Cedar Point mistreating its employees?

TwistedWicker77 said:
Believe it or not, guests come to Cedar Point already with a pissed off attitude and try to find someone to take it out on. It just so happens that they take it out on an employee who is trying to do their job efficiently while following the rules, no matter what department you work in.

Oddly enough I certainly believe it. I and many of my good friends have been assaulted by guests for just that reason. You wanna talk about bad working conditions haha. Had to remove a guy last year for full on attacking me. I was simply walking past and as I went by he grabbed me by the shoulders and threw a knee as hard as he could into my man parts. Only reason I wasn't down for the count was because he missed and got thigh. but he kept on going. needless to say someone else saw and we met up with the cops at the same time. He certainly didn't like policy being explained to him as he was escorted out haha.

but in our case at least they explain from day one that possibility could happen so as long as they keep the police patrolling like they should to back us up it's a risk I accept as part of the job.

Last edited by josh88,

FF 06, 07
FZ 08, 09, 10
S.T.A. - died with the Fright Zone

Reading this thread was a mind trip...

Point Place: The New Unofficial Cedar Point Blog


I just don't unerstand what is wrong with some of the guests that go to the park. Who was he trying to impress? Sometimes I think they do it because when we are in uniform, they know there really isn't much we can do or say back. We had a similar situation like that one time. We had to call security on a guy who was drunk who tried attacking me on platform, but luckily the person who was in controls calld security and told them to com ASAP for an irrate guest attacking an employe. Next thing I know, another guest had this guy on the ground while we waited for security to come. Long story short, this guy got smart with the cops, punched one in the face and sat in county jail for a week. They asked if I wanted to press charges but I didn't want to take it that far. Crazy people!

Last edited by TwistedWicker77,

GoonSnitch5 said:
Here is Something Awful OP


fakeposter total

What is this referring to ? Thanks ;) just curious


WT:9. Gemini 100: 1997
MF:8. Mag:9
Mav:7. TTD:6. Rap:9
Favorite Coaster: Maverick
Favorite non-coaster: Skyhawk

(I know this Thread is pointless, but I'm just gonna post something. Please don't mind me)
I'm currently working at Cedar Point now, infact I'm posting this from a hotel that I'm staying at here in Sandusky. Okay, working at Cedar Point is not for everyone I know that...But if you can't find a job when all hope has failed working here would be just fine. I have heard some extremely unflattering things about this place and myself have seen and been apart of this "Corrupted Company" if you that' what you wanna call it. I don't feel like typing a long post, so I'm just gonna make a list of what I have seen and came into working here at Cedar Point.

1.During the Processing-In process, a few people came in (I'm guessing they were to excited) But as they all walked into the HR building (laughing and chatting at a reasonable volume) this woman sitting behind a very old looking computer (That's basic for Cedar Point's offices) muttered "It's all fun in games now, but let's see how many of them will last..." now some of you may wonder "Okay? whats wrong with that?" Well...they were teen's (about 16-17) why would anybody say something so unprofessional and cruel? (I don't know...I don't take comments like that lightly.)

2.Wardrobe. Well skipping ahead to wardrobe (which is like the last step before housing during Processing In) at wardrobe apparently the lady behind the desk makes all the decisions in reguards to your uniform, just by taking one look at your body. She gave me two pairs of uniforms (standard attire 1 Pants 1 Shorts 2 Shirts 1 belt and pair of shoes) While trying them on I noticed that the pants and shorts were to small for my body type, so I asked for another size (maybe a bigger size) she didn't want to hear it. Her reply was "I looks perfectly fine with me honey, If you want a bigger size you'll have to pay for it and that includes a bigger belt".I said "sure why not. Where do I pay for it at?" she replied "Look honey, I don't feel like looking for a bigger size, just keep as is I'm telling you it looks just fine!" (Noticed she kept using the word 'Looks' and not 'Feel') I told her, would she like to try them on and tell me how they feel? She told me to Get out! (Pretty wicked for a first day huh?)

