Chaos is for sale.

Here is the link that does verify it is for real. Also look at when the ride will be available to any potential buyer.

Now my only other thought since that is near where the Demon Drop is, could this be the last year for it also. As this has been for sale for a few years now. Could they just take it down and see it for scrap.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

This has come up a few times before with that picture of CP's Chaos being used as a stock photo for other Chaos units that are for sale. However, the availability date is listed as the day after closing day, so perhaps it really is the CP Chaos for sale. I like that ride a lot, but I've not ridden it much since they made the locking/unlocking of restraints all manual. It takes entirely too long.

JuggaLotus's avatar

I guess the first question should be, do the restraints on CPs model look like they've been re-finished?

If so, it might be them, if not, its not them.

Goodbye MrScott


Jason Hammond's avatar

Anythings possible. The ride could be for sale. But, this has come up before and it was not for sale then. Originally IRM was using a picture of Cedar Point's Chaos to sell 5 Chaos', none of which were Cedar Point's. IRM does not appear to have any for sale anymore. Ital has been known to resell rides that have been previously resold. Most recently they became the 3rd one to sell the Skyscraper. Meaning it had sold 2 other times by 2 other people and they sold it again. They are also trying to be the 3rd seller of Geauga Lake's Rip Cord. On the other hand, they have also sold other Cedar Fair Rides and are currently still trying to sell Demon Drop for Cedar Point.

Last edited by Jason Hammond,

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

As with Demon Drop, I don't think parks will be lined up to buy it. I think both are headed for the scrap pile eventually.

ltparkmaster's avatar

The restraint pic (#3) on there does look like the restraints are "new." This might be CP's, and who knows?

And all Chaos restrains were made manual because of the MiAd incident.

Last edited by ltparkmaster,

-Larry T.
Michigan's Adventure - 2009 - Ride Host - Logger's Run, Sea Dragon, Dodgems
Geauga Lake 1888-2007

I don't think the MiAdv incident was the reason for the restraint change, particularly given that, if I remember correctly, the secondary on the MiAdv Chaos was *very different* from the secondary on all the newer units. MiAdv had the "gate" while the newer units have the overhead bar.

Compare: Michigan's Adventure
Versus: Cedar Point

(images located via Google Image Search)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

djDaemon's avatar

First link is FUBAR, Dave.


OKSIRYDOC's avatar

When was Cedar points Chaos built?

ltparkmaster's avatar

Opened in 1997. Believe was one of the first park models (correct me if I'm wrong)

Also RideMan, none of your links work anymore!

Last edited by ltparkmaster,

-Larry T.
Michigan's Adventure - 2009 - Ride Host - Logger's Run, Sea Dragon, Dodgems
Geauga Lake 1888-2007

djDaemon's avatar

The second link works - stick cursor in address bar and press enter.


Yeah that availability date is lookin' to prove that it might be CP's...

4 summers of employment in ride operations does stuff to you.
Chuck Wagon's avatar

Take a chance with a Chance!

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

Ah, that first link got eaten by Jeff's naughty words filter. First time I have run into that one! But then it is a site that I seldom ever visit. Let me try this again...

Not as good of a photo, and I don't know where this one was taken, but this is also an earlier version of the Chaos, same version that MiAdv had.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

coolkid2345's avatar

If they are removing Chaos, what would be moved there? More likely than not its to early to tell. Is there anything small that could fit into that space? I really can't think of anything. The only major rides that could fit would be: Witches wheel,super hymalaya, matterhorn,scrambler,& calypso. None of theese rides seem to be worth moving so what would the area be used for? Its pretty small.

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time:

The surrounding and the ride space look like it could handle anything from a Top Spin, Topple Tower or a Jump ^2.

KHTOExtreme said:
Now my only other thought since that is near where the Demon Drop is, could this be the last year for it also.

The two really are not that close to each other, and would have no connection to each other if one was sold. But after looking at the site and reading peoples thoughts here it sure does seem like it is CP's. Now its time to wait and see.

Last edited by CP fanatic 2400,

R.I.P. Mr. Scott

During the Winter there were many pictures showing the Scambler and the Matterthorn. I would think one of those Rides would by placed there, and the other one will go somewhere elese in the Park. Then a New Ride will be made in that area.

Would anyone miss Chaos if they got rid of it? Doesn't seem like anyone's too upset by the idea that they would take it out...

tedfuzz's avatar

Same year (1997) and same availability date (day after closing day) - I am convinced this is the same ride.

I'll be sad if it goes, but it's worth it if something better replaces it.

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

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