"Cedar Point is building for the future!"

I can't "weight" until this new ride comes out
Welcome to internet message boards people. People are not going to spend their time reviewing spelling and grammar before they post because it wont matter in just a few days. Its not like ANY of this is important. So why bother with spell checking?


Well i made another trip to cedarpoint and i noticed a few piles of dirt by Iron Dragon, I rarely ride this ride anymore but i thought i would take a spin on it and could not help but notice these piles and also a construction vehicle of some sort
Where at by Iron Dragon?
Well, I just hope they do something soon because we are starting to talk about spelling and grammar during the summer. I thought school was over? Oh well, whatever it is, lets just hope its fun.

On the spelling and grammar note:

For some reason, when people spell the word "does" wrong it really bugs me and I don't know why. Sometimes it is spelled "dos" and "dose". I know this is a simple mistake but it bugs me for no reason.

I'm going to CP on tuesday so i'll look more closely to see what i can find out

I'm surprised no one has mentioned "there".

THEY'RE going THERE to pick up THEIR stuff. :)

Wicked twists: 7
Danger: Hgih Voltage!

BTW, those of you who think proper spelling and grammar is unecessary, you might try reading the TOS again (if you every really read it in the first place). http://www.guidetothepoint.com/content.aspx?channel=9

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

School may be over for the summer; but in my opinion, we don't learn proper grammar and spelling just for use in school, but rather, to apply it in the real world. Although some of you may believe that the internet is a facade that you can hide behind, the internet is still the real world--real people interact here! Faceless you may be, people still develop perceptions about your online 'persona' and your credibility.

If you really want to contribute to making GTTP (and other sites for that matter) a great online community with intelligent conversation while simultaneously appearing to have a little bit of intelligence, then proper spelling and grammar are a great place to start. No one is expecting you to be perfect; just make an effort.

GTtehP: iT Ro><0Rz j00 130><oRz! ;)

-Dave Kochman

**Now back to the Entertainment...
*** This post was edited by DaveTKoch 6/21/2002 3:02:31 PM ***

Thanks for that OldCPer. Hee Hee. ;)

Ya I cant hardlys weight none eather. Their gonna built this new ride for next year weather or not yous believe it. It is gonna freakin' rock man, your all gonna loose your heads when you see this 425 ft monster. I herd that when the breaks come on at the end its gonna be like 100 - 0 MPH stop in like 2 seconds with there new fangled breaking system to. You woulnt want to be to lose in your seat for a ride like that I think. It is gonna totally beat that millenium magnum force ride rite off the map. It is gonna go in right they're over by them new footers and itll be purpl to.



Jeff's avatar

Rider said:
Welcome to internet message boards people. People are not going to spend their time reviewing spelling and grammar before they post because it wont matter in just a few days. Its not like ANY of this is important. So why bother with spell checking?

Your attitude is precisely the reason we're a nation of illiterate dumbasses. As someone else said, mastery of the language has nothing to do with school. Newspapers and books aren't written in chat shorthand, so why would you write that way on the Internet? And the shorthand isn't even half of it... the fact that someone can make the same mistakes over and over again ("imploye") is nothing short of amazing.

Don't be do damn ignorant. If someone corrects you, learn from it. I've got a freakin' degree in English and I still have a dictionary next to my monitor because I can't spell.

Webmaster/GTTP, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I just got back from CP and I saw the dirt by Iron Dragon, cranes (SP?) by Mean Streak. IDK if the cranes are normal, but they weren't there when we got there. I also have a picture of the signs if anyone wants to see them.

Bravo, Jeff! As an alternative education English teacher, you have no idea how annonying and dumb it makes the kids sound with poor English. We can always learn from each other...


Let your mind go...and your body will follow...

Jeff said:

Your attitude is precisely the reason we're a nation of illiterate dumbasses.

Never before has someone taken a line directly out of my head and typed it - until now! Kudos, Jeff, I couldn't agree more.

On the subject of frequently misused grammar and poor spelling aside from the many already mentioned, one of biggest pet peeves is the word "definitely".

There is no "A" in definitely.

Some others to remember:

Probably (not probly)
Supposedly (not supposebly)

Well I won my 5th grade spelling "B", so take that!

Is that how you spell the letter B? ;)

I was super before Superstew was cool!

millennium people!!!!!

][ 0 \/\/ |\| 5 J 0 0

I use a program called Hot Lingo that works with IE. All you do is right-click in your text box and it spells check for you. It takes no more than a few seconds and isn't that hard...

Back from lurking
New account, same name
KW 2002

The dirt by ID is after the first hill when you swing down to the left and around that way, just before you get onto the 2nd lift.

My point, if any of you read anything. Is that on the internet people are going to want to type out quick messages. They don't want to open up Word every time they write a line. My point WAS NOT that people shouldn't care. They should. But expecting every single word to be as perfect as a college term paper is asking WAY too much.

Sure, that guy should have learned how to spell better (and if it is the person I was standing next to, he REALLY should). It pisses me off just as much as the rest of you to have to translate just like I am in French class again. But to do like some people do and correct every single agian, dose, there, your/you're, etc. etc. is OVERKILL on the internet.

As for the TOS, just another reason why this sub-par message board is so stuck up. And thats not really the word I want to use.

That dirt by the ID was there for a while....since the off season...

- Dennis

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