3. At the Cedar Point housing complex. I was curious to see what the living conditions are like at the "Cleanest park in the World (So they say). Just walking through that one exit/entry gate I instantly felt creeped out. (That similar to a International Prison yard, complete with a basket ball court) At first I went into the housing office/store to see if any rooms where available with 3 empty bed (Room for my self, until my Bro gets there) they told me a room is open with 2 empty beds (I agreed to have a look before I decided to move my stuff in) well as I entered the Common Dorms (I think it was 1500 due to the numbering on the room doors.) I was hit instantly with VERY unflattering odor lingering through the halls. (Even the police office complainted about it) But anyway. I finally stumbled upon the room given to me by the office people, as I walked in I was really appalled by the nastiness of this room! (Complete disaster!) Without a doubt I quickly got out of their and told them I don't need housing while working here. (Their housing area in general is a complete joke, I had to see for myself. I wouldn't want a terrorist living in such place as their Housing!) End of Day 1

4. Before Training. Well before my training day (which was a week later, it's not normal...I know.) I had to go to Park Operations and see where I would be placed for the time I was here. (Sitting in Park Ops for like 2 straight hours waiting for a supervisor) until some random fill in escorted me to a back room that had like 3 old looking televisions, and some books or whatever. I sat there for another 47 minutes (There was a old clock in there aswell...Upgrade Cedar Point!) Finally after the long wait and boredom a supervisor from Area 3 came in an turned on one the 3 Televisions and made me watch a 1 or 2 hour (So it felt) video about park operations and so on. After the 3 part video was done, I waited another full hour before anyone noticed I was back there! (Yes, of course I told them the video was done, but they still forgot!) At this point I'm very annoyed with all of them. (Hot and bored!) So finally another Sup. came into the room and made me fill out alot of papers and answer some pointless questions, then told me to go back home and they will find a place for me to began work tomorrow! (After all that waiting, nearly the whole afternoon. I was told to go back to my room.) mind you this is my Day 2 at CP.

5. Okay working rides weren't that bad. The only good thing about was when the rides would have to be shut down for the day and you just had to clean up a already cleaned platform for 6 hours! (getting paid to do nothing almost). But then there's the time when your ride is closed from O-C and now you are a park sweep! (I was gonna blow my freakin' brains out!) It's the worst job to do EVER! (a hooker has a better job than a sweep!)

6. The blood awful food served in the Employee Cafe. Although its very cheap (maybe the cheapest food you will EVER find in Cedar Point) shouldn't mean it should taste on look like crap. If you are down on your luck (money wise) they will serve you a grill cheese sandwich featuring stale bread and government cheese. I believe people in jail have more classy meals than what's served at Cedar Point. (So wise choice) Pack your own lunch or go to Famous Daves!

7.If you ever feel like you want to work here DON'T! it's so not worth it.

8. I would agree that this would be similar to slave labor. (But what the heck, I'm still here.) They you work you so much, but for so little, the hours are miserable and the pay is terrible!

9. I have also learned that the management at Cedar Point is all shady! They have their little Team Leaders wrapped around their little fingers. The TL's are like the teachers pet. They will report any and everything to the Supervisor (If you tie your shoe in front of a guest or fix your belt.) yeah stuff that simple will get you a point. (tardiness is a Step or like every 15 minutes or so.) Also if you are caught not waving at or from the passing train while in uniform you might get wrote up or suspended. Lastly Kiddie Kingdom is where all the failed Area 1 Rides Host are sent, If not fired (Kinda like your second strike.) and they are not allowed to interact with each other (even if nobody is around) there are people in the P.O building next to K.K that are watching them like hawks.

10. Finally, Once you process out early (break you agreement) for anything that isn't serious meaning a dying family crisis, you will be put on the No-Rehire list for 7 years. (Meaning you aren't allowed to work for ANY Cedar Fair park for 7 years!) So if you want to work at Kings Island or Michigan Adventures etc... Try not to quit! (You only get 1 shot)


Last edited by MillenniumDragster,

Only the strong survive. That is true. I believe almost every word in this last post. That being said, there are reasons why most of this is true, and none of them have to do with CP being a bad employer. I don’t know the individual posters actual complaints, and I’m not in any way telling this person that they are wrong. But being an adult, I understand most of what the employer did.

Checking in at HR, it’s not a high school hallway. You are actually at work, as an individual. And first impressions should mean something to you. You are supposed to be professional and all about work. But HR gives you a chance to redeem yourself by not telling you no thanks right there. There are many who think this is a summer camp, it’s a job.

