywhere. We use it to sell everything. Its part of pretty much every media format in some way. We are bipolar/schizophrenic about it.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Well, those European countries do have the advantage of not having been settled and founded by Puritans.

Goodbye MrScott


KevinL332's avatar

^but sex wouldn't sell if it wasn't "Taboo". so big business is going to keep it that way no matter what happens with religion.

Hell Cornflakes were originally designed to kill your labito and stop you from masturbating!

Halloweekends Screamster!
Fear Faire 2010-2011

vwhoward's avatar

But most of those European countries were ruled by the church...for a thousand years. And massively oppressed by the church...for a thousand years. So we exist as a country because our ancestors sought out freedom to do as they want. Seems like we've taken some steps backwards even among all the forward progress we've made.

And KevinL332, sex will always sell, taboo or not. See: Amsterdam.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Corkscrew Follies's avatar

One step forward, three steps back.

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Jeff's avatar

So much to respond to...

Joel_D said:
Promoting the idea that marriage should be between only a man and a woman is neither oppression nor bigotry.

Except attempting to legislate it, or paying lobbying groups to get the legislation, is both.

TheHSBR said:
It comes down to money specifically insurance companies who pad the pockets of politicians and have no desire to see any extra people falling under plans in which they have to pay for.

This is completely false. I work for an insurance company that offers domestic partner benefits. Furthermore, few employers pay for dependents for "free" anymore, and as such the cost is largely picked up by the employee.

I had domestic partner benefits for my then-fiance first wife way back in 1999. People act like this is some new concept.

TheNewGuy said:
I don't want my kids thinking that's ok. Those are our religious views. That does not make me a bigot. Just a Christian.

I think you've got it backward about what it does or doesn't make you. Your religious views are irrelevant in a country that does not impose one religion on people. That's the point... you don't get to tell other people what to do based on your own religious beliefs. If you're such a concerned parent, you'll teach your kids about your beliefs, and let them make up their own mind. (For the record, my kid will have as much information as I can give him, and he can decide on religion, or lack of, on his own.)

There have been little bits about what Cedar Fair's position might be, and I think it's complicated. I didn't realize this, but I believe four parks now have a franchise. We have no idea what that arrangement is, or what agreements they have in place, but it's safe at this point to assume it's a larger corporate concern. If the company takes any action, I doubt it would be until the off-season.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

TheHSBR's avatar

Heres an interesting articles from the NY Times about the insurance portion of this. Previously I had not known this so I stand corrected on my previous statements:

Are people really getting this heated come on folks. It's a Cedar Point site. This is not a site to discuss moral values. I mean I think people over look the fact that boycotting a company that employs roughly 94000 people worldwide would put a lot of people out of work in economies that have high unemployment rates as is. I never ate here much for other reasons especially at Cedar Point talk about over priced.

It comes up every year! I was surprised the discussion didn't go further about Father's Day (Gay Day) this year like it does every other year. I guess this makes up for it

People who boycott CFA will presumably be going out to eat elsewhere which will help those businesses. And if they stay home, the local grocery stores will be happy.

And from the looks of things, the boycotters will at least in part be offset by folks who support CFA's views:

Kevinj's avatar

“The marriage institution cannot exist among slaves, and one sixth of the population of democratic America is denied it's privileges by the law of the land. What is to be thought of a nation boasting of its liberty, boasting of it's humanity, boasting of its Christianity, boasting of its love of justice and purity, and yet having within its own borders three millions of persons denied by law the right of marriage?”

- Fredrick Douglas, from "My Bondage My Freedom"

Promoter of fog.

vwhoward's avatar

GoBucks89 said:
And from the looks of things, the boycotters will at least in part be offset by folks who support CFA's views:

And maybe this will offset those inflated earnings...

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Kyle2154's avatar

Ilovemesomeme said:
Are people really getting this heated come on folks. It's a Cedar Point site.

Most talk on PBuzz is in argument form. There's just not as much to talk about as you'd think, and what is discussed about CP has been discussed 100s of times already. Typically someone new and innocent will have some crazy idea about CP (much like we've all had at some point) and get crushed by the "full time vets".

Now lets get this convo back on track on how to take away Chick-Fil-A's first amendment right! :)

vwhoward's avatar

I'm pretty sure this goes beyond freedom of speech. It's really about helping fund organizations that seek to oppress a particular segment of society. I'm all for free speech...just know while it's ok to say something, especially as a business, there are consequences. While the speech may be free, the backlash from people will be costly.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

DSShives's avatar

Just from a casual observation while I was at the park Monday and Tuesday, Chick-Fil-A had a steady crowd with the line outside on the patio. Nothing different that what it has been in years past when I walked by it.

Last edited by DSShives,

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina

Jeff said:

There have been little bits about what Cedar Fair's position might be, and I think it's complicated. I didn't realize this, but I believe four parks now have a franchise. We have no idea what that arrangement is, or what agreements they have in place, but it's safe at this point to assume it's a larger corporate concern. If the company takes any action, I doubt it would be until the off-season.

I'd be absolutely shocked if Cedar Fair would end their relationship with Chick-fil-A due to this. I was just at a Chick-fil-A yesterday in Indy... probably the busiest I've ever seen one. I'll be at CP tomorrow- as another poster said, it's seemed like the normal heavy crowds in there.

I have a pretty wide ranging and diverse group of friends/network. This isn't getting much attention anymore other than here on this forum. Nothing on facebook, nothing in conversations. Out of the few people who've talked about it, it's actually been more like "What's the big deal/surprise? Of course Cathy is against gay marriage. He gives up hundreds of millions of dollars a year to be closed on Sundays."

For every person who boycotts Chick-fil-A, there will likely be another person (actually, probably 4-5 person family) who will go to Chick-fil-A because they share the same values and beliefs.

It appears it's a non-issue for Cedar Fair. Made a comment via twitter about how it's one of many franchises and don't share all the same beliefs... then they kept selling boatloads of chicken sandwiches.

Jeff's avatar

Nothing on Facebook? Which Facebook do you use? Every other post was about it today. It was on NBC Nightly News tonight as well.

Again, it's not about beliefs, it's what you use your corporate influence for with regard to lobbying government.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

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