The wardrobe department is about making sure you look the way THEY want you to look in uniform. Not for your comfort. MANY of those who come to CP feel they have a rep and a style to uphold. The key being ’ the pants on the ground’ or Baggie look. Not used to wearing clothes properly. Any good employer would do this.
On to housing. I’m guessing this poster came long after the season had started. Everything is clean when the season starts. Your MOM doesn’t live here to clean up. It’s not a hotel! There’s no maid daily. I admit I always started the season with a clean room, and we (my roommates ) made damn sure to keep things in check. And when someone started basically living like a slob, housing will step if needed. We never got to that point since we handled issues like that internally and verbally. Kind of like a mom or dad would if they were around.
Again I believe late season hire because of being forgotten about in the training session. That is wrong, and shouldn’t happen. But also know that the same person that is in charge of showing you video’s and such, is also in charge of probably 15 other things and many staff. Still shouldn’t happen, but I guess does. As far as the cleaning during down time, TL following the chain of command by reporting, and Kiddieland jail. That I know is true.
Most of the time, nobody knows if and when a ride will be up or down. And since the budget has already allotted for the all rides to be open, all the time, they’d rather have you clean than sit around. As far as TL’s, they have to hear it from those that are above them. So yes they are going to enforce what they are told. Do the job, show up on time, and follow the uniform guidelines, and you’ll be fine. If there happens to be a area sup around when you are being told about a uniform detail, chances are the area told the TL about it to begin with. Chain of command says it goes down the line. Key responses to avoid are whatever, it isn’t that serious, ah come on man, gimme a break, etc. Basically being an idiot. Kiddieland, aka prison, is for individuals who don’t seem to mesh with the team attitude. I didn’t work in rides, so I’m only guessing. So I speak from only what I’ve been told and witnessed. Yes, it is punishment for many. But it’s possible to return from there. But it’s up to the individual.
And last if you quit any job, anywhere in the country, they most likely are not going to hire you again. Granted if you can get a letter from the division manager of which you let down, they will take anyone back. Again, I will say while I reference the previous posters statements , I’m only trying to justify what management would do in these situations. Not in anyway say the poster is wrong. As I said to begin with, I believe everything I read!

2004,2005 Food Services
2006 One Long visit

I will try to respond to Millenium Dragster's points very brifely.

1. HR Yes, the computer system is nearly as old as the outgoing CEO and let's hope Ouimet addresses that in a hurry. If the woman really was that flippant then she shouldn't have been. As HR is the first interaction with a new employee they should be friendly, helpful, polite, etc. It is likely a result of the exhausting season they have experienced but they should be bigger than that.

2. Wardrobe - See comments above. It isn't a glamorous job but the staff members there should treat the employees as "customers". They are part of the "welcoming committee", if you will, and if you get treated poorly it doesn't help your image of the park..to be sure. And then, how are those employees going to treat guests? We learn from example, no?

3. Housing - I've made my feelings about housing very well known over the past 15 years or so. Treat your employees like crap...be prepared for them to act as you treat them.

4. Training - Again, I think this is likely a product of being trained with the season nearly concluded but the new hire getting training in October should get treated the same as the new hire in April. If they aren't doing that...it is a failure. It isn't easy at that time of year because staff is already so short...but it is important to set the tone for the new staff.

5. Being a Park Sweep - Worst job ever? Ah...no. You are starting to lose credibility now. I know few people who work as park sweeps who don't like it. It is actually a very "freeing" position as you aren't tied down to a ride, show, or restaurant. You have great freedom as a sweep and some of the most guest interaction of any position in the park.

6. Employee Cafeteria - Again, I don't buy this. I was a full time employee and I chose to eat at the employee cafeteria more often than not. My wife and I would meet there to eat and I know many other full timers did the same. More credibility lost.

7. Quit if you don't like it.

8. Slave labor? Spoiled brat. This obviously coming from someone who has never worked in a difficult environment because there are FAR WORSE jobs than working at Cedar Point. How about you come down here to Florida and pick citrus for 10 hours a day and then tell me how bad the Cedar Point job looks?

9. Team Leaders are, by and large, kids too. Can you expect them to make mistakes and have trouble learning how to be good managers? Sure.

10. If you worked for me your attitude is enough to make you a no rehire in my book. Breaking the contract wouldn't make a difference. That said, if you break your contract then you should be a no rehire. A contract is a contract. Welcome to the real world. And, unless the policies have radically changed there is no such thing as a 7 year blacklist for no rehires. I hired "no rehires" many times. There is a way that can be done, requiring hiring managers from both departments to have a conversation, and it isn't unheard of. That said, I still wouldn't rehire you.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Morté615's avatar

I am a perfect example of a no-rehire getting, well, rehired. In 2005 I was working for the company, got injured, didn't go to first aid, worked the rest of the day. But steadily dropped off over the next few weeks as my injury got worse, acquired too many points and was terminated.

That is actually how the termination procedure works pretty much too a T. Now I know that I handled my termination incorrectly, I did and said things that I should not have but I was also 22/23 and didn't have the work ethic that I have now, but I also believe that Cedar Fair didn't handle the termination properly either, there were quite a few things that were said between my manger and myself that he then reneged on but well I got over it and decided that for the next few years I would make it a point to try to get hired again.

During the intervening years I called HR, my former department, and many other people. Wrote many emails and letters, and finally in 2010 I got rehired into the park as a Screamster! Then after completing my (short) season I was free to apply to any department in the park, and this year got into Live Entertainment, where I am glad to say that I had one of the best summers working for quite some time.

Now I used the years in-between to gather more work experience and also to bolster my own work ethic and to make myself seem like the type of person that the park would like to have on their staff. Have I seen and heard about items similar to what has been related here, yes! But those are the fringe cases, things that are not the normal day to day activities at the park. The park hires a few thousand people every year, all with differing age, maturity, and abilities. Many return year after year, most return only for 3 or 4 years (while in school) others have made this industry their career and will spend the off season trying to better ourselves and to gaining experience to advance in the industry (not just Cedar Point but the amusement industry as a whole).

Again things happen, stories get twisted through retelling, but overall my experience with Cedar Point and Cedar Fair in general is not perfect (what job is?) but I am happy with where I am at and plan to return to the park next year!

Morté aka Matt, Ego sum nex
Dragon's Fire Design: http://www.dragonsfiredesign.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mattdrake

Chief Wahoo said:
I will try to respond to Millenium Dragster's points very brifely.

1. HR Yes, the computer system is nearly as old as the outgoing CEO and let's hope Ouimet addresses that in a hurry. If the woman really was that flippant then she shouldn't have been. As HR is the first interaction with a new employee they should be friendly, helpful, polite, etc. It is likely a result of the exhausting season they have experienced but they should be bigger than that.

2. Wardrobe - See comments above. It isn't a glamorous job but the staff members there should treat the employees as "customers". They are part of the "welcoming committee", if you will, and if you get treated poorly it doesn't help your image of the park..to be sure. And then, how are those employees going to treat guests? We learn from example, no?

3. Housing - I've made my feelings about housing very well known over the past 15 years or so. Treat your employees like crap...be prepared for them to act as you treat them.

4. Training - Again, I think this is likely a product of being trained with the season nearly concluded but the new hire getting training in October should get treated the same as the new hire in April. If they aren't doing that...it is a failure. It isn't easy at that time of year because staff is already so short...but it is important to set the tone for the new staff.

5. Being a Park Sweep - Worst job ever? Ah...no. You are starting to lose credibility now. I know few people who work as park sweeps who don't like it. It is actually a very "freeing" position as you aren't tied down to a ride, show, or restaurant. You have great freedom as a sweep and some of the most guest interaction of any position in the park.

6. Employee Cafeteria - Again, I don't buy this. I was a full time employee and I chose to eat at the employee cafeteria more often than not. My wife and I would meet there to eat and I know many other full timers did the same. More credibility lost.

7. Quit if you don't like it.

8. Slave labor? Spoiled brat. This obviously coming from someone who has never worked in a difficult environment because there are FAR WORSE jobs than working at Cedar Point. How about you come down here to Florida and pick citrus for 10 hours a day and then tell me how bad the Cedar Point job looks?

9. Team Leaders are, by and large, kids too. Can you expect them to make mistakes and have trouble learning how to be good managers? Sure.

10. If you worked for me your attitude is enough to make you a no rehire in my book. Breaking the contract wouldn't make a difference. That said, if you break your contract then you should be a no rehire. A contract is a contract. Welcome to the real world. And, unless the policies have radically changed there is no such thing as a 7 year blacklist for no rehires. I hired "no rehires" many times. There is a way that can be done, requiring hiring managers from both departments to have a conversation, and it isn't unheard of. That said, I still wouldn't rehire you.

Well Sir, I am flattered with some of your responses. But I can say Quitters are for losers that's why I didn't quit. Also for the record I was hired in August 1st and I'm still here. If you must know, someone who works here told me that if you don't have a good reason for breaking your contract, you are put on the No-Rehire list for seven years. Also if you just happen to read Morte65 post he or she said they were terminated in 2005 and was rehired in 2010 (5 years) after sending years of emails and writing letter. By the way have you heard the term "Treat others how you wanted to treated" so your use of the word 'attitude' is a waste to mention.

Well, for the most part I have no idea what you were trying to say MD. But, why in the world would a 7 year "policy" considering No Rehires make any kind of sense? If an 18 year old gets a No Rehire Status, what is the liklihood that he/she would even be interested in going back to work there at 25 years old?

"Treat others as you want to be treated." Nice sentiment. Are you doing that when you claim that all CP managers are "shady" and the Team Leaders are all "teachers pets"?

"Quitters are for losers." I'll just let that linger for a moment.

But seriously, you compain about the job, the food, the pay, the managers, the team leaders, the wardrobe, HR, and the training. With all due respect...what the hell are you doing there still?

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Morté615's avatar

I don't even know why I am responding again, but oh well :)

What I was trying to bring out with my post was that there is no magical 7 year time line where your no rehire gets dropped off suddenly. If you get on the list you need to work at getting pulled off. I have known people that get on the list and get removed the next year, I also know people who are still on the list after 7 years!

If you are professional and mature getting back into the park is usually not that difficult, though it may be time consuming. But just make sure that you understand why you were terminated in the first place and correct said issue.

Morté aka Matt, Ego sum nex
Dragon's Fire Design: http://www.dragonsfiredesign.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mattdrake

I worked at Cedar Point this past summer as a Ride Host for Area 1 (Started in August). During Processing in I had no major problems or seen anything out of line. But I can say that I was a little surprised when I was told to shave a 4 years worth of growing beard off before moving foward (It's all back and better than ever) But anyway...I do find some of what Millennium Dragster posted to be true in fact I used some of those same words to describe certain situations. But lets get to your complaints at hand, First- I feel that the lady at HR shouldn't have said what she said but anyway...Second as for housing I didn't stay in housing, we have property near Sandusky so I stayed there the whole time. Third- If your not fully confortable with your wardrobe just go to Wal-Mart and buy some comfortable all blue uniform pants (as for the shirt, your out of luck!) Fourth- I have been in that situation when I was forgotten in the back room. I wouldn't complaint about it because there was tons of shut downs going throughout the park so I wouldn't get all mad about it...Fifth-working rides is awesome I loved my experience and also enjoyed my Team Leader. Yes, our ride was shut down and yes we had to be park sweeps. (It sucked for me because It was my second day on the job!) but I wouldn't want to be a sweep EVER! Sixth-The food is pretty good in my own opinion, it's break food (Only for like lunch breaks) I wouldn't see myself having a romantic dinner there. It's similar to a High School lunchroom...Deal with it. Seventh- Cedar Point wouldn't be a place that I can keep working at every summer. (Home sick and I want to play more) so yes, If you love Cedar Point I wouldn't advise you to work here (IMO) Eighth- The hours are VERY long but if you do your home work you'll know what you are getting yourself into before applying...Ninth-NO COMMENT...Lastly- All I know is that if you process out without a good reason (as seen in MD post) you are put on the No-Rehire list for some while, but if fired you are only on the No Rehire list for a year and you may come back. But who would want to come back after being fired and quit? There are ALOT of jobs that you can get (Cedar Point is not your only hope) .

Now everybody should have a Cedar-Fantastic Day! and some people need to get their facts straight before posting your something misleading about such a awesome place! I love Cedar Point more than my PS3 :) <---Just a joke.

Last edited by HmmmCoasterPorn,

Frontier Town: 2013-2017

Chief Wahoo said:
Well, for the most part I have no idea what you were trying to say MD. But, why in the world would a 7 year "policy" considering No Rehires make any kind of sense? If an 18 year old gets a No Rehire Status, what is the liklihood that he/she would even be interested in going back to work there at 25 years old?

"Treat others as you want to be treated." Nice sentiment. Are you doing that when you claim that all CP managers are "shady" and the Team Leaders are all "teachers pets"?

"Quitters are for losers." I'll just let that linger for a moment.

But seriously, you compain about the job, the food, the pay, the managers, the team leaders, the wardrobe, HR, and the training. With all due respect...what the hell are you doing there still?

*HIGH FIVE!* But just a reminder, he said don't mind his post :) Anyway...Have a Cedar Fantastic Day and Ride On!

Frontier Town: 2013-2017

^^ Look at the title of this thread! It is also located in the Employee Lounge section. That is why we are posting our rants and experiences while working at Cedar Point. People want to know if it is true If you don't like it, don't continue to read it ;)

And get our facts straight before posting about Cedar Point? We work(ed) there too! So our experiences ARE fact!

Finally, you love working at CP more than you love your PS3...hmmmm sounds like priorities need to be set straight before YOU tell anybody to set something straight.

I understand people venting about their jobs. It is done everywhere. I can also tell you that as a full time manager I knew the employees who were always bitching and I knew the employees who were making the best of their summers. Guess which ones I promoted when given the chance?

Your experiences are not, in fact, fact. They are your perceptions. It is not a fact that all managers are shady nor are all TLs teachers pets. That is somebody's perception. It is not a fact that No Rehires are put on a 7 year blacklist. It is not a fact that the food in the employee breakroom is horrible. I found it to be about on par with the food in the cast member breakrooms at Disney...and that wasn't to shabby.

And yes, this is the Employee Lounge but I would wager to say that potential employees come in here and if all they heard was the bitching and moaning they would not be getting the true sense of what working at the park is all about.

I worked seasonally at Geauga Lake, Disney, Cedar Point and then went full time at Cedar Point...for just about four years or so. Were there difficult days? Yes. Were there difficult people to work for? Yes. But, I can also tell you that those 11 years in the industry set a solid foundation for me as a professional today and, considering I'm doing pretty well, it must have not been all that bad.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

^what he said. Who knows if they've checked this thread (but I'd venture a guess that somebody has at some point) park management and the like can just as easily access this site as we can. Gotta love that line in the contract about not posting things on facebook/twitter/social media sites. In my time there I knew of 2 people who got fired for things that had been posted on the internet (youtube, and a forum) for the one that was just the end of a long list of stuff that had been piling up and then provided video evidence.

that being said, most companies have the same policies. I remember working for lowes and having the same disclaimer that I can't post sensitive info or slander someone across the net just because I got a warning or something.

as far as rehire, in my experience it (and rightly so) depends at least partially on WHY you were terminated. If you punched out snoopy because you had a bad day at work, you can guess that the person who was fired because of no call/no shows will be welcomed back before the violent offender. Severity certainly plays into it.

FF 06, 07
FZ 08, 09, 10
S.T.A. - died with the Fright Zone

Just a thought..
Today I went to work, which is 38 miles away. I take the train, ONLY costs $5 each way. Go to work in the proper uniform. Granted the pants and shoes are my responsibility to purchase and keep without holes. But all laundry is my problem. Work my butt off for a couple hours, then there’s a calm period. Supervisor walks up and tells me I’ve been cut for the day. Off to the train back home, arriving 6 hours later, paid for 2 hours. Since I work downtown, the cheapest meal is around $10 w/ drink. That’s if I eat at work of course! Why do I live so far away from work, it’s called the suburbs. City rent is 200% more expensive.

From reading what people write in this thread, I should walk into my current boss and complain of being treated like a slave! No cheap meals, no housing at all, no free transportation, no uniform reimbursement, no solid schedule (granted I get my 40 over a 7 day period, but cant go over. corporations don't like OT), no medical office.

Why don’t I? Because I’m adult and understand it’s life. Maybe I’m just clueless, but the younger generation seems to think that jobs are like school. Everyone is entitled and the employer should do anything to make the employees happy, so they stay. I guess I'm old school when I thought the idea was to work hard for the employer, to prove you even belong.

2004,2005 Food Services
2006 One Long visit

bholcomb's avatar

You also get to live some place other than Ohio (Sandusky at that). :)

Walt's avatar

Are you going to make me bring up Flint again? :)

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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